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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. He showed her towards the back of the house and opened a door that led into a small neat bedroom. "Is this alright?" He asked quietly.
  2. He shut the door quietly. "Can I show you to your room?"
  3. @Part Of The Narrative in Blue “I’m a thirsty song writer.” “Because of course I need to have Hamilton in bed with me.” “Where is thou pork?” “Unfortunately, I don’t have ribs. I’m ribless!” “Can you tell I’m insane?” “I’m sO cOnFuSeD!” “A WOMAN?! Dam- daaangg…” “I don’t want your whole frickin’ life story!!!” “Pork chops with celery and almond salad…” “30 jUcIy pork chops recipes!” “I legitimately cannot.” “So I like… picked him up cause I was apparently strong, and like yeeted him into my arms then dumped him is someone’s lap.” “I’m talking to my cognitive shadows that are around me. I have three right now.” “Marry, Tam, and James. Those are my current cognitive shadows, guys.” “No, wait… it’s Ernie. James is the cousin. Marry, Tam, and Ernie.” “Ernie is… trying to manifest a shadow cookie.” “I’m not insane, guys!” “Just because I’m not as white as you, doesn’t mean I can’t be Elsa.” “Disclaimer: I may be high!” “Remember that time i died? It was really fun!” “To think i would have lived to see the day i got rizzed up by a ginger…” “I cannot count the number of people i have slept in the same bed as.” “You vile little mushroom killer!” “I made two shrooms last night but they’re both blind cuz my safety eyes didn’t get here yet” “Your octopus is still staring at me judgmentally!” “We love a man that’s gunned up” @SmilingPanda19 in Purple “Mmm! Inhaling smoke is so fun!” “Don’t mind me violently assaulting my phone…” “What if I just like… eat you?” “Munches on cat” “Stop shaking, I’m not actually going to eat you!” “I gotta go eat my cat for dinner!” “Two hits. I hit you, you hit the floor.”
  4. They arrived at his house and he opened the door for her, holding it open and letting go of her arm.
  5. He smiled softly, continuing to stroll down the street.
  6. *SIGH*

    I'm back after almost an entire week when I wasn't caught up enough on schoolwork to be online. *cues sobbing noises*


    I'm back! 

    I'm alive!




    No idea what else to say...

    I'm failing school so that's fun... -_- 

    I have a bunch of quotes to dump so ima go do that.


    Love Y'all!

    ~ Stick ❤️ 

  7. "Th-thank y-you." She scooted a tiny bit closer, leaning her head against [other person's] shoulder.
  8. "Hello, this is Iris Winter, therapy services. How may I help you?"
  9. "You guess? So much meaning behind a simple statement."
  10. "A strange thing, music," He said, stopping his whistling, "Something that can be so happy, merry and bright, can also be so sad and haunting that it almost breaks your heart... And yet, we can't seem to live without it."
  11. Jacin whistled a simple tune under his breath, trying not to worry about how he would help Freya.
  12. "Thank you." He lead her out of the restaurant and down the street.
  13. "Please let me know if you aren't or start feeling strangely." He smiled down at her gently, tucking her hand against his side as a proper gentleman would.
  14. He let go as soon as she was standing, but offered her his arm. "Are you okay to walk the whole way there?" He asked her quietly.
  15. "We... we'll figure something out. I promise." He stood and offered her his hand to help her to her feet.
  16. Announcement!!!

    This might be a bit of a stretch for me, but if you PM me a simple reference picture, I'll probably be able to find time to draw or paint you a new PFP or cover photo!!!


    Make the title of the PM something along the lines of Stick's Art Service or something ;)))

    I'll do my best guys!!!

    (just make sure to give me credit somewhere lol)


    Also! Sorry for almost back to back SUs 


    ~ Stick ❤️ 

    1. TwinSouls


      That sounds awesome! :D 

    2. RoyalBeeMage


      Sounds like a great idea 

    3. WhyEverNot_8


      I’ll probably do that (when I get back to being able to use the shard regularly, because my parents have banned me from it too :( [at least until I get caught up in school])

  17. He didn't seem to notice. "Would you like to go now so that we can get you all settled in?" He asked, paying the waiter for their meal.
  18. "That's good." He relaxed slightly. "I understand if you don't want to stay with me."
  19. "It it really?" He looked up at her.
  20. "Yeah... But... well... I don't think I should. I still need to try and help you." He mused out loud, rubbing one finger over the smooth grain in the wood. "I'm sorry for making everything awkward."
  21. *inhale*

    Hi guysssss

    How's it going??

    I'm mostly alive I thinkkkkkkkk so that's funnnnnnnn

    I wrote a poem and I reallllllly wanna post it but I'm not supposed to because I'm trying to get it published in a magazineeeee

    but it's really goooooooddddd

    Oh my brain is in a WEIRD place not gunna lie...


    Yeah I have no idea what I'm doin anymore so that's fun

    I won't be on at all this weekend cause I have a youth retreat thingy I'm doing :P 


    I don't know what the point of any of this was, but life is lifeing right now so this happened.

    See y'all around...



    Stick ❤️ 

    1. WhyEverNot_8


      That’s really cool! Once you get it published, then can you share it?

      Life is lifeing for me too, hope it gets better for both of us.

      See ya later!



      I really like this Gif lol


    2. Just-A-Stick



      Once you get it published, then can you share it?


  22. Jacin sighed again. "I... I should go." He said quietly, but he didn't move.
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