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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "L-little b-b-better-" She said, voice quiet but strained.
  2. A shardbuddie is where you both follow each other, and then mention the other person somewhere. (usually in your signature, but I have so many that they are now on my profile in my About Me ) In my signature, I have the people who I've known for months, and really love (platonically)Which why they are my "shardfam" Then, with Part of The Narative, I know her IRL, so we do all kinds of goodfy stuff together on here! Ta-Da!!
  3. Thank you. She leaned in to kiss him, pressing her lips against his.
  4. "Daniel. I do say so. I say so, because it's true. Okay?" She tilted his face towards hers, looking in his eyes.
  5. "Only by you, cause no one else can even begin to compete with you." And it's not like there's anyone else anyway... which is good... I don't need someone else. I need this. I need him. He's mine. She added to herself.
  6. Oh! I don't believe we've met! I'm Stick! 3 questions! 1. Nickname and pronouns 2. what's your favorite animal 3. would you like to be my shardbuddie???
  7. She giggled, blushing. "I'm always happy to be kissed- if only by you."
  8. That made her smile grow. "Thank you." She whispered.
  9. Oh yeah... Forgot to update about that! I decided that I'm just not doing the assignment. My grade can go to hell. It's not worth it.
  10. She thought for a moment. "I guess that's true..." She opened her eyes, smiling at him.
  11. She laughed slightly. "We won't be getting anywhere at this rate...."
  12. She smiled, closing her eyes and leaning against him. Good. I don't want it any other way.
  13. Thank you... You... I love you... you're mine.
  14. I'm trying too. Really hard.
  15. You have to believe him. You love him. Do you love him enough to believe him? Rex nodded. Okay.
  16. Ash nodded. "That's okay. I'm gonna try something and if it isn't helping you or is making things worse you tell me alright?" Ash reached her arm around Jinx back and gently touched her back with just her fingertips. She slowly and gently moved her hand in a circular motion. "This always helps me. But if it doesn't help you that's okay, just tell me and I'll stop." Jinx shivered slightly, scooting closer to them. "F-f-fells b-better-"
  17. I... I messed it up- I'm not fine- I have to be fine! She tried to grab ahold of the feelings, but they seemed just out of her reach.
  18. I'msorryI'msorryI'msorryI'msorry... I'm sososo sorry-
  19. "D-d-don't kn-know-" Jinx still didn't Look At The Person.
  20. Bad Bot!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Just-A-Stick


      Uh huh...

      I'm literally doubting this in the first place?

      Bot or no? 

    3. Weaver of Lies

      Weaver of Lies

      Bot for sure.

    4. AonEne


      Bunch of weird links in the bio and no other content or Brandon reference, definitely a bot. 

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