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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. She smiled at him, a genuine smile. "I'm glad about that." She scooted a little closer to him, almost on his lap, and snuggled close. "I love you." She whispered.
  2. "Yeah... I don't think your mother likes me very much at all. But everyone else seems... okay?" She seemed unsure of herself.
  3. "I don't like messing up in front of people..." She whispered. "Especially your family."
  4. She looked in his eyes. "I make more than most people." She whispered sorrowfully.
  5. *gasp*




    does that mean you aren't lil J anymore?


    Happy storming birthday!

    Hope it's a good one!

  6. "Well... I'm sorry for how I acted in front of your family, for one thing..." She began, looking down at her hands in her lap. "And for all the other times things have gone wrong and it's been my fault...?"
  7. Helloooo

    Yesterday, we apparently had to get more animals, because 

    6 chickens, some assorted fish, 4 cats, (1 pregnant) andalltheothersican'tremebermybrainhurtsowch-

    Aren't enough animals

    so now we have these:


    image0.jpeg.9c455005419dfafe5d5bfa3a54b5e454.jpegMale hamster named Puff 

    image1.jpeg.df39a237cfa17dd3d20cf26a3b5e5e93.jpeg Female hamster named Coco

    Coco+Puff= CEREAL- 

    *eats animals*




    Love Y'all

    ~ Stick ❤️ 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Put all the animals in a fighting ring and see which one come out on top

      my moneys on Puff. You can tell by the look in their eyes they have seen somethings


    3. Just-A-Stick


      I dunno @Silver Phantom, my big orange cat Boromir can be pretty ferocious... 

    4. WhyEverNot_8



      😮 BOROMIR

      Animals are awesome, and the ones here are pretty…well, pretty

  8. She blinked rather surprised, but kissed him back for a few moments. "But... I still am sorry?" She whispered after the kiss was finished.
  9. She sighed, "I'm sorry..." She mumbled, hiding her face in her hands.
  10. *cries* I was walking upstairs, (i go to school in an old house) And I tripped DoWn ThE sTaIrS T-T Me: *trips_downthestairs* Me: *is_at_the_bottom_ofthestairs_now* My teacher: [My_Name]? Me: *jumps_to_feet* Me: GOOD MORNING!!!! Me: *grins_like_a_crazy_person* Me: *goes_back_upstairs* My teacher: ...
  11. Can't tell anyone...* "Yeah..."
  12. She tried very hard to relax and managed, with some difficulty to rest her head against his. "I'm fine..." She whispered, almost inaudible.
  13. Rex let him, but didn't move to hug him back. She felt... numb inside, empty, but couldn't figure out why.
  14. "Really?" She whispered, voice shaky.
  15. She let him. "I'm still sorry... I'm not supposed to act like that... it's not good..." She was mumbling to herself, shivering, trying to make herself stop.
  16. She leaned against him, trying to relax and get her breathing back under control. "I'm sorry..." she whispered.
  17. Yeah... She seemed distracted. Can... can we sit down please?
  18. It was all she could to not to collapse from relief. Thank you- I... don't know where I'd be with- without you... She leaned into him, letting his arms hold her and keep her safe.
  19. Rex's mind went blank. I... I have to do it for you- Have to try- She was shaking and her panic leaked into Daniel's mind. Hide it- hidehidehidehide it- Don'tletthemseeyoulikethis- All her muscles were clenched tight, but she was trying desperately to appear fine. Don't pass out- nonononono-
  20. Rex bit her lip. I... I feel like I'm on the edge of panic... I'm not sure they want me as myself... I need to be someone else- Her breath quickened and she was shaking., but trying desperately to hide her panic. Please-
  21. She blushed. "I... umm... not sure...?" I don't know what to do or how to act- I'm not good with kids-
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