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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "I'll try." She whispered, more than a little breathless.
  2. She ignored her questions, and poured all for her worry into the kiss, twining her fingers through his hair.
  3. "Exactly. How could they not love you?"
  4. "Oh..." She frowned slightly. "Why don't they like you?"
  5. "Really? You... would upset your parents for me?" She whispered, voice disbelieving.
  6. "But what if... what if that's not how it happens?"
  7. "How?" She whispered, clinging to him.
  8. 'I hope so..." She whispered, relaxing into his touch.
  9. "W-what if they d-don't?" She said nervously, muscles growing tight.
  10. That's what I thing too... She paused for a few minutes, savoring the feeling of his arms around her. Don't you think we should go soon? She sounded reluctant, but also a little bit anxious.
  11. Do you... still think that?
  12. She thought for a moment. Remember when you said I couldn't stay with you because you said it was dangerous for me to be with you?
  13. More than anything you want me to feel safe?
  14. Stuck on 1 hour "indefinitely" I do sneak on here sometimes tho...
  15. Hi, y'all

    I got some sad news.

    As maybe a few of you know, my cat was pregnant...

    She went into labor earlier today, and I helped her deliver six kittens.

    Unfortunately, they are too early, and I'm not sure any of them will survive the night.

    One of them was stillborn, so currently, five are living.

    Mamma is doing well, thank God, but the babies are all really tiny and sickly looking.

    Please pray for them.

    If they live, I'll need name suggestions, and feel to reply to this with thoughts, support, name ideas, questions, or hugs.

    Thank you all so much.


            Stick ❤️‍🩹

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Just-A-Stick


      ik the yellowish one is def a male, it'd prolly be safe to assume the others are female. 

    3. Just-A-Stick


      I wanna name the yellow one Adolin tbh

    4. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Hope things worked out. Will prey

  16. "I- d-d-don't k-kn-know w-what h-happened-d" Jinx stuttered, still crying, though it had slowed somewhat.
  17. I don't think I can answer that.... But I love this. And you, being this close to you, letting you hold me... I don't usually do this with... anyone. But I can with you. I'm safe... with you.
  18. I'm happy, when I'm with you..." She leaned into him, laying her head on his shoulder, forehead against his neck. She could feel his pulse beating, could hear him breathing, could feel how securely he held her. I never want to be apart from you... She closed her eyes.
  19. I wish the same for you. She hugged him tightly back.
  20. Yay! Shhhh no questionsssss What??? I ammmm
  21. I love you more than I love myself.
  22. "O-okay-y" Jinx said, not directed at anyone in particular.
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