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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "It would be." She agreed, looking down at the sword. "But it's not possible. May I use it?"
  2. "Can you use it and your bow at the same time?" She asks, bending to pick it up.
  3. "Do we have any more weapons?" She asked, motioning to the knives stuck in her belt and Lucid's bow.
  4. "No... but do we have a choice?"
  5. Ashton follows him. "Are they in there...?" She whispered.
  6. Guys! On Sunday night we stoped when we saw a sign for free kittens! Here are pics!!

    :D :D ❤️ 



    IMG_5304.jpg.310d9c0b67cfb9ecbd9b7123d39c1b23.jpg < The girl kitten! (named snowball but I would have chosen Penelope)

    IMG_5317.jpg.c525e2299d597f3b0c54ce802d46d76c.jpg < The boy kitten! (named silkie but I wanted Nightblood-)

    That's all!

    ~ Stick ❤️ 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Just-A-Stick


      @WhyEverNot_8- Yes! We did!! :D 

    3. WhyEverNot_8



    4. Just-A-Stick


      2 things

      1. The grey and white kitten isn't here anymore... she's in a better place now

      2. the black kitten is actually a female

  7. "Freeze-dried Nico in the closet, anyone?" ~ @Part Of The Narrative "My dog and Flynn Rider have an affair, actually-" ~ @SmilingPanda19
  8. "O-okay." She said, less afraid than before.
  9. "C'mon." She said, trying to smile around her fear.
  10. Guys!!

    I'm reading Les Misérables the Manga Classic!!


    I love it so much-

    1. WhyEverNot_8


      😮 they have a Manga classics version of that?

      I’ve read hamlet, and there’s a few others I want to read.

      Now that’s part of it!

      Thanks for informing me!

    2. Cinnamon


      For a second there I thought that you thought Les MIs was a classic manga story written as a manga and I was like whaaaaaaaaaa

    3. Just-A-Stick


      @Cinnamon-  🤣 yeah fs

      @WhyEverNot_8- yesss read it!!!

  11. She followed him. Laying a finger on the waterpark icon, she traced her finger back to where they were. "Left?"
  12. "Map...?" She pointed to a signboard with a map posted to it.
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