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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. I can, in fact, have dairy and I like raw milk, personally.
  2. "Shh..." Rex soothed the woman, giving her a gentle hug, "I'm sure he's around here somewhere. We'll find him."
  3. Rex stood up and moved to Daniel's side. "Is there anywhere you haven't looked?" Rex said quietly.
  4. "How much is left of the debt?"
  5. Rex sat up slowly, stretching. "Do you need help finding him?"
  6. Rex hugged him back, laying in the bed trying to relax again. It helped that there was no more yelling. Gone? Gone... where? She wondered.
  7. Jacin looked down at the table, eyes tracing the grain in the wood. "Does she need to keep having the medicine to live?" He asked solemnly.
  8. She clamped her eyes shut but shook her head, trying to keep her body from shaking visibly.
  9. "I understand. How did you get into all this in the first place?"
  10. Rex covers her head with her arms but nods at him to go.
  11. Rex flinched at the yelling, but tried not to let it bother her.
  12. "They can't. "I'll be fine. Please tell me?"
  13. *cries* I want questions guys!!!
  14. "I love you." She whispered, looking up at him happily.
  15. Jacin cleared his throat. "You.. want to tell me what all this is about?"
  16. She smiled, cheeks flushing with pleasure. "That's nice of you to say."
  17. "Thank you." He looked her over and bought her some bread as well.
  18. "Don't hurt yourself." he muttered, sipping at his soup with relish.
  19. She smiled at him but didn't sit up. "Is that so?"
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