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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. Jacin shot her a glance and ordered her a large bowl of soup in addition to the sandwich.
  2. "You're quieter when you're sleeping." She shot back, a smirk appearing on her face.
  3. He took her to a small restaurant and let her order as much food as she wanted. He ordered himself a bowl of soup and some bread.
  4. She stayed like that for a long time, zoning out but continuing to stroke his hair.
  5. "May I treat you to a meal? Please? You need to eat."
  6. Rex kissed his forehead softly and continued humming, trying to lull him back to sleep.
  7. "Maybe, but sleeping is more important." She went back to stroking his hair and forehead, humming softly to him.
  8. "Then can I take you somewhere for a meal and maybe you can tell me about all this? When was the last time you ate something?"
  9. She rested her fingertips against his lips and found herself smiling. "You can't sleep if you're smiling."
  10. "If it helped someone who matters more, yes. And, Freya, that is you."
  11. "And that would be my choice."
  12. "Shhh... go back to sleep..." She soothed quietly, smoothing over one eyebrow with her thumb.
  13. "There's always a way out. I could help you find it."
  14. She slept for a few hours but eventually, she opened her eyes. She rolled over carefully without disturbing Daniel, so that she was facing him. Rex brought her hand up and brushed her fingers over his forehead gently, taking in the strong lines of his face.
  15. "I don't want to not be around you. Can I try to help? Please?" He moved his hand, intending to rest it on her shoulder.
  16. She dosed off, finally feeling safe in his arms.
  17. She followed suit, laying as close to him as she could.
  18. "You think I can't take care of myself?"
  19. "I could try, but I think we'd both sleep better laying down." But I still want to be close to you... She added to herself.
  20. "How do you know? You haven't told me anything."
  21. "Okay... I think I can do that. Do you want to sleep sitting up?" She asked.
  22. "Freya... Can you tell me what's happening? Maybe I can help you?"
  23. "Who said you have too?"
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