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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. I do trust you. And I love you... but... well... Rex was still smiling but it seemed fake.
  2. I'm sure they love you more. "Well thank you, but I do think you're both very pretty. And Jimmy is very handsome, just like his big brother." She nudged Daniel very gently.
  3. "Well then it must be true, right?" She momentarily let go of Daniel's hand long enough to tap each of their noses with the index finger of both hands simultaneously. What if they don't like me? She asked as she slipped her fingers through his again.
  4. Rex laughed, "I'm not surprised! You both look similar."
  5. Rex grinned at them. "My name is Rex, what are both of yours?"
  6. No, it's okay. It's a nice surprise. And I'll let you answer them. Her tone was slightly teasing during the last part. Her hand found his, and she laced her fingers through his, squeezing gently.
  7. Rex smiled at them. "Hello!" You didn't tell me you had siblings...
  8. "Me too..." Rex said, voice dropping so that it was hardly audible. She stood back up, unconsciously moving close to Daniel again.
  9. "Well, it's very nice to meet you, Jimmy! I'd love to be your sister!" Rex smiled widely at him, eyes happy.
  10.  "Heard you moved out to South Carolina just like you always said we would"

    This is running through my brain...

    No clue why.

    I'm so tired...


    I want hugs.

    Lots an lots of hugs.


    *wraps self up in fuzzy blanket*

    *flops on a pile of pillows on the floor*

    Anyone wanna lay in da pillow pit?

    'Tis fluffy an warm an lonely 


    *lil sister comes and steals blanket*




    I'll be here I suppose...

    (sorry about all the SUs today)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      *gives a bunch more*

    3. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      *joins the massive hug pile and brings the blankets and ice cream*

    4. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      *...Blankets and ice cream sounds like it could go poorly*

  11. "My name is Rex." She crouched to his level. "What's your name?"
  12. STORM YOU I WANT TO BUT BUT- I'M IN THE WAITING ROOM AT THE PLACE I GO TO THERAPY!!! WHAT DO YOU THINK MY THERAPIST WOULD THINK OF ME THEN!?!??! *mutters darkly under breath about stupid younger siblings*
  13. *sighs* Roosif... I miss you, sweet girl. The shard isn't the same without you. I am so sad that I never even got to read any of your writing... I want you to come back. HOW THE HECK CAN WE GET @Roosif TO COME BACK!?!?!?
  14. *follows thread* 2 things. 1. can you please stop me from decking my lil brother rq- 2. Can you draw a squirrel?? @Through The Living Glass
  15. Uhmm...

    I wrote a poem again after a longish time...

    Here I guess...


    60 Degree Summer


    60 Degree Summer



    I’m staring out the window

    Longing for summer to 



     I’m longing for the bright

    Hazy days of my



    I’m wishing for the simplicity

    Of practically living outside

     All summer.


    The running barefoot through the

    Tall grass in the evenings

    With my siblings.


    Playing all the games with my dad,

    That old swing I stayed on for

    Hours at a time.


    The trips to the beach, waves rushing

    Up around my ankles, the breeze,

    Playing in the sand.


    Times were so simple,

    So pleasant;



    Now, it’s still winter, still cold,

    Still dreary and dark,

    Dark and unfamiliar. 


    I sat outside in 60 degree weather

    Missing summer so much

    That I cried.



    Those tears felt so cold,

    So sad and 



    I’m hoping that I can just

    Hang on until



    Until school lets out, when everything

    Is warm and bright and green

    All over again.


    Until then, I’ll cling tightly

    To my only hope,

    My 60 degree summer.


    ~ Stick 2-11-24


    So... yeah.

    Love Y'all

    ~ Stick ❤️ 

    1. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      *hugs fiercely*

      We love you sis <333

    2. Just-A-Stick


      Thank you


    3. WhyEverNot_8


      This is a great poem.

      I just like reading your poems, they’re fantastic

  16. Rex forced a smile and watched the child with a kind of nervous interest. "Hello." She said quietly.
  17. Rex nodded, stepping slightly closer to Daniel, and walked after them.
  18. "Thank you." Rex said, making an effort to sound pleasant. She dropped her hands to her sides, clenching them into fists.
  19. "Hello..." She said quietly, eyeing the man for a moment before shaking his hand. "It's nice to meet... both of you..."
  20. "Don't really know anymore..." She whispered, not directed at anyone in particular.
  21. Rex scooted a few feet away from them, pressing her back against the rock wall again.
  22. *flop*

    You know when you feel really sick and super tired, and yet...

    Here you are...

    At school...

    That's where I'm at right now.

    I wanna curl up and sleep until my stomach settles and my head stops pounding...

    *raises weak fist*



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Weaver of Lies
    3. Just-A-Stick


      *accepts spoon and chocolate*

      *hugs in return*

    4. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Hope things get better. 

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