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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "What will hurt you? Is it just physical pain?" He asked gently. "I need to make sure I get this... right."
  2. "Okay... is there anything that will definitely put you on edge so I can know for future reference?"
  3. *gasp* mY cHiLd!!! i ThOuGhT i TaUgHt YoU bEtTeR tHaN tHiS!!! It's Birch tree!!!! Birch!!! That's how you spell it!!! "About Description A birch is a thin-leaved deciduous hardwood tree of the genus Betula, in the family Betulaceae, which also includes alders, hazels, and hornbeams. It is closely related to the beech-oak family Fagaceae. The genus Betula contains 30 to 60 known taxa of which 11 are on the IUCN 2011 Red List of Threatened Species. Wikipedia" SEE?! BIRCH! what's your favorite food?
  4. "What if I accidentally scare you again?" He whispered, worry tinging his voice slightly.
  5. "Freja..." He whispered hesitantly.
  6. "Good." He sighed with contentment, enjoying the feeling of closeness to her.
  7. Sorry for the double post. Poem! (because you do apparently have to suffer to write.) @Edema Rue had something really profound to add to this. Eddie, dear, will you kindly repeat what you sent me?
  8. *inhales*

    I'm a bit better...

    I went oUtsIdE!!

    and I made a flower bouquet..

    and a poem!

    Poem will be in writing thread (linked in about me :) )

    and flower pictures are here!




    There's something pretty to brighten your time :) 

    Love y'all

    thanks for stayin' with me in the hard times.

    It means so much.

    ~ Stick ❤️ 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Just-A-Stick


      *hugs back*

      Thank you <33

    3. Kajsa



      we love you stickie ❤️ 

    4. Wierdo


      Yeah yeah i'm late i get it

  9. "Of course. Are you comfortable enough?" He whispered.
  10. "Good." He couldn't help grinning back, a tiny dimple appearing on his left cheek. He tightened his arm around her slightly. "Can I do anything for you to help you sleep?" He whispered.
  11. He smiled at her, reaching his arm around and pulling a blanket over her lap and his, being careful not to touch her. "Can I do anything for you? Am I okay with how I'm touching you?" He asked sincerely, looking down at her.
  12. "Shhh... okay. I can stay here with you. Can I get us a blanket at least?" He soothed, looking down at her gently.
  13. "Can you walk back to your room by yourself?" He said, not moving his arm yet. "I can help you- but only if you want."
  14. song lyrics running through my head...


    I'm not ready to let you go, so


    Just give me one more night
    Hold me like you're still mine
    Oh, love me for right now
    Before you leave me
    I know it's gonna hurt
    Watching your footsteps turn
    So, love me for right now
    Before you leave me


    I'm so used to getting damaged
    And you know I hate this part
    So, I gotta take advantage
    Of a fully-broken heart
    Won't you stay a little longer
    Even if it's all pretend?
    And maybe by the mornin'
    I'll be ready for the end

    Oh, oh
    Oh, love me for right now
    Before you leave me
    Oh, oh
    Oh, love me for right now


    Whoa-oh, got one foot out the door
    Whoa-oh, 'cause you don't need me anymore (oh-oh-oh)
    Whoa-oh, got one foot out the door
    Whoa-oh, 'cause you don't need me anymore
    You don't need me anymore
    You don't need me anymore


    ~ before you leave me by alex warren

    so fun...


  15. "Shh... it's okay. It's okay..." He said gently, his arm still around her. "I just wanted to ask if you'd like to go to bed. It's getting late. Anna already went to bed while you were asleep."
  16. oh...

    i guess i won the day

    thx guys

    luv u all

    ~ stick


    we love it when people complain that we aren't as "chipper as you normally are"


    wonder why that is



  17. Jinx nodded, sitting down on the floor with her bowl.
  18. Jacin blinked the sleep from his eyes, shifting his weight slightly. It was getting late. "Freja..." He whispered, afraid of scaring her.
  19. "Okay..." She made a note. "Anything you think I should know?"
  20. "Of course." He whispered, holding her as she slept.
  21. He gently put his arm around her shoulders, resting it there. "Is that okay?" He whispered to her.
  22. "Can I put my arm around you?" He whispered.
  23. "Sitting here?" He whispered.
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