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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. She reached her hand around and started rubbing his shoulders, kneading at the stiff muscles. "How would you tell them? Pretend I'm them, and say it to me." She said quietly, moving her other hand alongside the first.
  2. "It's your decision." She repeated.
  3. "I don't know, it's your decision."
  4. Guys, *rubs hands together* I have too much time on my hands... “I’m not cute, I literally look like a dead animal!” “PRODUCTIVE! NOT REPRODUCTIVE!” “How did you die? Oh, I ate too many bugs! It was one too many, guys! John the Baptist would have been proud!” “It’s not Sus unless you make it Sus. Like you just did… good job.” “You know, it was always [name of other former crush]’s dream to become a Navy SEAL… he could do it too… he’s pretty buff, you know?” Me: if he makes it, I’ll buy him a Pizza! Veil: “if he makes it I’ll date him!” Me: I would give all the money in my wallet for you to be next to me right now… Veil: I would too… except I have almost no money in my wallet… “I just stabbed myself like six times!” “I can’t even keep a straight face when I look at myself in the mirror. I’m just so hot I wanna date myself!” All from @Part Of The Narrative "I’m watching you while you’re sleeping!! Don’t forget that!” “I WILL FIND YOU ON GOOGLE MAPS!” “Google earth? Where is my fricking google earth! I don’t have google earth? What is wrong with this day and age!” “I’m only downloading google earth so that I can stalk you.” “I’m just your average American.” “Two hundred years in nothing in the face of… mere mortals!” “I’m such a great stalker!” *cackles* “BECAUSE EVERYTHING EXTENDS OUTWARDS!!!” “Are you run by the government?” “Do you live next to the constipation river thingy?” “That’s crustyyyyyy” “That’s my American flag and my mom’s pumpkins…” “If you give a sharder a muffin, they’re apart of the Haly cult!” All green quotes are from the darling @SmilingPanda19
  5. "If that's what you think..." She said.
  6. So have I... I'm such a hypocrite...* "You think that's a good thing?"
  7. "They'll find a way to know."
  8. "Exactly!" She exclaimed, a bit louder than intended. "You're the role model! You can't just lie to them!" She said, more softly.
  9. "Why?" She squeezed his hand.
  10. "I don't think that's a good idea." She whispered back. "Why not just tell them the truth?"
  11. "Daniel..." She said very softly, looking at him.
  12. Guys, I'm literally not watching the trailer for an R rated movie while I'm supposed to be doing schoolwork!

    That's not me!

    I would never do that...


    1. Show previous comments  30 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      What in the Marty McFly?

    3. Just-A-Stick


      @SmilingPanda19 is my mamma, and my child, depending on the circumstances.

      You are, (i'm pretty sure) a dude.

      A dude who, is apparently fRiEnDs WiTh My cHiLd!!!

      That warrants my protection. 




    4. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood



  13. "Are you going to tell the children?" She asked gently, taking one of his hands in hers.
  14. "Daniel? What are you going to tell them about... your neck?" She said softly, scared to ruin the moment.
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