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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. Her eyes snapped open and she sat up quickly, hugging her knees to her chest protectively.
  2. Jinx mumbled something, but still wasn't fully awake. Her leg jerked suddenly, and her breath quickened. @Spark of Hope @Cash67 @Weaver of Lights
  3. She brushed her fingers over his cheek, up to his forehead, and through his hair lovingly.
  4. "Okay... you're welcome." She smiled softly at him.
  5. Oh no! Oh nonononononoooooo *gnaws lip* UhMMmm... My bio lesson for today is about *gulp* Tapeworms- Literally one of my biggest fears- I have to watch a video- Panicking, ngl-
  6. "N-NO!" She shrieked, before passing out and falling off her chair.
  7. "I- d-don't k-k-know-w!" She gasped, unable to stop shaking. She felt lightheaded from not getting enough air.
  8. Dude. ADHD sucks. I'm on meds, but like... Erck- I hate it.
  9. Jinx held up two fingers, pulling her knees up to her chest, and hugging them tightly. She squeezed her eyes shut, clenched her jaw, and tried to stop shaking.
  10. "N-no! D-done t-t-talking-g" She gasped, wrapping her arms tightly around herself. Her lungs constricted painfully, and tears pricked her eyes.
  11. "S-scared-d ev-veryth-thing." She shuddered, trying to keep herself from hyperventilating.
  12. "Y-y-yes-s!" She managed to get out, voice squeaking at the end.
  13. I got Willshaper the first time, and Windrunner a few months later with the difference of 1% between the two.
  14. She shook her head violently, pressing it harder into the edge of the table. She shuddered.
  15. W-what?!" Jinx said, an edge of panic in her voice.
  16. "Everything?" She whispered, "Everything like what?"
  17. Jinx scooted a little closer to Tal, ignoring everyone else. "F-fine." She said, barely audible. She repeated the word to herself, over and over. "F-fine... 's f-f-fine..."
  18. She smiled at his kiss. "I love you too." She kissed him back.
  19. Jinx's eyes snapped open. "Don't. Touch. Me." Her voice was low and dangerous, missing her usual stutter.
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