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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. *sigh* every time i come back from something, I get tagged here - _ -
  2. @Lunamor Ashton sat quietly next to Lucid, nibbling at her fries with obvious enjoyment.
  3. Thanks for following me!

    (it's SO cool that you're from Australia!! ...Do you have an accent??)  

    1. Scars of Hathsin

      Scars of Hathsin

      I am unaware of other accents really so I dont know. Probably though

  4. "Can we make it in time?" He said, panting from the run.
  5. *likes hugs* ...Ever??? wHy do you wanna know what college I'm planning to go to?? -_^
  6. *inhale*

    Hi people!

    I'm having some... anxiety issues, shall we say?

    Here's why.


    So, camping.


    don't like tent,

    away from home in don't like tent,

    not allowed to have phone so no help if I need it in don't like tent,

    with people who don't accept me and who I've only know for a few months with no phone in don't like tent,

    has to dress up like an 18th century woman in 80 degree weather with people and no phone in don't like tent,

    has to stay for three days in hot clothing and hot weather with people and no phone in don't like tent.

    So... I'm not going to be online until Saturday night ish EST.


    if I'm on before that, my anxiety made me physically sick and it was bad enough that I had to come home early.

    Love you guys...

    ~ Stick ❤️ 

    1. WhyEverNot_8


      *Sends brotherly love*

      Good luck, Stick!

      You’ll do fine!

    2. Wierdo


      GOOD LUCK!!!!!
      YOU GOT THISS!!!
      (Love you!)

    3. shortcake


      good luck, sticky

      I know it might not seem like it, but it will be okay in the end, okay?

      love you ❤

  7. Mmm... I act... strangly IRL *sister hugs back*
  8. *hugs back tighter but without completely crushing*
  9. *hides with @Wierdo and @strmblsd behind @Thaidakar the Ghostblood hiding behind @Immortal Platypus*
  10. "Sorry, just checking." He apologized before letting go of her hand and running after the figure.
  11. "Can you run?" He asked quickly.
  12. Jacin turned quickly. "Should we try to catch up?"
  13. She also blushed slightly but didn't let go of his hand. "Is this ok?" She whispered.
  14. it is NOT!!! the people at my school are bloody mental and terrifying- all of them!!! and yet, I'm somehow the outsider and the scary/creepy/messed up one again. just like grade school.
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