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Posts posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. 22 hours ago, Just a Silvereye said:

    I have over five thousand of those.

    Also, there are 27 persons just in this thread who say you make them happy by just existing. You can deny it all you want, you're a really sweet and fun and good person. And we love you, and you deserve it.


    20 hours ago, Pineap-spider said:

    I would like to claim that Stick/Anguished_One makes me happy


    19 hours ago, Through The Living Glass said:



    thank you.

    so much.


  2. On 6/16/2024 at 12:38 PM, Through The Living Glass said:


    You have two people in the same room as you.

    They are both staring at you awkwardly.

    You have a black shoelace and a yellow ballpoint pen.

    There is a white Silkie chicken in one corner of the room.

    It looks slightly angry.

    The room is a perfect square, 10ft x 10ft x 10ft x 10ft.

    The door is bright pink and locked from the outside.

    There are no windows.

    There is no furniture.

    What do you do?

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    Also did you come up with this? It's awesome 😂


    What would I do?

    I'd do this:




    and yes, I did come up with that!

    I just started writing and that's what happened 😆 

  3. 5 hours ago, Pineap-spider said:

    Here’s another limerick. Two pings!

    sometimes it can be really hard to rhyme 

    you really just have to take your time

    I summon @Edema Rue

     her name rhymes with hue

    I think @Anguished_One’s poems are prime

    Oooh thanks!

    4 hours ago, Through The Living Glass said:

    Okie 😉

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    So he came over to my house last night, right?

    We were just hanging out, watching a movie, totally normal, right?

    Then he hands me his phone and is like, "read this."

    So turns out he had been having a conversation with another friend of ours about whether or not he should kiss me. 😂

    So for a while we just kept watching the movie (I don't remember a ton of it tbh), some other stuff happened, yada yada...

    Then on his way out the door at 11 last night, he kissed me. 😄

    He says he would have done it earlier but he was nervous and my younger sister was in the room. 😂




  4. "Why’s Humanity Questionnaire

    1. Are you human?
    a. Yes
    b. No
    2. Are you sure?
    a. Yes
    b. No
    If you answered b. to the first or second question (not both) proceed to the following questions.
    3. Do you have Human DNA?
    a. Yes
    b. No
    c. Yes, but I stole it
    4. Do you smell with your nose?
    a. Yes
    b. No
    c. Yes, but my nose is not on my head
    5. Are you Allergic to anything?
    a. Yes
    b. No
    c. Yes, but that thing does not exist/is a concept
    6. Do you make mistakes?
    a. Yes
    b. No
    c. Yes, but I am not a biological being
    - If you Answered a. to all of the above questions, you are Human
    - If you answered b. to all of the above questions, you are not Human
    - If you answered c. to all of the above questions, you are LIKELY an AI (no guarantees though)"
  5. 3 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

    "Pigs are bacon seeds." - @Spark of Hope

    "EEWWWWWWWWW GEN Z wait I’m gen z too" - @Edema Rue

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    For the record, I feel this, Eddie.

    "Don’t roll high on persuasion or you might get into a relationship." - @Vyzkel Willbender

    "BEHOLD: MY HAND" - @BlueWildRye

    "But I pushed you off a cliff tho" - @Through The Living Glass

    "*eats breadstick*" - @TwinSouls

    "*screaming and children flying in the back round*" - @Anguished_One

    "our best bet is to ready the potato cannons and prepare to fire down on them!" - @RoyalBeeMage

    ...When did I say that!?

  6. 13 hours ago, Edema Rue said:


    I don’t have a ton right now but here’s a lil baby scene from right after Liz left the Academy…I’ll write more of it at some point :D


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    Liz shivered, pressing against the dirty wall of the alley as if it would help keep the rain off her. Not for the first time, thoughts of her room at the Academy filled her mind. While far from comfortable, it had been a roof over her head. She’d give almost anything to have that back.

    She stiffened at the sound of footsteps on mud. Privacy. There was another thing to miss. She shifted further in the shadows, reaching for anything she could use as a weapon. Her hand closed around half a brick as a man tottered into the alley.

    He stank of beer and urine. His eyes were glazed as they glanced around, but they still landed on her. He grinned, and Liz shivered harder. 

    “Hey there, pretty,” he crooned. “All alone, are yeh?”

    “Get back,” Liz growled, trying to sound dangerous instead of terrified. Her voice cracked. 

    “Or what, girl?” The man’s lip curled, revealing about 5 rotted teeth. He stumbled closer, brushing rainwater off his face. His grin widened as Liz squirmed, and he reached out, grabbing her arm. Almost reflexively, she swung with her other arm, which still carried the brick.

    He fell back, dazed. A trickle of blood made its way down his forehead. Liz’s mind seemed to blur. She didn’t remember getting up. She didn’t remember wanting to hurt him. But she remembered swinging again, and again, and again. She remembered the exact moment his eyes went dark. 

    She remembered leaning back in shock and horror.

    She had never killed before.

    That night and the next day continued to blur. She knew that she ran far from their alley. She knew that she threw up more than once, until she had nothing in her stomach and could only heave painfully.

    She remembered sitting against a wall and thinking, Ien would never love a murderer. Then she thought, I don’t have to tell him. Then, I miss him. With a fresh burst of horror, Liz realized that the thought of never seeing him again hurt more than the thought that she had ended a life. 

    She started having dreams. Liz never dreamed at night; her father had once told her it was because she spent so much time dreaming while awake. But now she dreamed every night. She couldn’t call them nightmares. They were much too pleasant for that. She couldn’t always remember them, but the emotion was there. 

    Longing so strong it was almost hunger.

    Control so complete it was nearly intoxicating.

    She saw the man die, again and again and again. Each time was more brutal. Each time it became less of a reaction and more of a choice, until she started to attack him before he even grabbed her.

    Several times, she woke calling Ien’s name.

    Liz wasn’t sure when she decided that she was going to kill again. Between one night and the next, she knew. She’d done it once, and now she needed more. So she took it.

    She wasn’t particularly strong or fast, and her “skill” with blades was laughable. But by the stars, she was clever. She chose her victims. She chose the time and place. None of it should have worked. But it did, and each kill left her a little more sickened, and a little more hungry. 

    It was an unholy hour of the morning when they found her. Liz was huddled under a tattered blanket on an inconsequential roof. The streets, she was learning, were a dangerous place. She didn’t hear footsteps. She didn’t see anyone coming towards her.

    She did, however, feel the blow that knocked her unconscious.



    I'm excited for more!!!

  7. 15 hours ago, Pineap-spider said:

    Your name was the only one I could come up with that rhymed 


    15 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

    Wait, how'd I get on that list?

    Uhhh... we're shardbuddies...?

    13 hours ago, Through The Living Glass said:

    *chain chomp noises*


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    guess who just had her first kiss 

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    4 hours ago, BlueWildRye said:


    3 hours ago, Ancient Elantrian said:



    BEEN A WHILE!!!!!

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