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Posts posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. On 6/11/2024 at 12:01 AM, Scars of Hathsin said:

    I need to be here. Your drawing and art, and writing, are so cool, and I just get the vibes that you are a really nice person



    22 hours ago, BlueWildRye said:

    Since it's been a little over a week since the last reply on this thread, I would like to remind everybody again that Stick is the best!


    19 hours ago, Through The Living Glass said:


      Reveal hidden contents




    you guys are so sweet


  2. 2 minutes ago, Wierdo said:

    "Okay" he takes his arms off of her, smiling as she still had his coat before walking slowly to where the scream came from

    She stays close to him, chewing on one fingernail and seeming distracted. She liked being in his coat though, it was comfortable. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Wierdo said:

    "oh.. I'll try and keep you safe from them." he does a full hug-

    She half hides in his arms, trying to recover her composure. "Thank you... should we go see what happened?" 

  4. 6 hours ago, Wierdo said:

    He flinches, looking around. He was clearly not paying attention. "What happened-?"


    31 minutes ago, Wierdo said:

    "Mmm, how did he though-" He looks at Ashton and gives her a lil hug- a half hug.

    Ashton shook her head, shuddering. "Hate screams..." She muttered, letting Lucid hug her. 

  5. 7 hours ago, Pineap-spider said:

    Ooh! Just remembered a poem format! Everyone has done this is on already though…

    couplets can be super fun

    now I summon @Anguished_One!

    But like... why mE?

    : @Silver Phantom, @The Sibling, @SmilingPanda19, @Edema Rue, @Aeoryi, @shortcake, @InfiniteInsanity, @Thaidakar the Ghostblood, @Ancient Elantrian, @Canada Lover, @The Wandering Wizard, @Lotus Blossom, @Labyrinth,(R.I.P)  @Part Of The Narrative, @Ati16, @Roosif(Until we meet again), @The Aspiring Archivist @Weaver of Lights, @Kajsa  @The Halcyon Girl, @Immortal Platypus, @Little j@Wit is the best, @Shardwatcher01, @Faerie Braids, @Pineap-spider @The Bookwyrm, @Mat, @strmblsd@WhyEverNot_8, @Through The Living Glass, @Block, @Wierdo, @strmblsd, @Vyzkel Willbender

    *copy+pastes sharbuddie list from about me*

  6. 11 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

    "imidiatly. please do not worry about my mental health for the time being. i know you are extremely busy."

    "Okay, thank you. Next week at this time for your next appointment?" 

  7. 16 hours ago, BlueWildRye said:

    Before all is said and done,

    Who will now lose? @Anguished_One!

    my poems are more emotional than your simple rhymes

    so there

    14 hours ago, Vyzkel Willbender said:

    Yes, I highly encourage it.

    THERE IS A DEFINITIVE WAY TO COOK YOUR CHICKEN, if you do not cook to near perfection I will personally call Gordon Ramsey and he will turn you into an idiot sandwich.

    how is this way?

  8. 1 hour ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

    “I’m sadistic at the least. Looking over my actions how could I be any thing but it?”

    "I don't think any of that is relevant right now." Iris glanced at the small clock on the wall. "I'm afraid our session is almost over... will you be safe and okay until our next visit?"

  9. 15 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

    You have two people in the same room as you.

    They are both staring at you awkwardly.

    You have a black shoelace and a yellow ballpoint pen.

    There is a white Silkie chicken in one corner of the room.

    It looks slightly angry.

    The room is a perfect square, 10ft x 10ft x 10ft x 10ft.

    The door is bright pink and locked from the outside.

    There are no windows.

    There is no furniture.

    What do you do?

      Reveal hidden contents

    *coughs* @Anguished_One I stole your identity


    I have no identity.

    Congratulations, you now have no idea who you are or where you're going.

  10. 21 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

    "i feel like i did the wrong thing yet I still feel a twisted sense of pleasure from what I have done. am I a monster?"

    Her brow creased in thought. "Hmm... Monster is a strong word, my friend." 

  11. 2 hours ago, Edema Rue said:


    guys I had so much fun writing this, please please please read it and let me know what you think!! 

    Isn’t it beautiful?

      Reveal hidden contents


    There is such a strange beauty in fury. I’ve always seen it, but it was the way one sees royalty; from a distance, in a carriage, something to be admired and avoided with equal care. But there is something different about it now. Is it dangerous to want it, my friend? I hope it isn’t. Rage is what I have left, after all…it is my power and my solace, my god and my lover and…well. It’s nearly stolen the title of my dearest friend from you.

    When last you wrote, you said you thought you might be insane. You concluded that it didn’t matter, and I must agree. There are days, late at night, when I can’t help but laugh. I sit in the darkness and it bubbles up from inside me and explodes out into the world. It is raw emotion that cannot be contained and it is beautiful. It is the sort of beauty that I can’t quite put into these words, but I don’t need to, do I? You know the sort. 

    I am so very angry, darling, and the thought makes me laugh. They have no idea what’s coming. And my plans are weaving together so wonderfully…

    Isn’t it a beautiful world, my friend?


    I know you see it.

    When last I saw you, I watched you kill a man. You control yourself so carefully, now, but your eyes are as alive as they ever were, at least to me. And do you know what I saw in them?

    I saw delight.

    I saw my laughter, echoed in the shine you can’t quite hide.

    Because you saw beauty.

    What a world we are making, my friend! We may be little more than mortals, but we live as gods, and this world is our clay, our canvas, our parchment. 

    You may not hear from me for several weeks, perhaps longer. But do us both a favor and keep from worrying. 

    I’ll be busy shaping the untold future.



    Liz’s gaze rose from the parchment, up to the gaudy curtains and rich chandelier above her. She grinned, a dangerously open expression that was far from wise. Oh, Si…Her friend had allowed her emotions to best her logic. She was changing the world, sure enough, but it was not according to design or pattern. 

    The pair of them had danced along the razor edge between insanity and genius for years, and it was a pity that Si had succumbed. Liz tsked softly, mentally noting that she’d need to ask Death to speak with Rage. Si needed to be kept in check for a little longer…Liz made another mental note. Ien wasn’t ready to rule, but he never would be. She’d move the plan forward. It was quicker than she liked, but a necessity. The bet could not climax if Si was lost in her own mind, and Liz needed a climax. Because Si was right. She did see how beautiful the world was. She felt the laughter inside of her, and she let it flow freely, because it was beautiful.

    I saw delight.

    Yes, Liz was delighted. But it hadn’t overcome her, and it wouldn’t, not as long as she lived. Because this life, this bet, this climax, it would not end her story. There was a world of gods just outside her reach, and so she’d keep her wits about her for the day she joined them. 

    Standing, Liz made her way to the door. She hesitated for only a moment before opening it. The pair of assassins outside straightened upon seeing her, and she nodded to them, continuing through the corridor, then down, down, down. The thick carpets became marble became worked stone became gravel. It was dark in the dungeons, not that Liz minded. She almost felt safer here than in the king’s chambers. Certainly the assassins did, as several of them were lounging about like cats in the sun. 

    “Fetch him,” she said to one of them. She didn’t need to clarify who. “Take him to our usual room.” The assassin saluted sharply, then faded into the shadows as she rushed to obey her Empress. Liz moved down much more slowly, so that by the time she reached Mari’s cell, Ien and the assassin were gone. 

    Mari glared at her. “I thought you were above gloating?”

    Liz raised an eyebrow. “That was petty.” The girl’s lips pressed together tightly, and she said nothing, so Liz shrugged languidly. “I’m not gloating. If you must know, I came to tell you a story.”

    Mari’s anger came so quickly she choked. “A story. You want to sit here and spin tales as if you aren’t going to beat Ien within an inch of his life, then send him back and expect me to heal him.”

    Liz let her gaze harden. “Iendenn Marsvall is the reason for what I’ve become. Everything happening outside these walls is his fault.”

    “That isn’t true,” Mari growled, “and you’re too smart to pretend that it is.”

    Liz watched her, allowing her eyelids to grow heavy and condescending. The little mouse is growing claws…good. Perhaps this timing will work well enough after all. “You bore me. So hush now, little Mouse, and listen.” Mari inhaled sharply as her jaw was forced shut. If she cared to, Liz could have empathized with her: the feeling of your own body betraying you was far from pleasant.

    “Once upon a time,” Liz began, “there was a girl who dreamed. She dreamed herself a whole life beyond her home, and she went after it with a dangerous lust. She learned, and as she learned her world grew. She fell in love, and then the only part of the world that mattered was her piece of it. She was potential incarnate, and she was surrounded by friends and blinded by love.

    “But, as always happens in stories, it could not last. The father of her lover found her and made her hurt. He didn’t kill her, because that would have been a waste. He forged her into the weapon he needed her to be…and so her dreams started to change. She dreamed of revenge.

    “Now her lover is breaking, her dearest friend is insane, and she rules the world.” Liz laughed softly, allowing Mari’s mouth to open. “I know Ien has told you my story, girl. It is not one with a happy ending, not for any of the players. And you, little Mouse, have become one of them.”

    She rather enjoyed watching the color drain from Mari’s face. And though it once would have sickened her, she enjoyed what came next, too.


    Ien wasn’t sure what was going on. An assassin had taken him from his cell and taken him to the room where Liz would…entertain herself. But she hadn’t come, and after over an hour the assassin had returned. This was new. It was dangerous. 

    They rounded a corner and Ien froze. There, at the end of the line of cells, something dark and sticky was trickling out into the corridor.

    That was Mari’s cell.

    [chapter break]

    He didn’t recognize the primal gasp that left his throat. He didn’t remember running, only that all at once he was outside her cell, staring at where she lay in a puddle of her own blood. So much of it. Too much of it. But she was breathing, if just barely. Ien was numb as the assassin forced him into his own cell, locking the door and stalking away. 

    “M-Mari?” He choked. Her eyes fluttered open, but they were unfocused and glazed. “No,” he breathed, and suddenly that was the only word in his mind. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. He would not let her die. He wouldn’t let the girl he loved be broken. Not again. He would not be powerless to save her. Not again.

    She would not die.

    Ien let out a roar, and something inside him clicked into place. Light exploded out from him, stretching towards Mari. It was blinding. For one short moment, there was only light.

    Then it faded. 

    But Mari sat up, looking as confused as Ien felt. Ien felt his hands shaking, felt sweat dripping down his neck. He took a long breath. Then another. What was that?

    “Ien?” Mari said. Shaking, she stood and crossed to the bars that separated them. 

    He reached through and clasped her hand. “You’re okay?”

    “Y-yeah. No. But yeah.” She cocked her head at him. “What did you do?”

    Ien shook his head. “I don’t know,” he murmured, pulling her arm through the bars and pressing his lips to her fingers, as if to remind himself that she was here, that she was okay, that the blood covering everything was no longer coming from her. “You’re sure you’re okay?”

    Mari shrugged, squeezing his hand. “I don’t know why I thought I was immune to her.” She shrugged again, her shoulders pulled forward, as if she was trying to fold in on herself. “I’m scared, Ien. It hurt so terribly. I thought I was going to die.”

    Ien leaned forward, pressing his forehead to hers in the space between the bars. “I won’t let her,” he growled. “I promise, Mari. I’ll protect you. And we’ll make it out of here, and fix everything she’s broken.

    “I promise.”



    Hey Eddie?


    CAN I HAVE MORE?!?! CAN WE????






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