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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. Yeah...

    That moment when you stumble into someone else's writing 

    And are returned to the crying wreck

    You were





    April 18 - A day for tears. 

    1. Kajsa


      I feel you stickie

      I need a good long cry right now

      trying to write a poem

      can't find the words

      love you girlie if you ever need to talk hmu ❤️

    2. Just-A-Stick


      *hugs tightly*

      Yes ma'am, love you too ❤️ 

  2. "I just... I tried so hard-" He broke off, trying to sob quietly so as not to wake Anna in the kitchen.
  3. "T-terminal illness... there isn't anything I can do." He whispered, half sobbing as he leaned against her too. "Why can't I save them..."
  4. Jacin nodded, moved into the other room, and sat down, head in his hands on the sofa. "You see..." He gulped and started again. "Anna... doesn't have very much time left." His voice broke as he tried to compose his anguish.
  5. *points out that I don't like cheese and that I'm reading warbreaker happily in my corner before being flung back to the other thread*
  6. "I just..." He whispered hoarsely, "She..." He glanced back at her as she started stirring again. "Let's go into the other room, can we?"
  7. Y'all mind if I post a school writing assignment? No? Cool! We had to do a "photo story" We were handed a sheet of paper with 5 photos on it and had to choose one as the theme of the story! I'll post the story and at the bottom will be the picture I chose! Enjoy! So there you go! Today we had to grade our own stories and I gave myself 15/33. Here's the picture That's all, thanks for reading! ~ Stick
  8. "Yeah..." His eyes saddened and he looked down. " She is very kind." He swallowed the lump forming in his throat.
  9. *eyes breadstick* *side eyes you* Uhhh... yes because I'm eating lasagna and breadstick goes with it...?
  10. *prepares to whack with breadstick* DO YOU HAVE A COPY OF WARBREAKER I CAN READ WHILE I'M THERE?!
  11. *huffs* #1. I'm a she, thanks #2. good luck trying to carry me, my good fellow. 3#. @Thaidakar the Ghostblood- what if I have shardbuddies that are ginger!?!?!? #4. @Block you aren't yet my shardbuddie and i'd love to add you to the list!
  12. "That's good to hear, have you and Anna been getting along?"
  13. Just then, Jacin walked into the kitchen, smiling brightly. "Hello Freja, how was your bath?" He walked over and unfolded a small blanket, tucking it around Anna's shoulders and kissing the top of her head gently. Anna stirred but didn't wake up.
  14. Anna drifted off to sleep and began snoring gently.
  15. Anna didn't move either, nor did she go back to looking young.
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