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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "I just wanted to rub your shoulders for a little bit. You don't have to say yes." He said, trying to be comforting.
  2. "Can I help you relax your muscles a little bit?" He whispered hesitantly.
  3. "I- I'm sorry." He said, unsure of what exactly he was apologizing for.
  4. hmmmm how big are you? xD D'you have enough... stored nutrients to survive without food?
  5. What have you eaten today so far?
  6. "I'll still be here, even if you're asleep. I will protect you." He whispered, looking down into her eyes.
  7. One last quote from Veil "Guess I should probably stop talking before my efforts to make you believe I love you and you’re an amazing person backfire and give you more ammunition for your collection of plastic bullets that you think are metal “ ~ @Part Of The Narrative AAAANNND Chaotic bus ride. Quotes. Spoiler for potential racism (sorry but they're teenage guys-) and implied sexual humor.
  8. "I think you should sleep." He whispered, "And I don't see how me talking is helping."
  9. "Okay." He said. "What should I talk about?"
  10. "J-jinx-x T-thatcher." She said, looking up at her.
  11. Google was WrOnG Ooooh tacos are amazing *casually has walked over 5 miles today and hasn't really eaten anything but 1/2 a teeny sandwich*
  12. *hugs family back* *almost squooshes to death* *definitely needs more hugs* *tired* *Depression*
  13. "No, it's okay. You don't have to apologize. I'll just keep asking and that's okay." He smiled at her comfortingly. "Are you tired enough that I should shut up and let you sleep now?" @Weaver of Lies
  14. "Okay... you seemed scared when I... touched you? Does that still scare you? Should I keep asking first?"
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