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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. You have two people in the same room as you. They are both staring at you awkwardly. You have a black shoelace and a yellow ballpoint pen. There is a white Silkie chicken in one corner of the room. It looks slightly angry. The room is a perfect square, 10ft x 10ft x 10ft x 10ft. The door is bright pink and locked from the outside. There are no windows. There is no furniture. What do you do?
  2. You have two people in the same room as you. They are both staring at you awkwardly. You have a black shoelace and a yellow ballpoint pen. There is a white Silkie chicken in one corner of the room. It looks slightly angry. The room is a perfect square, 10ft x 10ft x 10ft x 10ft. The door is bright pink and locked from the outside. There are no windows. There is no furniture. What do you do?
  3. You have two people in the same room as you. They are both staring at you awkwardly. You have a black shoelace and a yellow ballpoint pen. There is a white Silkie chicken in one corner of the room. It looks slightly angry. The room is a perfect square, 10ft x 10ft x 10ft x 10ft. The door is bright pink and locked from the outside. There are no windows. There is no furniture. What do you do?
  4. You have two people in the same room as you. They are both staring at you awkwardly. You have a black shoelace and a yellow ballpoint pen. There is a white Silkie chicken in one corner of the room. It looks slightly angry. The room is a perfect square, 10ft x 10ft x 10ft x 10ft. The door is bright pink and locked from the outside. There are no windows. There is no furniture. What do you do?
  5. You have two people in the same room as you. They are both staring at you awkwardly. You have a black shoelace and a yellow ballpoint pen. There is a white Silkie chicken in one corner of the room. It looks slightly angry. The room is a perfect square, 10ft x 10ft x 10ft x 10ft. The door is bright pink and locked from the outside. There are no windows. There is no furniture. What do you do?
  6. I'm there when anyone needs me Just picking up broken pieces When you're shattered on the floor and you're bleeding I'll stay around, I'm not leaving Somehow I still don't belong I feel stupid when I talk Cause I can't tell if you're listening I need, I need, I need somebody More than just a Weight leaning on me Everyone opening up Bout their dark side What about mine? What about mine? Guess I'm an Outsider I keep it all on the inside Nobody sees it, silent when I cry Just throw everyone's issues on top of mine Worry bout both at the same time Somehow I still don't belong I feel stupid when I talk Cause I can't tell if you're listening I need, I need, I need somebody More than just a Weight leaning on me Everyone opening up Bout their dark side What about mine? What about mine? Guess I'm an Outsider I need, I need, I need somebody More than just a Weight leaning on me Everyone opening up Bout their dark side What about mine? What about mine? Guess I'm an Outsider
  7. "...Water I guess." She looked down, nudging the ground with the toe of one boot.
  8. "Well, the first step is to identify and name the emotions and physical sensations you're feeling. You can learn how to best cope with them when you learn what they are. I'd say that's the first step." Iris said earnestly, but still keeping her voice quiet.
  9. Hehehe

    I forgot to mention.

    YT channel is now linked

    on my profile! (in contact methods)

    My pfp on YouTube was wonderfully and masterfully created by my amazing and gorgeous friend, @SmilingPanda19 *applause starts*

    She will also be helping me with editing and stuff when I actually film something!

    I know the 4 shorts I have rn are bad, but I'm not a very techy person so...

    Yeah, in the future, things will be better.

    I finally got all my equipment back from my dad who decided to "hold on to it for me" because of something my older brother did which somehow got my stuff taken???

    I don't know either.

    But now I have it (almost all) back!!!


    I love you guys and I'm so grateful for each one of you beautiful people!

    Thanks for always being here for me ❤️❤️❤️ 







    One Blood.


    ~ Stick ❤️❤️❤️ 

    1. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass


      Hey look! It's July!

  10. I'm winning! dO yOu HeAr tHe PeOpLe SiNg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. *gasps*


    THANK YOU!!!!



    For subscribing to my YouTube channel!!!! *shameless self advertising xD*

    Fr tho, it means so much!! ❤️ 


    1. BlueWildRye


      You're welcome.

  12. qUotE dUmP!!!! YOU SHOULD ALL BE SCARED!!!! "I would be an excellent shark!" "I would be like... the hottest shark in the world though!" "I eat dead Girl Scouts for dinner only." "Can you not eat my hand?" "If all else fails, start talking about politics and people will leave you alone!" "I don't go after men who are 133 years old... they come after me!" ~ @SmilingPanda19 Me and @Edema Rue: Me: ...you just lost the game Eddie: NOOOOO STICK Eddie: HOW DARE YOU Eddie: HOW DARE YOUUUUUUUU Me: *makes cute face* Me: Me: Sowwwwyyyyyy Eddie: NO NO PUPPY DOG EYES Eddie: I SHALL Eddie: UH Eddie: *squirts you with a spray bottle* Me: *slurps* Me: *more puppy eyes* Eddie: fiiine Me:
  13. "I don't quite know... but I'm kinda hungry?" She whispered. "And I'm tired of just... standing around."
  14. Ahna blinked, glancing around at everyone, still not speaking. Fruit...?
  15. POST COUNT!!!!!!!

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Ehehehe screenshoted!

  16. Ashton watched everything, holding Lucid's hand tightly. She still wasn't comfortable talking with everyone, and she felt nervous around this many people. @Wierdo
  18. 2 poems! ^ also in a SU so sorry if you saw it twice There ya go
  19. Back to back to back?!

    You bet.

    I wrote a poem at like 10:45 last night and it turned out really good even tho I was dead from swimming all day.

    I present,




    I am the collector of pebbles.
    I tread across the smooth,
    Damp sand,
    Picking up the pebbles.
    Some people,
    They go after the beautiful,
    The picturesque,
    The flawless.
    That’s not me.
    I want the pebbles.
    Every one different,
    Every one beautiful in
    Its uniqueness.
    Each has its beautiful scars,
    Marks of a journey,
    Of suffering,
    But it makes them no
    Less valuable.
    No less beautiful.
    I pick them up,
    I have a plan for each one,
    To help them be seen.
    Their stories are beautiful,
    They deserve to be shared.
    I am the traveler,
    Dancing, plodding, limping
    Across the sky,
    Across countless stories.
    A star.
    I am a collector of stories.
    Each one so beautiful,
    Part of another journey.
    I don’t want perfection.
    I want you.
    I want your story the way
    Tell it to me.
    I want you to be seen.
    I need more stories.
    A collector’s job
    Is never complete.
    So let me gather you,
    Your pieces,
    Broken, scarred,
    Pocked by suffering,
    Let me hold you.
    You are still
    It just takes the right kind
    Of person
    To see the beauty
    In a
    Let me hear your
    Let me tell you
    About your beauty.
    You are irreplaceable.
    I don’t need
    Your name, or face.
    But will you share
    This with me?
    Tell me a story.
    Share another pebble.
    ~ Stick 6-12-24


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Just-A-Stick


      Omg thank you!!!

      It got just what I wanted to across, I think


      @Edema Rue because she needs to tell me what I could have done better 

      (SHE'S AN EXPERT) 

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Awww that’s beautiful!

      (hush I’m not an expert I just like poems)

      (and write them sometimes)

    4. Just-A-Stick


      (No, you are an expert. Not a nErD, and expert.)


  20. Rest of photos

    (computer was being weird and not lettin' me put 'em all together.









    1. Through The Living Glass
    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      Aren't you glad we live on a planet with a sun?

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