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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. He rubbed his brow in thought. "Because you're a person and people deserve to be helped." He said simply, looking up at her.
  2. "Yes. Because, somewhere out there, there's a child like me, watching their loved one die and unable to stop it. I need to help those people... so that they don't end up like me."
  3. "Okay, I can do that." He whispered, giving her a gentle smile. "Just keep breathing." With that, Jacin started his tale. "I suppose I had a normal enough childhood... I had a younger sister... she died when I was younger." He swallowed hard, looking down. "There... wasn't a competent enough doctor to save her. So I became what I couldn't have as a child."
  4. "Remember the scene where Kaladin holds back the wind? Well replace Kaladin with you and the child with your friends that’s basically what you do for us, or for me at least. Your friendly nature eats away at the pain, destroying it." ~ @WhyEverNot_8
  5. "Okay, and it's perfectly alright if you don't know. What should I talk about?" He kept his tone gentle and kind.
  6. "Okay. Is talking helping?"
  7. "T-thank y-ou." Jinx said shyly, accepting the spoon. She put it in her mouth, surprised at the coldness. A grin slowly spread over her face, making her eyes squinch until they were barely visible. "S-so s-sweet." She whispered, savoring the flavor.
  8. "Okay." He paused for a moment. "Do you need to be alone right now?" He asked quietly.
  9. "O-okay, w-we c-can t-try i-it t-then." She gave Ash a nervous smile.
  10. "D-does t-teleport-ting h-hurt?" She asked in a small voice, taking Ash's hand and holding it tightly.
  11. Back to back SUs, read the previous poem to understand this.


    And as the last brick in the wall that is your secure and safe life falls and breaks, you are left, sick and alone, hardly able to even focus your eyes, wondering what you did wrong.


    People are like fine pottery. You hold them close, trying to protect them. But the tighter you hold them, the sooner they shatter and you are left with nothing but the broken pieces of what once was beautiful.


    You knew this was coming, didn’t you? You told them… you said what you thought was coming, and they denied it. Again and again, they denied it, until, maybe you started to believe them. But, here you are, grasping the sharp edges, even as they cut you, saying to yourself; “We were right all along. We know it would happen. It’s only ever a matter of time.”


    The distance is great. You sit next to them, but feel miles apart. You make eye contact and wonder who they really are… or were. It’s all so complicated. You don’t know the next step. Is there even one? Any way to fix your broken pottery? Will the cracks show when it’s fixed? You don’t know if anything will ever be the same again.


    “We just need space.” You and them need space. That’s what they said. That’s what needs to happen now. You don’t know if you can even speak up anymore. Is there a point if their decision is made? You don’t know what will come of all this. You feel lost and broken, bleeding and hurt. Is there a way out?


    We recognize this place… the place where it all started. We went home from this place and tried to stop breathing. We know exactly where we sat, exactly what happened before… and after. We hid under all those suffocating blankets and tried to leave, to no avail. We couldn’t. They… they saved us. Was it really so long ago? We were so close, so… but not anymore. Something happened… we still don’t understand what. We don’t understand how. Or why. But it happened. There is no return now.


    You really messed up. You wrote them a poem, trying to tell them, explain what you feel. Felt? It backfired. The poem was exactly the wrong thing at the wrong time. You messed it up and now you’re paying for it. Are they really that far away? What’s happening? You’re so confused. What did you do wrong? You were too clingy. You held on too tight. And so they broke. They had such sharp edges… they cut you. They hurt you. You’re going to have scars now. They might never heal. You’re marked now because you chose to trust. Chose to try. Now look where you are. And you deserve every bit of the pain.




    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      *hugs* I love you so much Sticky. And I know that doesn’t make it any better, and I know that no matter how many words I try to give you, no matter how eloquent they may be, they can’t possibly make you understand all that I feel. They can’t make it all right, and they can’t make you believe it’ll be all right. In the heat of emotion there is no way to create any sort of peace. So…I won’t say it’ll be ok. And I won’t diminish your pain by trying to say I’ve been there, except to acknowledge that I know there are no words for the pain. But I love you, and if you ever want anything, I’m here, even if I’m not the best at talking or helping or any of it <33

    2. Just-A-Stick
  12. *sighs*


    I think I'm dying.

    Here's a poem.


    In My Arms

    Hold you close,
    Hold you tight,
    Cradle you
    Against my shoulder.
    I love you.
    I hope
    You know that.
    I try to show my love
    In this way.
    I think you appreciate it.
    I hope you love it
    As much as I
    I lay my head
    Against yours,
    Sync my breathing
    With yours,
    Try to make
    The feeling last.
    The end of it,
    Is inevitable.
    I’m waving.
    I’m hugging.
    I’m saying
    While on the inside,
    It feels so much
    More final
    Then a simple
    The tears start,
    After a while.
    I don’t try and stop them.
    They, like my goodbye,
    Are inevitable.
    Unable to be
    The tears fall and I find myself
    Holding on to the “bye, Ahna.”
    Grasping the “I love you.”
    To my heart.
    At times, I reach out my
    Wishing your palm was against
    Wishing you
    Were in my arms
    Right then.
    Counting down the
    Days until,
    I might just
    Get to hold you
    “I miss you.”
    The words so often
    Fall from my lips,
    Echoing the plea in
    My heart.
    I try to stop the words,
    I don’t want to be
    More clingy than
    I already am.
    Other times,
    I can’t keep them in.
    I hear them back.
    “I miss you too.”
    My heart doesn’t want
    To accept your words.
    I don’t think I deserve
    To be missed.
    I am, after all,
    Only me.
    It’s just me,
    Here like I usually
    Waiting like normal.
    Is this wrong?
    Am I doing something
    Is something
    With me?
    Sometimes, the confusion
    Sets in.
    The fear,
    The hopelessness.
    I realize just how
    Against the world
    I really am.
    I wish I could
    Keep you close.
    I wish I could fix things
    For everyone.
    For you.
    I want to fix it
    For you.
    My friend.
    I just wish I could
    Keep things the way
    That feels
    That feels safe.
    My dear friend…
    I love you.
    I can’t wait
    To hold you
    ~ Stick 4-21-24

    Another SU coming soon.

    You have to read this one to understand the next one though.

    ~ Stick ❤️ 

    1. WhyEverNot_8



      Hope everything gets better

      let me know if you need anything

    2. shortcake
  13. "Okay, I'll add you to the schedule."
  14. OhMyGosh- @Block! You could have DiEd!!!
  15. One of the nice things about being invisible is that you can sneak more screen time while people forget you're there!

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      *hugs once or twice*

  16. "You don't have to believe me." He said, looking up at her earnestly. "But I hope one day you will." @Weaver of Lies
  17. "I won't. I would never." He assured her.
  18. "Can I do anything else?" He whispered.
  19. "Thank you... a little better?" He said.
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