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Status Replies posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. goooood morning everyone!!

    i had pie for breakfast :3

    im at my mother's new house :D and i have a cat on my foor right now lol

    how are y'alls?

  2. goooood morning everyone!!

    i had pie for breakfast :3

    im at my mother's new house :D and i have a cat on my foor right now lol

    how are y'alls?

  3. goooood morning everyone!!

    i had pie for breakfast :3

    im at my mother's new house :D and i have a cat on my foor right now lol

    how are y'alls?

  4. goooood morning everyone!!

    i had pie for breakfast :3

    im at my mother's new house :D and i have a cat on my foor right now lol

    how are y'alls?

  5. Hi everyone.

    *sigh* You ever have one of those days? when life sucks?

    Ugg! today is one of those days for me. I don't even know what I'm doing anymore....


  6. Hi everyone.

    *sigh* You ever have one of those days? when life sucks?

    Ugg! today is one of those days for me. I don't even know what I'm doing anymore....


  7. But how much Sanderson have you read?

  8. Okay! I have to go get ready for my party ;) I hope I win the costume contest, however unlikely.


  9. am i the only one who can like, remember what song comes next when it goes in a certain order, like with a cd, after only litening through the whole thing 2 or three times?

    also i feel like non of those words made any sense just now-

  10. am i the only one who can like, remember what song comes next when it goes in a certain order, like with a cd, after only litening through the whole thing 2 or three times?

    also i feel like non of those words made any sense just now-

  11. am i the only one who can like, remember what song comes next when it goes in a certain order, like with a cd, after only litening through the whole thing 2 or three times?

    also i feel like non of those words made any sense just now-

  12. am i the only one who can like, remember what song comes next when it goes in a certain order, like with a cd, after only litening through the whole thing 2 or three times?

    also i feel like non of those words made any sense just now-

  13. am i the only one who can like, remember what song comes next when it goes in a certain order, like with a cd, after only litening through the whole thing 2 or three times?

    also i feel like non of those words made any sense just now-

  14. am i the only one who can like, remember what song comes next when it goes in a certain order, like with a cd, after only litening through the whole thing 2 or three times?

    also i feel like non of those words made any sense just now-

  15. am i the only one who can like, remember what song comes next when it goes in a certain order, like with a cd, after only litening through the whole thing 2 or three times?

    also i feel like non of those words made any sense just now-

  16. To literally everyone I've been talking to:

    Sorry. The Panda is shutting down. She needs sleep. Please try again later.

  17. Okay! I have to go get ready for my party ;) I hope I win the costume contest, however unlikely.


  18. I am pleased to announce that I will be hosting a poetry contest!


    To participate, draft (not an already made one) an original poem, NOT AN AI GENERATED ONE*, and submit it to me in a pm, or in the link to a creator corner below**. 
    These poems will be public. They will be sent out, to be judged.

    How to win:

    The winner will be chosen by a mixture of judges, me, and voting. Who gets to be a judge? The first two people to respond to this status update pinging my name and asking to be judges are the two who will be judges. They will discuss in pm with me.
    The participants and any sharpers may vote for any poem by pm to me, or in the corner** by saying “I vote ‘this’ one”. Each of these public votes count as one. They will be displayed in a vote count list to give participants an idea of who may win. If you vote by pm, you vote won’t be revealed, but will be counted up at the end of the contest. Judge votes count as two. My vote counts as three.


    Today markes the beginning! Send me poems or pm or corner**! 
    On November 26, the submissions end. The winner will be revealed either then or the next day.

    Prize: Glory! Fame! Honor! Rep! But actually this will be decided by participants in the comments blow this post or in the corner**.


    You may only submit one poem, but you may sub it out at any time within the submission period.


    Prose is not poetry, and many modern poetry reflects prose more than poetry. However the rules are very lax on this. Don’t make prose. If it looks poetry ish don’t worry about it. You will be fine. 

    *There is no honor in submitting ai. I won’t be able to tell, and we rely on the honor system. Don’t do it.

    ** The creators corner!


  19. Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, Penguins and Pandas, drum roll please!

    I have decided to be…..


    Somebody please keep these productive juices flowing!

  20. Quote

    I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory; this is where it gets me, on my feet, the enemy ahead of me, if this is the end of me, at least I have a friend with me, weapon in my hand, a command, and my men with me.

    Nice URL!

  21. Hey, this is an odd status update. This is just me kinda venting about something. If you want to read that part, go ahead after this little bit. If you don't, that's fine. I'll put the non-venting bit at the front, then the rest after that.


    Neil Gaiman. Writer. 

    He has an amazing voice. His voice is like opening up one of those movie copies of Lord of the Rings. Not one of those nice ones, not one of those tall ones. No, one of the small paperback ones with Frodo on the cover. His voice is like smelling one of those books, the cheap paper and ink and all... the smell of stories. Now, take that smell and the sound of logs crackling in a fire place... Then you have his voice. And then the way he talks about writing is so loving, so frank, so crystalline, so honest. Without having read one of his books, I think Neil Gaiman is one of my favorite authors merely for all the above. Oh, and because he sued his publisher. And because he looks like a combination of Tony Hale and Lin Manuel Miranda (two fun individuals.)

    Now, last night, after listening to a few interviews with him in it because I love hearing his voice, I looked up an audio book narrated by him. His own book. I listened to the first little bit and had a few thoughts. "Wonderful voice" was one. "Wow, the description is phenomenal." Then "Mmmmm, good characterization." And then, "I wonder what happens next?"

    Then I thought "Why the actual storms am I liking this horror novel that opens with a guy trying to kill a baby?"

    So there's that...

    Anyone have any suggestions for books of his that aren't horror and, preferably, don't have anything inappropriate in them? Such as sex scenes, nudity, inappropriate jokes (that's minor, though. I can live with a few "no, I won't let you look at my spheres, Sadeas" kinda things.), etc. 

    I reeeeaaaaaly wanna read one of his books



    Do y'all ever have things just keep showing up in your mind even though it's been like a year or so since it happened, since it all finished?


    It's just so hard to forget something when it was you who defended someone, you who talked to them, you  who was their biggest ally. 

    And then you find out that everyone was right about that someone and you were dead wrong.

    It's been a good while since all the drama of it faded away. I still remember it crystal clear. That horrifying realization that I was so wrong about her. 

    So storming wrong.

    just ugh.

    That experience did, however, teach me a lot about the fact that you just can't trust everyone. It's good to trust people you've known. It's good to trust friends and family.

    Trusting someone who everyone says has done wrong things, even though they haven't done it in your presence...

    I recommend doing your research a lot more. 

    And, if someone asks you about an ongoing drama, please don't withhold information. Please don't be super cagey about what happened. People need to know about it. Don't just go on and on about the minutiae and little things, get to the point and add on those smaller things after. And don't argue with and bash on the person asking simply because their opinion on the events are different. They don't know the same things.

    Simple as that.

    So many mistakes have been made in regards to the person.

    I regret every one of them.

    I regret ever saying that I was her friend. I regret getting people to help me defend her. I regret it all so much. It three or four other instances have forever made my trust for people online evaporate like water in an oven (this doesn't really apply on here. Y'all have given me reasons to trust y'all and this really is not the same place as the rest of the internet. I trust a lot of you and dearly love you. This community is the most trustworthy area on the internet, I think.).

    Don't accidentally trust pedophile stalkers, it turns out.

    Not a good experience. Not good for your mental health directly after you find out the truth.

    I love y'all on the Shard. This place is so much better than any other online platform I've been on. Please, please, please don't waste the fact that almost every person on here is great, that every single person has a good personality.

    Anyways, I've rambled on for long enough. I gotta go do some school. Cya!

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