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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "Just think!" He sat down, back against the sofa, and put his head in his hands.
  2. "I don't know. Nothing?" He seemed distressed.
  3. He returned about ten minutes later, face flushed and hair even messier.
  4. ist raelly anonying! i cna hadryl unredstnad ym onw tohghuts
  5. "No?!" Jacin shook his head. "Excuse me." He sped-walked from the room.
  6. *yanws* i swera teh worsd aretn' wodring tongight.
  7. "I... I don't know." He sighed, raking both hands through his hair and jerking his head back to stare at the ceiling.
  8. "I have to think of something..." He said, beginning to pace.
  9. "I don't know... I have to think of something." His brow furrowed and he looked down.
  10. What genre of food is your comfort food? @Weaver of Lies
  11. He looked i to her eyes, seeming to get lost for a few moments.
  12. He wanted to hug her. Badly. Jacin restrained himself, smiling instead. "That's really good."
  13. That won't happen. She thought, unsure if the lights could hear her.
  14. "How are you feeling?" He asked quietly, looking down at her softly.
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