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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. @Izzi Hello! Welcome! here's some... advice- DON'T TAKE THE COOKIE!!! TRUST ME!! DON'T TAKE THE COOKIE!! SPIKES-
  2. Oh i just wanted to know what bad memories are associated with the name Brayden, but you don't have to share lol And sashimi isn't that good, but in sushi is amazing.
  3. Like what?? -_^ RAW FISH IS GOOD!!! My lil sister: "Just remember, next time you're sad, that sad stands for Secretly A Dinosaur!" @SmilingPanda19 Panda: This water is nasty Me: What makes it nasty? Panda: The fact the it's needed to live.
  4. Jinx was silent, listening to the proceedings with mild interest.
  5. "That... sounds traumatic, to say the least."
  6. Ashton was asleep. (if this doesn't work lmk)
  7. "It's not enough." He said, looking at the floor.
  8. "Failing?" He asked, looking at her.
  9. She smiled at him, taking it and laying down close to him, coat under her head. She shut her eyes.
  10. mhrmhp heya rghit iatw! yro'ue ym mtohre! deso'nt htat mane oyu acn letl em hwta ot od???
  11. Iris also joined the call. "Good morning, Roy! How are you today?"
  12. tahw's hatt? i od plsee mostmies! sujt ton sa fotne sa i hsolud! htne aaign, i ddi tysa pu lilt 1 ma salt ingth! myeba htat sha stomhign ot od iwht ti...
  13. She yawned quietly, propping her head on one fist.
  14. He shook his head. "Because... I'm supposed to be better than this."
  15. She shrugged, looking at the ground.
  16. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I'm sorry." He whispered.
  17. i redaly hvae grmmaerylr! s' tno wroknig!
  18. She twisted her bracelet around her wrist absentmindedly.
  19. He leaned against her slightly but remained silent.
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