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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "How do we get there?" Ashton whispered, temped to look behind her but not wanting to face the god again.
  2. She grasped it tightly and stood up, following him.
  3. What day will it be when the world ends?
  4. So, yesterday at church, me and a few of my friends snuck into the bathroom to sing, like we usually do (THE ACOUSTICS ARE SO GOOD IN TILE BATHROOMS-) And I recorded it in a VoiceMemo.

    Here you go! 



    ~ Stick ❤️ 

    1. Part Of The Narrative

      Part Of The Narrative

      Flat????!!!! My children?????!!!



    2. WhyEverNot_8


      Dude that sounds awesome!

      The dissonance is making my hair stand on end and it’s awesome!

      I bet this’d sound even better with brass or string accompaniment


      There’s literally a YouTube Channel called “Men’s Bathroom Choir” and they do a whole bunch of stuff like that.

    3. Wierdo



  5. Hey guys!

    my brother got his (brand new first car) car stolen and has started a GoFundMe for it.

    here’s the link if you wanna support him in any way.


    ~ Stick ❤️ 


    1. WhyEverNot_8


      Lemme see if I can convince my parents to let me donate!

      It probably won’t be much, but I hope it’ll make a difference.

    2. Just-A-Stick



      Thanks brother, every bit helps


  6. Things are complicated.

    I’m lost.

    what else is new.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Isochronism

      The Isochronism

      Lost is an interesting word, though definitely one I'm guilty of using often. I've started replacing that word with another one. "Directionless." Lost implies a path -or destination- exists. I'm not sure I feel that. 

      That alone is complicated.

    3. Just-A-Stick



      Sounds about right. 

    4. WhyEverNot_8


      *joins group hug*

  7. “I… okay?” Ashton whispered, wrapping Lucid’s coat around her shoulders.
  8. Ashton dropped her eyes, just in case it wasn't okay to look at a god. @Wierdo
  9. "Who are you?" Jacin growled, crouching slightly into a defensive posture, aligning his fists with his fighting stance.
  10. "Yeah... maybe... but it's scary," Ashton whispered, no longer eating, just pushing her fries around on her plate. Ashton glanced up, fearful. She shrank back closer to Lucid.
  11. "Eww!!! Not the summer camp gayness!!" ~ @Part Of The Narrative
  12. Oh my gosh, guys...


    Do you ever think Spotify is spying on you?!

    Well, I do.

    They randomly played Tattoos by Citizen Soldier for me this afternoon. 

    If you haven't heard this song, it made me cry so many tears.

    Go listen to it.

    Before you read the rest of this.

    I'm about to be a bit... vulnerable, so don't read if you don't care.



    So, some of you might have been able to guess from my writing and some of the things I've posted here, but... I've been struggling with self-harm since September 2023. I'm not asking for pity. I don't need that. Do I know what I need? No. Have I gotten better? Not yet. We're working on it. 

    Now, I know for a fact that I'm not the only one on this website that struggles with this and I know sure as hell I'm not the only one in the world who struggles with this. I want you to know that you aren't alone. I'm willing to share more of my story if you PM me. Or don't. It's okay. 

    My scars, every single one, are apart of my story, and I'm trying not to hide anymore. It's hard. But we're still trying. That's what matters.



    Love you guys.

    ~ Stick 


    1. WhyEverNot_8



      ’S not pity, at least not from me. It’s more of a extreme desire not to let someone else I know cause themselves harm.

      We love you too Stick

  13. Jacin raced after her, reaching the spot where the corpse had been just a few seconds before. He stared at the spot numbly. @The Aspiring Archivist
  14. This is off-topic, but I'm reping this post so you can get to 1k
  15. "Freja!" @Weaver of Lies
  16. Ashton glances at Jenny and Edgar. "What's happening with them?" She whispered, "Something feels... off about the girl. She makes me nervous..." Ashton shivered slightly.
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