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Status Updates posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. *gasp*




    does that mean you aren't lil J anymore?


    Happy storming birthday!

    Hope it's a good one!

  2. Helloooo

    Yesterday, we apparently had to get more animals, because 

    6 chickens, some assorted fish, 4 cats, (1 pregnant) andalltheothersican'tremebermybrainhurtsowch-

    Aren't enough animals

    so now we have these:


    image0.jpeg.9c455005419dfafe5d5bfa3a54b5e454.jpegMale hamster named Puff 

    image1.jpeg.df39a237cfa17dd3d20cf26a3b5e5e93.jpeg Female hamster named Coco

    Coco+Puff= CEREAL- 

    *eats animals*




    Love Y'all

    ~ Stick ❤️ 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Put all the animals in a fighting ring and see which one come out on top

      my moneys on Puff. You can tell by the look in their eyes they have seen somethings


    3. Just-A-Stick


      I dunno @Silver Phantom, my big orange cat Boromir can be pretty ferocious... 

    4. WhyEverNot_8



      😮 BOROMIR

      Animals are awesome, and the ones here are pretty…well, pretty

  3.  "Heard you moved out to South Carolina just like you always said we would"

    This is running through my brain...

    No clue why.

    I'm so tired...


    I want hugs.

    Lots an lots of hugs.


    *wraps self up in fuzzy blanket*

    *flops on a pile of pillows on the floor*

    Anyone wanna lay in da pillow pit?

    'Tis fluffy an warm an lonely 


    *lil sister comes and steals blanket*




    I'll be here I suppose...

    (sorry about all the SUs today)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      *gives a bunch more*

    3. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      *joins the massive hug pile and brings the blankets and ice cream*

    4. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      *...Blankets and ice cream sounds like it could go poorly*

  4. Uhmm...

    I wrote a poem again after a longish time...

    Here I guess...


    60 Degree Summer


    60 Degree Summer



    I’m staring out the window

    Longing for summer to 



     I’m longing for the bright

    Hazy days of my



    I’m wishing for the simplicity

    Of practically living outside

     All summer.


    The running barefoot through the

    Tall grass in the evenings

    With my siblings.


    Playing all the games with my dad,

    That old swing I stayed on for

    Hours at a time.


    The trips to the beach, waves rushing

    Up around my ankles, the breeze,

    Playing in the sand.


    Times were so simple,

    So pleasant;



    Now, it’s still winter, still cold,

    Still dreary and dark,

    Dark and unfamiliar. 


    I sat outside in 60 degree weather

    Missing summer so much

    That I cried.



    Those tears felt so cold,

    So sad and 



    I’m hoping that I can just

    Hang on until



    Until school lets out, when everything

    Is warm and bright and green

    All over again.


    Until then, I’ll cling tightly

    To my only hope,

    My 60 degree summer.


    ~ Stick 2-11-24


    So... yeah.

    Love Y'all

    ~ Stick ❤️ 

    1. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      *hugs fiercely*

      We love you sis <333

    2. Just-A-Stick


      Thank you


    3. WhyEverNot_8


      This is a great poem.

      I just like reading your poems, they’re fantastic

  5. *flop*

    You know when you feel really sick and super tired, and yet...

    Here you are...

    At school...

    That's where I'm at right now.

    I wanna curl up and sleep until my stomach settles and my head stops pounding...

    *raises weak fist*



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Weaver of Lies
    3. Just-A-Stick


      *accepts spoon and chocolate*

      *hugs in return*

    4. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Hope things get better. 

  6. Looks like a bot to me...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Just-A-Stick


      Yeah, but the Spanish in the about me translated to a casino add type thing...

    3. Kajsa


      Oh that’s weird. Hmm. 

    4. Just-A-Stick


      I might be wrong... you never know 


  7. Uhmm...

    Hi people...

    Yesterday I was feeling arty...

    So I messed around with some fine line pen things...

    On a lil envelope...

    here it is



    The front


    And the back..

    Then... I was looking through my camera roll on my phone and found some absolutely gorgeous pansies

    They were practically begging to be painted with watercolor.

    I'll just say this.

    I'm not a painter, but I like to mess around.


    Here's the first attempt at a pansy



     And here is the reference for that one.





    And here is my second attempt 



    And the reference for that one









    And the reference for this one puts it to shame, but here it is anyway



    So, that's what I did...

    I enjoyed it...

    I'll post all this in my art thread too.


    Love you all

    ~ Stick ❤️ 

    P.S. Let me know your favorite? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      These are all great. So are the pansy’s from your backward or did you just have the photos from something else?

    3. Just-A-Stick


      The photos are from a local greenhouse


      And thank you both!

    4. Kajsa


      I agree with Eddie, I love the second one! But the light purples in the first are also gorgeous ❤️

  8. oh...

    I reached 4,000 without even noticing...


  9. hi everybody.

    lil update...

    none of the kittens survived.

    i'm so sorry

    i tried to save them but it wasn't enough.

    we had to put them out of their misery...

    it was quick and painless, i promise.


    ~ stick

    1. The Wandering Wizard
    2. Kajsa


      It’s okay, Stick. You did all you could and that’s what matters. ❤️

    3. Just-A-Stick
  10. Hi, y'all

    I got some sad news.

    As maybe a few of you know, my cat was pregnant...

    She went into labor earlier today, and I helped her deliver six kittens.

    Unfortunately, they are too early, and I'm not sure any of them will survive the night.

    One of them was stillborn, so currently, five are living.

    Mamma is doing well, thank God, but the babies are all really tiny and sickly looking.

    Please pray for them.

    If they live, I'll need name suggestions, and feel to reply to this with thoughts, support, name ideas, questions, or hugs.

    Thank you all so much.


            Stick ❤️‍🩹

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Just-A-Stick


      ik the yellowish one is def a male, it'd prolly be safe to assume the others are female. 

    3. Just-A-Stick


      I wanna name the yellow one Adolin tbh

    4. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Hope things worked out. Will prey

  11. Bad Bot!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Just-A-Stick


      Uh huh...

      I'm literally doubting this in the first place?

      Bot or no? 

    3. Weaver of Lies

      Weaver of Lies

      Bot for sure.

    4. AonEne


      Bunch of weird links in the bio and no other content or Brandon reference, definitely a bot. 

  12. Hey guys.

    Watch this video.

    Do it.

    It's... it's crazy.

    Here it is.


    ~ Stick

  13. *screams*







    I'll never catch up...

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Just-A-Stick



      @Thaidakar the Ghostblood, @Edema Rue, @The Bookwyrm


      I don't have THAT much!!!


    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Yeah, it also turns out I don’t need money! 
      for now…. But ya know….

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      ...I told one of my friends about it. She told her mom and came home from school to find her mom halfway through getting the most expensive tier.


  14.  6 words for today:

    Henna: My beautiful way to hide.


    I've been getting into henna again, my mom is still WAY better at it than me, but I'm learning and I'm ridiculously proud of what I did do.

    Spoiler for pics :D 



    So, here is the side views, the henna paste is on and it's pretty thick :) ^


    Top view ^


    Other side ^



    Added fingertips!!! ^


    Full on top view with fingertips ^


    2nd day, paste washed off. ^

    It'll keep getting darker for a lil while, then it'll stay, then it'll fade.

    If I'm careful, it could last 1-2 weeks :) 



    And, Just for the heck of it, MY ENTIRE ARM!!!!! THIS TOOK AN HOUR AND I'M SO PROUD OF IT!!!


    So anyway, that was really really fun, and I'm going to get more henna and keep practicing!!

    For those of you who would like to try this, I got the henna paste off of Amazon, and found a few YouTube tutorials about beginner designs and such. Pinterest also has some great stuff.

    It's fairly easy, but it does take practice. I like to trace my hand on a piece of paper, then put the henna on the paper to practice before I do it on my skin. It's an amazing art form, and I'll probably do some symbols from some different books and such at some point :D 


    Anyway... I have so much schoolwork to do before tomorrow... even though I just want to procrastinate and go outside cause it's freaking 66 degrees!!! (F) 


    I hate decisions.... 


    Love you all!

    Have a good day/rest of your day!!!

    My PMs are open!!!


    ~ Stick ❤️ 

    1. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      That's awesome sis!! Love you too ❤️

      @Kajsa 👀

    2. Kajsa


      I saw this!! I was typing up my response and then I had to go and I lost it 😕🫥 but the henna is BEAUTIFUL!!

    3. Just-A-Stick


      Thank you!!


  15. Oh! Hey guys!

    I'm so tired I can hardly think straight, and have a bunch of homework to do before tomorrow, tomorrow's school, and then all my stuff that's due on Tuesday...


    Here is the reason I didn't sleep, if you care to know :) 


     So, it's kinda complicated, but on Friday night, I had a very vivid dream, and, like most of my dreams, people who I love and care about more than anything, died, and they were either in my arms, or it was my fault, or both. Anyway, that dream was a car-plunging-over-the-cliff-with-my-best-friends-inside kind of dream, and my mom was driving. What caused us to go over this cliff in the first place, was me distracting her by telling her that I forgot all my meds, and that we needed to go back for them.

    Fast forward to the end of the (very awful) dream where I wake up on Saturday morning at 5:30, crying and freaking out. I was eventually able to calm myself down and pack everything for my sleepover at Veil's house. I (having never been to her house before), as you might be able to imagine, had a lot of anxiety about going. I was thinking about a lot of stuff, and accidently forgot my meds, (it's also worth noting that I didn't take my morning dose that morning either) like in my dreams.

    In order for you to understand what this means for the rest of this, here is some additional info :) 


    So, I currently take 4 meds. 

    1 that is for sleep and to take away my psychosis (important!!) that I take at night

    1 that is for my anxiety and ADHD hat I also take at night

    then in the morning I take an antidepressant and a focus stimulant drug.

    So, without any of these, i can't sleep, can't focus, and tend to have panic/anxiety attacks from my psychosis.

    (aka, ima literal emotional and physical wreck!!) 


    So, I found out that I forgot my meds when it was already too late to go get them, and I figured that I'd be fine and to just do without them from about 9:00 AM on Saturday to 2:00 PM on Sunday.

    I'll say this. That is a HORRIBLE idea!! Don't do that!!!!

    So, I was expecting some mild stuff (I.E. some bouncing, attention issues, mild anxiety, and some little indecipherable whispers of little voices in the back of my mind), right? 

    Well, what I got, was:

    Anxiety: Borderline panic for almost no reason, not being able to eat, and shaking uncontrollably 

    ADHD: bouncing, unable to really focus, feeling really jittery, and forgetting/not being able to process things.

    Depression: Not too much,(thank God) I just felt a lil sad/lonely

    Psychosis: REALLY BAD!! I'm talking color changing hats, shadows, vision-like things of bloody things and unimaginable horror (visual), screaming, creepy animal noises, gunfire, artillery, people who I could recognize screaming/yelling at me to save them, crying people, gurgling sounds (blood probably), as well as thumping and footsteps and all kinds of other things that you don't want to hear at night when your anxiety level is already through the roof (auditory) and things crawling on me, at one point a snake wrapping around my left leg, feeling like I'm drowning, like my chest and lungs were being squeezed so I couldn't breathe, and a few more (physical) then there were some miscellaneous things, like smelling/tasting/choking on blood and mud and other things.

    All these things came and went  a l l   n i g h t   l o n g!!

    I was mostly in a constant state of panic and not being able to breathe. Veil, bless her heart, let me "sleep" with her (lay awake trying to calm down more like), and she stayed up for hours helping me, holding me close, and helping me decipher reality from hallucinations.

    Guys, she is my bestie, and I love her so much. I... she just helps me so much and seems to intuitively know what I need. I just needed to tell someone that.

    If she reads this, Veil, thank you. I love you so much.

    Anyway, this went on all night, and I think I fell asleep for a lil while around 5:30 this morning (Sunday) then there was the whole 'I've never been to her church before' freakout that lasted most of church... not my most restful weekend ever.

    I'm finally home, and doing better.

    Thanks for reading and caring if you did :) 


    But, I got to watch In The Heights with Veil and it was great!!!!

    I think it should have been rated a bit more mature than PG-13, but that's my opinion.

    I made a new Spotify playlist (I'm Just-A-Stick on there too :)) of all my nostalgic songs that I used to listen to in 1st and 2nd grade... they've carried me through some hard times, and I hope that they can do the same for you, if you would so choose to find it. It's called "My Memories" :) 



    I love you all so much!

    Stay safe, stay here, reach out if you need  a n y t h i n g  at all.

    My PMs are open.

    ~ Stick ❤️ 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Part Of The Narrative

      Part Of The Narrative

      @Kajsa yeah...it was a good movie though!

    3. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      PG-13 is a range.

      I've seen both sides of that range...

    4. Just-A-Stick


      @Edema Rue~ Thank you... wove you tooooo ❤️ 

      @Kajsa~ Yeah, okay, thank you <333 ❤️‍🩹

      @Part Of The Narrative~ Love you tooooo Veil 😊

  16. You guys know what's mildly terrifying???

    The fact that you can watch the world population grow in live time online... as well as deaths...

    Right at this very second, 147,000 people have died today...

    147,000 families are mourning their loved ones...

    147,000 people with lives, friends, families... and they show up

    As nothing more than a digit on a screen...

    One hundred forty-seven thousand people have died on March 1st 2024


    You know what else is crazy? 

    10,135,500 deaths so far this year....

    10,135,500 deaths. 

    That's... I just can't seem to wrap my mind around that.

    And, in the time it took to write this SU, another Hundred people died.

    100 more families...

    100 more funerals...

    10,000,000 tears...


    I hope you can get help before you consider adding to that number in any way.

    My PMs are open.

    I love you all.


    ~ Stick



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