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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "Aright. We can just sit then... unless you'd like to get some rest." He let her lean against him but didn't move to touch her anymore.
  2. "Can I do anything for you?" He said gently, not moving. "Are you cold?"
  3. "Shhh..." He said softly, letting his hand limp. "It's okay. You can let go. I didn't mean to scare you."
  4. "How are you doing?" He asked, taking her hand gently in his, hoping he didn't overstep.
  5. "Alright." He stood up slowly and sat next to her, being careful not to touch her. "How's that?"
  6. "Are you sure?" He asked quietly. "You don't have to do this."
  7. As far as our weak human brains can go, at least. I think, at some point, we just have to accept that there are things we can't imagine pr wrap our brains around. That's where faith and trust come in. There's my unsensible 2 cents
  8. "O-oh... o-okay." She ate her ice cream slowly, getting it on her face, but enjoying it all the same.
  9. "Nothing productive comes from waiting" ~ @Shardwatcher01
  10. I been writing a lot.

    Lot to process.

    Thx to those who read and care.



    I don’t know what happened.
    I don’t know what
    I did wrong.
    I don’t know how
    To make it better.
    What did I do wrong?
    I know it’s my fault.
    It normally is.
    But I just wish…
    I wish I could make it right,
    Fix things,
    Go back to normal.
    I wish I knew what
    I did wrong.
    I’m so confused.
    My brain runs is circles,
    Chasing its tail.
    What did I do?
    Can I fix it?
    How do I fix it
    If I don’t know what
    If I don’t know what
    I did to deserve this.
    Round and
    Over and
    Buzzing thoughts.
    Painful thoughts.
    Beating against the
    Inside of my
    This is my
    For what I did wrong,
    I suppose.
    If its my punishment,
    Then I deserve it.
    It was, after all,
    My fault.
    It’s painful.
    It cuts.
    But I do deserve the pain.
    Such is the
    Price of
    ~ Stick 4-23-24

    ~ Stick

    1. Wierdo
    2. shortcake
    3. Block


      here’s a frog for you:


  11. "Thank you." He said with a cautious smile.
  12. "W-what's a b-brain f-freeze?" She asked, taking a bite.
  13. He blinked, looking up. "You... you don't have to say that."
  14. Poem.




    It hurts.
    I feel like my heart
    Was torn out of my chest.
    Was twisted and squeezed,
    Bruised and cut.
    It wasn’t returned to me either.
    I think I’m dying.
    I didn’t know anything
    Could hurt this bad.
    The tears, as many as there are
    Are still inadequate to
    Capture this anguish.
    It hurts.
    It’s like no other pain
    I’ve ever felt.
    I can’t move under the weight
    Of my sorrow.
    I can’t breathe.
    Do I even want to?
    I can do nothing
    But lie here
    In the dark,
    Staring up at my ceiling,
    Sobbing the battered
    Remains of my
    Heart out.
    I’m dying.
    I can feel the life
    Ebbing away from my
    Cold, shaking body.
    The breath in my lungs
    Rattles back and forth.
    I am dying.
    I can’t survive this.
    It hurts to much.
    Can’t anymore.
    ~ Stick 4-22-24

    last night was rough.

    ~ Stick

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WhyEverNot_8


      Let us know if you need anything

      And I mean anything

      (Unless it’s illegal or breaks Shard rules)

    3. Wierdo


      (What Ever said)

    4. Just-A-Stick


      @shortcake- Yes, you may call me that. Thank you...

      @WhyEverNot_8- I'll... try.

      @Wierdo- <33

  15. Arts! Ta-da! and while I'm here, Writes! ~ Stick
  16. He didn't see as he was still eyeing the floor.
  17. "Y-es p-please!" Jinx said, holding out her spoon for more.
  18. "You seemed the most urgent... and besides... I like you." He blushed slightly and looked down at his hands.
  19. I have no idea! Kinda have a lot on my plate with life atm
  20. "Be prepared with what you would like to talk about, but other than that, I don't think so. Any diagnoses or previous traumas or medical history would be nice."
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