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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. I'm here toooooo and i want a memeee
  2. Kittens are coming!

    Sapphire is in labor, so far she's had four and three of them didn't make it. :( 

    There might be more, but we'll see.



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kajsa


      Stick, it is NOT your fault that the kittens passed away. It’s part of the cycle of life. Sometimes we can’t do anything about it, and we have to live with the facts. Yes, it’s okay to grieve, and it’s okay to feel things. But it is not okay to blame yourself for these deaths that were completely out of your control. These kittens were in God’s hands. We love you ❤️

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Sick, you didn't kill them. It isn't your fault in any way shape or form.

    4. shortcake


      Stick, trust me, it wasn't your fault

      like Kajsa said, it's part of the cycle of life

      I'm here for you, though, if you ever want to talk

      It's okay to grieve ❤️

  3. *sigh* I keep losing the game but i'm fine hows yourrrrs?
  4. Rex closed her eyes, trying to get her breathing to slow down.
  5. :wub: 

    You guyssss

    Thank you so much for the day win!!!


    Love y'all too!

    Oh! And I got the Words of Radiance Leather bound on Backerkit!  


    I'm so happy!

    I have literally so many life updates rn...


    I'll do them laterrrrrrrrr

    Maybe ;) 

    Anyway, I'm now back for the foreseeable future!





    ~ Stick

  6. *exasperated sigh* ON THE DAY I'M BACK AGAIN WTHECKKKK-
  7. "Mmm..." Iris looked at whatever she was looking at. "So you don't trust anyone any more?"
  8. She flinched and didn't look at him. I...
  9. She closed her eyes and listened to his heart beating in her ear. I'm sorry about everything. I messed it all up. Again.
  10. Yes! She said immediately.
  11. Her breathing had slowed significantly, and she was more relaxed in his arms. Love you so much...
  12. She nodded and focused on slowing it down, leaning into his embrace.
  13. She clung to him, gasping in a shaky breath. The kids- She whispered to him mentally.
  14. She opened her eyes. "E-everyth-thing!" She sobbed, latching on to his hand and holding it tightly.
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