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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. She thought about it for a moment. "Being close to you helps i think." She whispered, "But I don't know about other things."
  2. "I'm not really sure..." She took a deep breath. "You could try..."
  3. "I'm trying to believe that. You make it a lot easier, but... I still doubt." She said, voice hinting at the self loathing beneath.
  4. "It... it was like a dream... but it happened. I felt it all... all over again." her voice wavered and her eyes pricked with tears but she tried to keep them stuffed down where they wouldn't escape.
  5. "Promise?" She whispered.
  6. She breathed deeply, eyes closed and body mostly relaxed, enveloped in his arms and head against his chest. Rex could hear his heart in her ear, a steady and constant rhythm. It sounded... peaceful. So unlike the violent flashbacks. She shuddered at the thought, trying to push it away.
  7. "Thank you." She whispered, barely audible.
  8. ... okay. She snuggled closer to him, trying not to think about when he would eventually have to go back to his own room.
  9. Rex shook her head. They love you too. They all do.
  10. Why would I be more important than your family?!
  11. Morning everyone.

    I'm not okay.

    The last kitten died.

    1. RoyalBeeMage


      Morning. It’s not your fault stick.

    2. shortcake


      It's not your fault, hon

      We're here for you, okay? We love you ❤️❤️❤️ 

  12. I'm not important enough to come between you and your family. Family comes first.
  13. I thought... how are you allowed to be in here? I thought your parents said...
  14. She eventually breathed easier, ut he could tell that something was still very much bothering her.
  15. Okay... trying. She relaxed her body slightly, trying to focus on his arms around her instead of the dream.
  16. She did so, trying so hard her body was shaking.
  17. Rex clutched at the front of his shirt, forehead pressed against his chest. She gasped in a half breath against her constricting lungs.
  18. She shook her head. It's not! I'm not-
  19. She didn't answer him. Breathing wasn't working. It wasn't-
  20. "Don't worry! I'm great at pretending I live behind a dumpster!" ~ @SmilingPanda19
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