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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. She squeezed his hand, smiling at him. "I'm ready to." She said softly.
  2. Rex walked out of the bathroom. She smiled at him and kissed his cheek. "Ready?" She asked.
  3. "How are you?" Echo asks, grinning.
  4. "Alright." She walked into the bathroom, leaving the door open and splashed some water on her face. She glanced at herself in the mirror and fixed her hair, twisting is into a bun behind her head.
  5. Rex stood up to, looking around the sparse room. "Did we bring anything with us?" She asked, finding her boots and yanking them on.
  6. You're fine lol @WhyEverNot_8 I don't believe we've met! I'm Stick! You seem like a pretty cool person! I throw knives sometimes, and I'm an archery girl
  7. "True... I'd be fine to go now." She smiled and stretched, rubbing the back of her neck.
  8. Heheheh I like the musical, but not very much the historical person... lol he's not exactly... uhhh... the best role model... *cough* Anyway, the music is great
  9. *sigh* I have work to do, but my wrist hurting and all swollen makes it hard to type so Is that a good excuse?
  10. Echo runs up to the octopus. She waves. "Hi! I'm back! I found you flowers!" She ignores the stinging pain in her shoulder and walks closer. "How are you?"
  11. Rex trailed her fingers gently along the side of his face. I love this man... so much. @Weaver of Lights
  12. She melted into him happily, kissing him back with all her heart.
  13. She shivered with delight, staring into his eyes as she kissed him back.
  14. "I know." She said, pressing her lips back against his.
  15. She kissed him back fiercely, wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her hands in his hair, pulling him closer.
  16. "Hmm...." She thought for a moment. "You'd get kisses to, obviously.."
  17. "I don't mind kisses..." She whispered, cheeks turning slightly pink.
  18. "I don't know about need...." She said slowly.
  19. "Mmm... what would we do right now?" She asked, opening her eyes and looking at him.
  20. She smiled with her eyes closed, grin stretching wide. "Okay." She didn't move either.
  21. *SiGh* ToO mUcH hOmEwOrK iT's WiNtEr BrEaK wHaT iS wRoNg WiTh ThE wOrLd!!! *sOb* iT's NoT fAiR!!! sToRmInG pEoPlE DoN't MaKe SeNsE oNlY mAkE mE aNgRy!!!
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