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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. hey peoples

    i'm in Delaware. 

    that's cool ig

    my hands are shaking for no reason

    I'm with children

    who decided to trust me with their offspring I have no idea

    but I'm with children


  2. Iris also hung up, returning to her pile of paperwork.
  3. "Are you okay?" He asked, not stoping his hands.
  4. ooooop- time limit- g'night you hoomans if I come back to my child sacrificed, war will be the least of your worries.
  5. Just wanted to say, posted more in my art thread!

    3 poems I'm very proud of.

    It's linked in my about me

    Thank you all for being so supportive ❤️

    ~ Stick ❤️ 

    1. WhyEverNot_8


      You’re very welcome!

      I liked the poems, very pretty :)

  6. Jinx tapped the side of her head with two fingers. "P-parent-ts d-died. C-caret-taker s-said I-i d-don't w-work r-right u-up h-here." She said simply.
  7. @Thaidakar the Ghostblood if i DONT disown my child, then what happens to me??
  8. "Shhhh... that's it..." He whispered, a small smile tugging up one corner of his mouth.
  9. *hugs more of muches huggzies* I'm sorry you do 'tis not fun
  10. *GASP* @Thaidakar the Ghostblood!!!! WHAT IF MY ADOPTED CHILD IS A GINGER!?!?!?!?
  11. *GASP* (That's actually really cool but i'm feeling dramatic-)
  12. *accepts and also hugs* ...it was a long bus ride... new school... people-humans.
  13. what do you mean fits with your hair? (red is awsome)
  14. *sigh* Fiiiiiiiine just for you, child I will eat a food. what's your favorite color?
  15. "Let me know if I need to stop." He whispered. Jacin moved his hands to her shoulders, kneading at her stiff muscles gently.
  16. Awww *melts smol bit* *hugs child* You're important to me too (platonically )
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