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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. You're my big sister cuz you're older than me (by more than 100 years according to your profile) and my little sister cause... uhhh height difference...?
  2. "Better than okay." He smiled at her, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "Thank you for trusting me."
  3. She grinned, starting to chuckle. "You're smart." She whispered through her laughter.
  4. She smiled at him shyly and took it, standing also. "I'm hungry." She whispered to him.
  5. "Okay." He stood and offered her his hand to help her up.
  6. Ashton shrugged, willing to just do what everyone else was doing for the time-being.
  7. "We do. But... maybe one day, you can take some steps to fix things." He looked at her caringly. "I'm ready if you are."
  8. "I don't think so." He agreed. "It isn't normally very healthy to just... make ourselves forget. We need to work through the hard things, talk about them, heal them, and then go on."
  9. “Is it healthy to forget?” He asked softly, squeezing her hand.
  10. Gosh darn the stupid- @Wierdo- you brought me here!!! I was just innocently spying on your profile and I got drug here!! PAYBACK-
  11. “It’s selfish of me… but… I have been enjoying our time together.” He said very quietly.
  12. I really really hate sunburn.

    and stress.

    and anxiety, now that you mention it…

    and horse slobber on my watch.

    Cinder decided that it was his yummy snack this evening, and tried to eat it. 😂 

    nahh, fr tho, riding was good.

    ima be mad sore tomorrow, but it was worth it :wub:


    ~ Stick ❤️ 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


    3. Just-A-Stick
    4. WhyEverNot_8


      Gorse! :D

      Sunburns and soreness suck, but Stress and Anxiety are worse.

      PMs open, let me know if you need anything.

      *brotherly hugs*

  13. “Alright…” he didn’t move quite yet. “Are you ready?”
  14. “Okay… do you need anything before we go?” He asked
  15. She shook her head. “Haven’t found out yet.” She whispered.
  16. “Yeah. Do you know where we might find her?” He asked. If we have to go look for her then we’ll have to get up… Jacin glanced at her and was once again struck by how beautiful she was. Did I tell her that yet? @Weaver of Lies
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