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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. Happy Birthday!!!!


    Hope it's an amazing one!!!!


    1. shortcake


      it was great! thank you!

  2. Jinx stood up with her, sticking so close to her side that she was practically plastered against it.
  3. "Okay... Hello, Roy, how can I help you today?"
  4. "Oh really, Sweetheart? For what?"
  5. Anna waddled in, humming softly. She hung a clean set of underclothes, a soft nightgown, and a bathrobe on a hook and picked up Freya's discarded clothes from the floor. "You still need these, Sugar, or can I toss them?" Her voice was gentle and sweet and she smiled warmly at Freya, looking in her eyes only.
  6. So, let's talk money.

    Say you happened to have 250,000,000,000 U.S. Dollars. (250 Billion) 

    And say you wanted to know how much that is.

    Let me tell you.



    A $1 bill weighs about 1 gram, right?

    Well, if you weighed your 250 billion dollars in pounds, 550, 800,000 pounds of paper money.

    To put that in perspective, The Statue of Liberty weighs 450,000 pounds.

    Your 250 Billion dollars is approximately equal weight to 1,224 Statues of Liberty.

    It's 249,838,677,396 grams.

    That's about as heavy as 42,369 fully-grown, male African elephants.

    That's a LOT of money!

    If you want to see this fascinating 2-minute video that goes more in-depth then I'll link it here.

    Video Link

    Anyways, this was an interesting trip, thanks for coming with me!


    ~ Stick ❤️ 




  7. Anna knocked on the bathroom door. "I brought your fresh clothes, Sugar, may I come in?"
  8. "Alright Sweetheart, just leave your clothes there and I'll bring better ones in a few minutes." Anna squeezed her hand and turned to go.
  9. "You're very welcome, Dearie." Anna led her up the stairs and into a large bathroom. In the center of the room was a huge white claw-foot tub, filled with rose-scented water that steamed gently. A small towel rack stood nearby, bearing several of the most fluffy towels Freya had probably ever seen. There was a soap dish along with a clean cloth and a soft, lemon soap for her use. "I can help you undress or I can leave you to it. Completely up to you, Dearie. I'm ready and willing to help you bathe, but if you'd prefer solitude that's alright too." She was still smiling and seemed perfectly content.
  10. "Would you like to follow me? It's just upstairs, all ready for you. Will you be needing clothes for afterward, Precious?" Anna said, taking Freya's hand in her soft, worn one.
  11. There was a short, older lady standing outside. She had grey hair, was rather plump, and was smiling broadly at her. She seemed to radiate kindness and the quiet, understanding maturity of one who had been through it all but had survived and been healed of all the scars. "Good evening sweet girl, Jacin told me that you requested a bath?" Her voice was slightly creaky, but kind and welcoming all the same.
  12. A short time later, a quiet knock sounded on the door.
  13. "I'll get Anna* to start one upstairs for you." He smiled at her one last time and left the room, getting the maid to start the bath in the large upstairs bathroom. .
  14. "You," He started, "Are a person. What I want doesn't matter. What matters to you? Would you like to sleep dirty? Is that what you prefer? You don't have to walk on eggshells around me. I can take it. I'm a doctor for storm's sake! If you can't tell me things, who else do you have?" He looked earnestly into her face, expression honest and open.
  15. "Freya." He said, gently but firmly, compelling her to look at him.
  16. "Mmmhmm..." He eyed her. "Are you going to bed like that, or would you like to get cleaned up first?"
  17. Y'all remember when I said I was going to the National Zoo?

    Welllll... it was 60 degrees (F) and rainy, so it got canceled. 😭

    We did go to the Philidelphia Museum of Art instead and I got a bunch of cool photos that I might post at some point ;) 

    I'm still really behind on schoolwork and we still aren't very good mental health-wise, so that's why I haven't been on as much. 

    Apologies to everyone I'm RPing with currently, I'm trying to do better.

    How are all of you? Anything interesting happen while I was gone? 



    Love you guys!

    ~ Stick ❤️ 


    1. WhyEverNot_8


      I had orchestra Solo and Ensemble on Saturday, I didn’t do very well but I’ll try to post a google drive link to a sound recording of my solo.

      Last weekend (the weekend before the one that just happened) I went to this cool garden store where there was a bunch of awesome flowers



      Not the best quality because I had to send them from my phone to my iPad and them post it.

    2. Just-A-Stick


      @WhyEverNot_8 - Wow! Those flowers are gorgeous!! :lol: Great pictures!

    3. WhyEverNot_8


      Thank you! And I agree! I set my iPhone video quality to 4k and take a video before screenshotting it and keeping the quality (I have an older model), so that’s my secret! Have a great day!

  18. He sighed and rubbed his forehead with one hand. "I... I really can't do anything for you?" He seemed regretful.
  19. Jinx nodded, collecting herself for a few more minutes. "R-ready." She whispered, sitting up a bit straighter.
  20. "Sir, please calm down. It was a simple question. What's your name?"
  21. "Can I get you anything else?" He asked, smiling gently at her.
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