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Status Replies posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. I finally wrote a poem again!

    WARNING: It's probably the longest I've ever written.

    Why Can’t We Fix This?

    I’m a tiny little worm.
    I crawl through the dirt, just living,
    Just doing as I was
    Created to do.
    I poke my tiny head
    Of the dirt.
    I wiggle further,
    I hit something hard.
    What is it?
    I can’t see it, for,
    I don’t have eyes.
    I try to push through it
    To no avail!
    I try to go around it
    But I can’t escape.
    I can’t eat it,
    I can’t get out of it.
    I am trapped!
    Over the next while,
    It becomes hot.
    Very hot.
    I can feel the sun, and I try
    To squirm away,
    But the sun burns me!
    It’s hot, so very hot
    I’m drying out,
    The heat-
    I am a squirrel.
    I bounce, too and fro,
    Collecting food and saving
    It away for
    My purpose.
    I see something on the ground!
    It’s shiny.
    I creep closer, trying to see…
    It smells good!
    I take a small bite of it.
    It’s slippery, crinkly, and doesn’t
    Taste like anything I’ve
    Ever eaten.
    A sound comes from
    The hill above me.
    I smell human.
    I bound up the nearest
    Perching where I can see…
    The human throws
    Something down the hill.
    Something shiny, roundish,
    Clear- like water, like ice?
    The thing hits a rock
    And… shatters?
    Little bits go flying
    Then, the human
    I wait for a long time,
    Then, I
    The tree,
    Scurry over
    To one of the
    I sniff at it,
    But it doesn’t move.
    It’s so shiny…
    I reach my paw forward…
    A stick somewhere
    Behind me,
    Cracks suddenly!
    I jump at the sound,
    My paw, comes down on
    The shard of the thing-
    It goes right through
    My paw!
    I squeak in pain
    And fright,
    Bounding up the nearest
    The thing, now stuck
    Deep into my paw,
    Comes with me.
    I look down at the
    Bark of the tree
    In which I cling.
    It is spattered with blood.
    I can smell it.
    It’s my blood.
    I try to climb higher
    In the tree,
    All the way.
    When I feel I’m safe
    I examine my paw.
    The pain is excruciating,
    My blood continues to leak from
    Torn skin and matted fur.
    I can still feel the thing
    It seems to be
    After trying,
    With no luck,
    For some time
    To get
    The thing out
    Of my paw,
    I start to feel
    My paw starts to feel
    Numb, my head
    I have to find my nest,
    Just to
    A small
    I am a deer.
    I’m trotting over my patch of
    My head held
    High, my eight
    Antler points
    Displayed proudly.
    I am at the top of a small rise,
    The strange rock I’m standing
    On is interlaced
    With strange,
    Metallic-smelling bars.
    It makes me uneasy, for some
    It’s going to be fine.
    Of course it will be.
    I take one
    Closer to the edge,
    Ears alert for
    Any sign of
    My ears could
    Never have warned me
    Of what happened
    The footing under
    My front hooves
    Suddenly collapses,
    Tumbling me over the edge!
    But my rear legs become
    Tangled in those
    Strange metallic
    Bars, snagging me painfully.
    I’m suspended,
    Upside down,
    Three deerlengths above
    The rocky ground.
    The bars are hard and solid,
    Digging into my slender
    Cutting them deeply.
    If only I had know
    What sharp edges
    They had!
    I’m kicking
    Trying to break free,
    Trying to escape the pain
    The horror of being so
    Precariously high!
    A sound rises in my throat,
    Tears out my mouth before
    I can stop it.
    Whether from pain
    Or fear, I can’t tell.
    I bawl again, continuing to kick
    For a long while.
    I’m getting so
    I stop struggling, feeling
    The weight of
    My body
    Down on my
    Blood rushing
    To my head.
    My vision is
    Turning red,
    Clouded by the blood
    In my skull.
    My breath comes in pants.
    Everything hurts.
    I have no more strength.
    I’m bleeding…
    I’m a person,
    A young person.
    I’m waking through the woods,
    Beside the river.
    I’m disgusted!
    There is so much trash!
    I can’t take a single step
    Without glass
    Beneath my shoes.
    Plastic and metal protrude from
    The surrounding leaf-litter.
    A small bird hops over a half
    Buried soda can,
    Another perches on
    A beer bottle.
    Tiny, sickly plants attempt
    To grow around a deflated
    Plastic pool float.
    Everywhere, there are glass shards,
    Beer bottles,
    Smashed cans,
    Broken containers,
    Shattered jars,
    Dirt and rust,
    Filth and chemicals.
    Old tires and plastic toys
    Scattered between
    Dying, hole-filled, blackened
    Concrete stairs,
    Cinder blocks,
    Concrete pads and
    An entire cliff,
    Twisted, sharp, metal
    Saluting the dead tree branches
    I walk- slide, more like-
    Down the steep hill, to the
    Bottom of the cliff.
    I kick aside leaves,
    Sticks, rotting wood,
    Cans, glass, bottles,
    There lies an old
    Deer skull.
    An eight point buck.
    I pick up the skull.
    It’s white, bleached,
    It no longer smells.
    I shake my head,
    Trying to imagine what
    Might have
    Killed the poor
    I look around the dying woods, down to the murky, nasty,
    Is there any hope for this land?
    Can it ever be
    Returned to what
    It was created to be?
    Can we reconcile all
    That was lost?
    Can we restart the
    Diversify the flora
    And fauna
    As it once was?
    I don’t know.
    I’m but one teenager.
    What can I do?
    I think about it,
    Sweat trickling
    Down the back of my neck.
    The gnats swarming my arms.
    I need to start back soon,
    Go back to the clean,
    Bright cottage.
    I have a beautiful place to
    Stay, here,
    But the animals?
    The permanent residents?
    Those defenseless against
    Their woods-
    Where they have been since
    Day four
    Of creation-
    Is now full
    Of things they can’t
    Stand against,
    Things they had no part
    In making!
    Things that only
    Desecrate their habitats,
    But help us so that
    We can do less work,
    At the expense of the
    At the expense of that which
    Enables us to live at all.
    Their woods seem to
    No longer be
    Their woods.
    Why can we not fix this?
    Take care of all this
    Take care of our farms,
    In turn, our health,
    The health of
    Our children,
    Yes, great grandchildren!
    Why can’t we
    Fighting out wars,
    Our petty squabbles over
    Land that is slowly
    Why don’t we take care
    Of this wonderful gift
    God has blessed us with?
    Why can’t we fix this?
    -Stick 4-16-24


  2. I finally wrote a poem again!

    WARNING: It's probably the longest I've ever written.

    Why Can’t We Fix This?

    I’m a tiny little worm.
    I crawl through the dirt, just living,
    Just doing as I was
    Created to do.
    I poke my tiny head
    Of the dirt.
    I wiggle further,
    I hit something hard.
    What is it?
    I can’t see it, for,
    I don’t have eyes.
    I try to push through it
    To no avail!
    I try to go around it
    But I can’t escape.
    I can’t eat it,
    I can’t get out of it.
    I am trapped!
    Over the next while,
    It becomes hot.
    Very hot.
    I can feel the sun, and I try
    To squirm away,
    But the sun burns me!
    It’s hot, so very hot
    I’m drying out,
    The heat-
    I am a squirrel.
    I bounce, too and fro,
    Collecting food and saving
    It away for
    My purpose.
    I see something on the ground!
    It’s shiny.
    I creep closer, trying to see…
    It smells good!
    I take a small bite of it.
    It’s slippery, crinkly, and doesn’t
    Taste like anything I’ve
    Ever eaten.
    A sound comes from
    The hill above me.
    I smell human.
    I bound up the nearest
    Perching where I can see…
    The human throws
    Something down the hill.
    Something shiny, roundish,
    Clear- like water, like ice?
    The thing hits a rock
    And… shatters?
    Little bits go flying
    Then, the human
    I wait for a long time,
    Then, I
    The tree,
    Scurry over
    To one of the
    I sniff at it,
    But it doesn’t move.
    It’s so shiny…
    I reach my paw forward…
    A stick somewhere
    Behind me,
    Cracks suddenly!
    I jump at the sound,
    My paw, comes down on
    The shard of the thing-
    It goes right through
    My paw!
    I squeak in pain
    And fright,
    Bounding up the nearest
    The thing, now stuck
    Deep into my paw,
    Comes with me.
    I look down at the
    Bark of the tree
    In which I cling.
    It is spattered with blood.
    I can smell it.
    It’s my blood.
    I try to climb higher
    In the tree,
    All the way.
    When I feel I’m safe
    I examine my paw.
    The pain is excruciating,
    My blood continues to leak from
    Torn skin and matted fur.
    I can still feel the thing
    It seems to be
    After trying,
    With no luck,
    For some time
    To get
    The thing out
    Of my paw,
    I start to feel
    My paw starts to feel
    Numb, my head
    I have to find my nest,
    Just to
    A small
    I am a deer.
    I’m trotting over my patch of
    My head held
    High, my eight
    Antler points
    Displayed proudly.
    I am at the top of a small rise,
    The strange rock I’m standing
    On is interlaced
    With strange,
    Metallic-smelling bars.
    It makes me uneasy, for some
    It’s going to be fine.
    Of course it will be.
    I take one
    Closer to the edge,
    Ears alert for
    Any sign of
    My ears could
    Never have warned me
    Of what happened
    The footing under
    My front hooves
    Suddenly collapses,
    Tumbling me over the edge!
    But my rear legs become
    Tangled in those
    Strange metallic
    Bars, snagging me painfully.
    I’m suspended,
    Upside down,
    Three deerlengths above
    The rocky ground.
    The bars are hard and solid,
    Digging into my slender
    Cutting them deeply.
    If only I had know
    What sharp edges
    They had!
    I’m kicking
    Trying to break free,
    Trying to escape the pain
    The horror of being so
    Precariously high!
    A sound rises in my throat,
    Tears out my mouth before
    I can stop it.
    Whether from pain
    Or fear, I can’t tell.
    I bawl again, continuing to kick
    For a long while.
    I’m getting so
    I stop struggling, feeling
    The weight of
    My body
    Down on my
    Blood rushing
    To my head.
    My vision is
    Turning red,
    Clouded by the blood
    In my skull.
    My breath comes in pants.
    Everything hurts.
    I have no more strength.
    I’m bleeding…
    I’m a person,
    A young person.
    I’m waking through the woods,
    Beside the river.
    I’m disgusted!
    There is so much trash!
    I can’t take a single step
    Without glass
    Beneath my shoes.
    Plastic and metal protrude from
    The surrounding leaf-litter.
    A small bird hops over a half
    Buried soda can,
    Another perches on
    A beer bottle.
    Tiny, sickly plants attempt
    To grow around a deflated
    Plastic pool float.
    Everywhere, there are glass shards,
    Beer bottles,
    Smashed cans,
    Broken containers,
    Shattered jars,
    Dirt and rust,
    Filth and chemicals.
    Old tires and plastic toys
    Scattered between
    Dying, hole-filled, blackened
    Concrete stairs,
    Cinder blocks,
    Concrete pads and
    An entire cliff,
    Twisted, sharp, metal
    Saluting the dead tree branches
    I walk- slide, more like-
    Down the steep hill, to the
    Bottom of the cliff.
    I kick aside leaves,
    Sticks, rotting wood,
    Cans, glass, bottles,
    There lies an old
    Deer skull.
    An eight point buck.
    I pick up the skull.
    It’s white, bleached,
    It no longer smells.
    I shake my head,
    Trying to imagine what
    Might have
    Killed the poor
    I look around the dying woods, down to the murky, nasty,
    Is there any hope for this land?
    Can it ever be
    Returned to what
    It was created to be?
    Can we reconcile all
    That was lost?
    Can we restart the
    Diversify the flora
    And fauna
    As it once was?
    I don’t know.
    I’m but one teenager.
    What can I do?
    I think about it,
    Sweat trickling
    Down the back of my neck.
    The gnats swarming my arms.
    I need to start back soon,
    Go back to the clean,
    Bright cottage.
    I have a beautiful place to
    Stay, here,
    But the animals?
    The permanent residents?
    Those defenseless against
    Their woods-
    Where they have been since
    Day four
    Of creation-
    Is now full
    Of things they can’t
    Stand against,
    Things they had no part
    In making!
    Things that only
    Desecrate their habitats,
    But help us so that
    We can do less work,
    At the expense of the
    At the expense of that which
    Enables us to live at all.
    Their woods seem to
    No longer be
    Their woods.
    Why can we not fix this?
    Take care of all this
    Take care of our farms,
    In turn, our health,
    The health of
    Our children,
    Yes, great grandchildren!
    Why can’t we
    Fighting out wars,
    Our petty squabbles over
    Land that is slowly
    Why don’t we take care
    Of this wonderful gift
    God has blessed us with?
    Why can’t we fix this?
    -Stick 4-16-24


  3. I finally wrote a poem again!

    WARNING: It's probably the longest I've ever written.

    Why Can’t We Fix This?

    I’m a tiny little worm.
    I crawl through the dirt, just living,
    Just doing as I was
    Created to do.
    I poke my tiny head
    Of the dirt.
    I wiggle further,
    I hit something hard.
    What is it?
    I can’t see it, for,
    I don’t have eyes.
    I try to push through it
    To no avail!
    I try to go around it
    But I can’t escape.
    I can’t eat it,
    I can’t get out of it.
    I am trapped!
    Over the next while,
    It becomes hot.
    Very hot.
    I can feel the sun, and I try
    To squirm away,
    But the sun burns me!
    It’s hot, so very hot
    I’m drying out,
    The heat-
    I am a squirrel.
    I bounce, too and fro,
    Collecting food and saving
    It away for
    My purpose.
    I see something on the ground!
    It’s shiny.
    I creep closer, trying to see…
    It smells good!
    I take a small bite of it.
    It’s slippery, crinkly, and doesn’t
    Taste like anything I’ve
    Ever eaten.
    A sound comes from
    The hill above me.
    I smell human.
    I bound up the nearest
    Perching where I can see…
    The human throws
    Something down the hill.
    Something shiny, roundish,
    Clear- like water, like ice?
    The thing hits a rock
    And… shatters?
    Little bits go flying
    Then, the human
    I wait for a long time,
    Then, I
    The tree,
    Scurry over
    To one of the
    I sniff at it,
    But it doesn’t move.
    It’s so shiny…
    I reach my paw forward…
    A stick somewhere
    Behind me,
    Cracks suddenly!
    I jump at the sound,
    My paw, comes down on
    The shard of the thing-
    It goes right through
    My paw!
    I squeak in pain
    And fright,
    Bounding up the nearest
    The thing, now stuck
    Deep into my paw,
    Comes with me.
    I look down at the
    Bark of the tree
    In which I cling.
    It is spattered with blood.
    I can smell it.
    It’s my blood.
    I try to climb higher
    In the tree,
    All the way.
    When I feel I’m safe
    I examine my paw.
    The pain is excruciating,
    My blood continues to leak from
    Torn skin and matted fur.
    I can still feel the thing
    It seems to be
    After trying,
    With no luck,
    For some time
    To get
    The thing out
    Of my paw,
    I start to feel
    My paw starts to feel
    Numb, my head
    I have to find my nest,
    Just to
    A small
    I am a deer.
    I’m trotting over my patch of
    My head held
    High, my eight
    Antler points
    Displayed proudly.
    I am at the top of a small rise,
    The strange rock I’m standing
    On is interlaced
    With strange,
    Metallic-smelling bars.
    It makes me uneasy, for some
    It’s going to be fine.
    Of course it will be.
    I take one
    Closer to the edge,
    Ears alert for
    Any sign of
    My ears could
    Never have warned me
    Of what happened
    The footing under
    My front hooves
    Suddenly collapses,
    Tumbling me over the edge!
    But my rear legs become
    Tangled in those
    Strange metallic
    Bars, snagging me painfully.
    I’m suspended,
    Upside down,
    Three deerlengths above
    The rocky ground.
    The bars are hard and solid,
    Digging into my slender
    Cutting them deeply.
    If only I had know
    What sharp edges
    They had!
    I’m kicking
    Trying to break free,
    Trying to escape the pain
    The horror of being so
    Precariously high!
    A sound rises in my throat,
    Tears out my mouth before
    I can stop it.
    Whether from pain
    Or fear, I can’t tell.
    I bawl again, continuing to kick
    For a long while.
    I’m getting so
    I stop struggling, feeling
    The weight of
    My body
    Down on my
    Blood rushing
    To my head.
    My vision is
    Turning red,
    Clouded by the blood
    In my skull.
    My breath comes in pants.
    Everything hurts.
    I have no more strength.
    I’m bleeding…
    I’m a person,
    A young person.
    I’m waking through the woods,
    Beside the river.
    I’m disgusted!
    There is so much trash!
    I can’t take a single step
    Without glass
    Beneath my shoes.
    Plastic and metal protrude from
    The surrounding leaf-litter.
    A small bird hops over a half
    Buried soda can,
    Another perches on
    A beer bottle.
    Tiny, sickly plants attempt
    To grow around a deflated
    Plastic pool float.
    Everywhere, there are glass shards,
    Beer bottles,
    Smashed cans,
    Broken containers,
    Shattered jars,
    Dirt and rust,
    Filth and chemicals.
    Old tires and plastic toys
    Scattered between
    Dying, hole-filled, blackened
    Concrete stairs,
    Cinder blocks,
    Concrete pads and
    An entire cliff,
    Twisted, sharp, metal
    Saluting the dead tree branches
    I walk- slide, more like-
    Down the steep hill, to the
    Bottom of the cliff.
    I kick aside leaves,
    Sticks, rotting wood,
    Cans, glass, bottles,
    There lies an old
    Deer skull.
    An eight point buck.
    I pick up the skull.
    It’s white, bleached,
    It no longer smells.
    I shake my head,
    Trying to imagine what
    Might have
    Killed the poor
    I look around the dying woods, down to the murky, nasty,
    Is there any hope for this land?
    Can it ever be
    Returned to what
    It was created to be?
    Can we reconcile all
    That was lost?
    Can we restart the
    Diversify the flora
    And fauna
    As it once was?
    I don’t know.
    I’m but one teenager.
    What can I do?
    I think about it,
    Sweat trickling
    Down the back of my neck.
    The gnats swarming my arms.
    I need to start back soon,
    Go back to the clean,
    Bright cottage.
    I have a beautiful place to
    Stay, here,
    But the animals?
    The permanent residents?
    Those defenseless against
    Their woods-
    Where they have been since
    Day four
    Of creation-
    Is now full
    Of things they can’t
    Stand against,
    Things they had no part
    In making!
    Things that only
    Desecrate their habitats,
    But help us so that
    We can do less work,
    At the expense of the
    At the expense of that which
    Enables us to live at all.
    Their woods seem to
    No longer be
    Their woods.
    Why can we not fix this?
    Take care of all this
    Take care of our farms,
    In turn, our health,
    The health of
    Our children,
    Yes, great grandchildren!
    Why can’t we
    Fighting out wars,
    Our petty squabbles over
    Land that is slowly
    Why don’t we take care
    Of this wonderful gift
    God has blessed us with?
    Why can’t we fix this?
    -Stick 4-16-24







    Veil- @Part Of The Narrative

    Shard boi- @Shardwatcher01

    Me- @Just-A-Stick (me)



    Veil: You look wacky
    Shard boi: you aren’t wrong
    Veil: Okayyyy… we love a man who can recognize his flaws.
    Shard boi: 😂😂😂 great
    Shard boi: I'm just better than you in every way, clearly
    Veil: I mean I don’t believe in evolution
    Veil: But I can see how scientists could think you evolved from a monkey
    Veil: I still wanna know what your parents look like🤔
    Veil: Then I would know for sure where the inter breeding occurred, cuz with that face he ain’t no purebred…filthy little mud blood
    Veil: *channels draco*
    Shard boi: Clearly God turned around when making her
    Shard boi (to me): Ur friend is a witch
    Me: My mamma is a witch? What does that make me 😱
    Shard boi: Son of a witch
    Shard boi: lol
    Veil: Bold of you to assume god made me
    Veil: Bold of him to assume I’m human
    Shard boi: Ur right you’re straight from hell
    Shard boi: Pesky demon
    Shard boi: No wonder she looks like that
    Veil, replying to “Ur right you’re straight from hell”:
    And what does that make him from? Surely not Hades. Not even he could stand to see THAT in his court of demons every day
    Veil: I’m not surprised he’s never kissed a girl. Should’ve known he didn’t have a mother
    Veil: Bet the stork had a job carrying him to the chimney, since every time it peeked in the blanket it almost dropped him in disgust
    Veil: 😈
    Veil: If you leave my bb girl on read I will leave your application to life on read
    Veil: 😈
    Shard boi, replying to “I’m not surprised he’s never kissed a girl. Should’ve known he didn’t have a mother”: 
    Veil, replying to “Wooow”:
    That’s what I thought you teenage soil bag
    Shard boi: I’m done with y’all
    Veil: (Dirt is too good for him)
    Shard boi: I can’t roast good enough!
    Shard boi: She was clearly made in hell
    Shard boi: That’s how she roasts it's the fires of hell
    Shard boi: I can’t compete with that
    Shard boi (to me): *alsouradopted* COUGH
    Me: I’m adopted?
    Shard boi: Satan can’t have children
    Veil: Your threats roll off of me like water, my less then divine brethren
    Veil, replying to “Satan can’t have children”:
    Veil: 😱
    Veil: Everything makes sense now
    Veil: Hey, if the fires of hell have chick-fil-a then fine
    Veil: *slurps milkshake*
    Shard boi: Lollll
    Shard boi:Why do I talk to y’all
    Shard boi, replying with to “Hey, if the fires of hell have chick-fil-a then fine”:
    They don’t
    Veil, replying to “Why do I talk to y’all”:
    Because you’ve never kissed a girl so you grasp the desperate hope that even though if we meet I will surely give you the kiss of death, it’s better then nothing
    Shard boi: I quittttt
    Veil, replying to “They don’t”:
    Silly me. You would know better then any
    Shard boi: Lemme aloooone
    Veil: You and your invisible girlfriend. No mating you two
    Veil: Until next time, spawn of the pit
    Me: The poor guy-
    Veil: Yeah, he shouldn’t have tried
    Veil: I slayed tho
    Veil: Slayed him 😂😂









    There's a lesson here.

    Don't get into a roasting battle with @Part Of The Narrative.

    She is a worthy foe. 


    ~ Stick ❤️ 

  5. Y'all remember when I said I was going to the National Zoo?

    Welllll... it was 60 degrees (F) and rainy, so it got canceled. 😭

    We did go to the Philidelphia Museum of Art instead and I got a bunch of cool photos that I might post at some point ;) 

    I'm still really behind on schoolwork and we still aren't very good mental health-wise, so that's why I haven't been on as much. 

    Apologies to everyone I'm RPing with currently, I'm trying to do better.

    How are all of you? Anything interesting happen while I was gone? 



    Love you guys!

    ~ Stick ❤️ 



    I AM!!!

    so, here’s some REN FAIRE FIT PICS!!!!

    piece-by-piece walkthrough with info on each part, in case you’re curious:


    These sleeves are from Emory Park. i thrifted them for 12$. IMG_3157.thumb.jpeg.3bd026afe8debf06246d7bcc7eddc61e.jpeg

    tank top from Dress Forum, thrifted for 7$IMG_3158.thumb.jpeg.496e2829a229692429687ce4a4bc221f.jpeg

    corset from Amazon, I don’t know the brand, but i think the price was around 20-30$. you def hafta break it in but once you do it’s really nice and surprisingly comfyIMG_3159.thumb.jpeg.80f1ed30f1353968281c410027109bfc.jpeg

    skirt from Scarlet Darkness, kind of pricy (30-40$ish?) but amazing qualityIMG_3160.thumb.jpeg.2bd2b951e4fc184dd9a2a03c4d7921d8.jpeg

    i got this fur thing off of Facebook Marketplace. i have no idea what its original purpose, brand, or price was but i saw it and had to buy it. IMG_3161.thumb.jpeg.8171f5cdbe076bcdf6aeecd93093ff52.jpeg

    belt from temu, like 3$IMG_3162.thumb.jpeg.15627bae964d46330bd5e806d55e56f6.jpeg

    bracers from Amazon, i think they were about 12$IMG_3165.thumb.jpeg.cbf7e98b20e74419f266eeceee62b454.jpeg

    Necklaces thrifted for like 1$ IMG_3164.thumb.jpeg.940c08f4c4c20d9ac88b12ae883d5b95.jpeg

    Found these boots at a garage sale a few years ago for insanely cheap (2.50$?) and i couldn’t pass them up.IMG_3174.thumb.jpeg.7d85c0a68ed986f1e8dfd74d70c99a98.jpeg 

    this bag was like 5$ at goodwill, it fits literally so much and works perfectly with the aesthetic IMG_3166.thumb.jpeg.bccaadd600516563a969ad136b7170ec.jpeg

    ✨🔥✨the outfit :3✨🔥✨



    i’m literally so obsessed i can’t—

    is it possibly slightly overkill?

    yeah, maybe a little bit. 

    do i care?

    absolutely not. 

    *ob* *sessed.*

  7. Okay it's WAY past morning, but here's some more details about prom!

    • My gf slow danced a bunch of times and it was amazing
    • The DJ played Rasputin and SO MANY people sang along
    • He also played the Macarena, and doing the dance with all those other people was a lot of fun
    • I didn't get prom king, but a friend of mine did, and we got to hang out this morning, so that was cool
    • There was a photo taken of the senior class and it was a lot of fun wrangling everyone into place
    • One of my friends thought that I said my gf is 13 (she's not. We're only a little more than a year apart in age), so that was… an interesting conversation
    • There was, unfortunately, not a Rickroll this year
    • After prom was over, my gf and I sat in my car and talked about GoT lore for a bit
    • Right before we were about to kiss, Winged Hussars by Sabaton started playing. The beginning of that song is very intense and very sudden, and it was so unexpected that we both burst into laughter
    • I didn't go to post-prom, but I still didn't get to bed until after 1am
    • Those who did go to post-prom weren't allowed to leave the venue until 2 or 3 in the morning

    It was so much fun, and I'll definitely go next year, if I can get in as my gf's +1. However, I am EXHAUSTED. Not only did I stay up super late, I also got up at like 8, then ran around playing airsoft with a bunch of my friends for like five hours. That was fun, but WOW am I sore now.

  8. I had a dream last night that I had 2.9k notifications on the Shard. Three of which were from an RP I'm not a part of, but for some reason was now in PMs? Also a PM from Stick to me and someone else about starting an RP with/about Hod, the blacksmith in Riverwood, MeLaan, and somebody named Zephyr.

    It was hecking weird.

    Oh, and then I dreamt about jetskiing to a waterside restaurant with my girlfriend. Neither of us have ever ridden a jetski.

  9. *inhale*

    Hi guysssss

    How's it going??

    I'm mostly alive I thinkkkkkkkk so that's funnnnnnnn

    I wrote a poem and I reallllllly wanna post it but I'm not supposed to because I'm trying to get it published in a magazineeeee

    but it's really goooooooddddd

    Oh my brain is in a WEIRD place not gunna lie...


    Yeah I have no idea what I'm doin anymore so that's fun

    I won't be on at all this weekend cause I have a youth retreat thingy I'm doing :P 


    I don't know what the point of any of this was, but life is lifeing right now so this happened.

    See y'all around...



    Stick ❤️ 

  10. Oh my gosh panda, your new pfp is so cute!




    He’s so pweciousssssss 🥰🥰🥰

  12. Hey Y'all...

    We might be doing a bit better...

    Not super sure, the only thing on my mind right now is how vastly deprived of physical attention I am...

    Oh, for the record, my love language is very much touch! :P

    Like, if you would meet me IRL and randomly just grab my hand and hold it, I'm your bestie!

    Anyway... I had a point to this SU I think?  



    OH YEAH-

    Our hamsters had babies!! 11 or 12 of them, we lost 3, but that's okay and to be expected.

    Pictures coming soon!


    Love you all,

    ~ Stick ❤️ 

  13. The poky place where they put my IV in is sore 😭 

    and so is where they cut my face open



  14. Hey Y'all...

    We might be doing a bit better...

    Not super sure, the only thing on my mind right now is how vastly deprived of physical attention I am...

    Oh, for the record, my love language is very much touch! :P

    Like, if you would meet me IRL and randomly just grab my hand and hold it, I'm your bestie!

    Anyway... I had a point to this SU I think?  



    OH YEAH-

    Our hamsters had babies!! 11 or 12 of them, we lost 3, but that's okay and to be expected.

    Pictures coming soon!


    Love you all,

    ~ Stick ❤️ 

  15. Oh my gosh panda, your new pfp is so cute!

  16. The poky place where they put my IV in is sore 😭 

    and so is where they cut my face open



  17. Oh my gosh panda, your new pfp is so cute!

  18. The poky place where they put my IV in is sore 😭 

    and so is where they cut my face open



  19. Oh my gosh panda, your new pfp is so cute!

  20. @Everyone


    Wit here, if you want to ping people you think would be interested in seeing this, please do. I simply can't name all the people I am grateful for here.

    I am taking a break of the shard for a bit. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone. Maybe a few weeks. Maybe longer. Maybe a few months. Maybe forever. I don’t think I will be gone forever though. I’d like to ask these things.

    @Just-A-Stick, I won’t be there for the therapy rp. Act as if he just hung up randomly.

    @justice magician, @Invisible, @TheRavenHasLanded, @Scars of Hathsin @RoyalBeeMage, on the Everything and Anything rp, I really want you guys to continue it. I have no claim in any random people besides Dragon. I would say that he had to spontaneously leave to check on something you don’t know about. He said he would be back shortly. Don’t let it die. Do a heist! I look forward to reading it on return. I have no other pans beyond that. Elan, I summoned you, because I hope you can return to do the One of Worlds and all that drama, as we try to lure her there.

    The room. Piling is currently on the North wall, someone…never mind.

    TLT, not a ton of action there right now. Yeah.

    Insanity Clinic. Technically Wit is in there somewhere. Ignore that like it has been for the past months.

    HG, well, mage, I appreciate you doing that with me.

    The pirate one is kinda dead… Remember that httyd interest thread? Well, I did fully plan on starting that as soon as HG ended. I didn’t have any specific idea for that, but make it happen! I was going to make a planning doc though.

    On the topic of planning docs, the one that JM made, the rp, unfortunately I won’t get to participate in. I will be still on the doc. Also, if there is anything new or idk, on docs, I will be active if you want to ask me something I’ll be there.

    Why? Well, I was thinking. I feel like I am at the point in my life where what I spend my time on now will ultimately be my skills for the rest of my life. I’m the broad spectrum of it, the shard, while great, is not something that I can cultivate into what I want to define me. Things that I have spent my whole life and things that I feel are more substantial are what I want to focus on. The shard is great. A community of tight knit people who will never stop their support. Role plays also are technically helping me be a better writer. However, I want to focus on the real substantial things. Things that I want to be. I am also cutting a lot of my things down in my life. Anyways, I hope you guys continue in your awesomeness. Be good. Stay strong. Anything I forgot… I don’t know. 

    Favorite hymn: A Poor Wafering Man of Grief

    Favorite scripture: D+C 122: 7-9

    Favorite Quote: Well, that's complicated

    When I made that long list of quotes, I maintained one constant. My favorite quote is this:

    "Somebody has to start. Somebody has to step forward and do what is right, because it is right." -Brandon Sanderson.

    But I'd like to ask Brandon if I can alter it. I actually slightly disagree with this century old notion.

    "Someone has to start. Somebody has to step forward, even when it is hard. Even when all the world is against you. When the popular decision is to be with the unrighteous. When all seems to be lost, when there seems to be no hope, when you are lower that you thought anybody in the world could be. When you feel so unloved, so unknown. When you find yourself stuck in the same place, the same endless circle of sin that you thought you could make it out of. When you lack purpose. When you feel like the world has done nothing but hedge your way to what you feel in your soul to be the things of life. Somebody has to start. Somebody has to step forward and do what is right, not only because it is right, but because there is a God who knows you. Because, out there, watching and smiling at you, is a God who Loves you. Step forward and do what is right because it is the way of Him. Step forward and do what is right because it is right. Step forward. Do what is right, and carry along those who have yet to find the strength to join you. Step forward."

    God be with you till we meet again.

  21. NightCafe (AI art creator) Is the art platform I use and I made a challenge there that's Brandon-related :D 

    Here's the link if you wanna be a dear and join me and @TwinSouls in the challenge!

    Accounts are free and easy to use!


    (also, if you use my link I get a tiny reward xD)

  22. Good afternoon sunshine

    You are looking so gorgeous right now


  23. NightCafe (AI art creator) Is the art platform I use and I made a challenge there that's Brandon-related :D 

    Here's the link if you wanna be a dear and join me and @TwinSouls in the challenge!

    Accounts are free and easy to use!


    (also, if you use my link I get a tiny reward xD)

  24. NightCafe (AI art creator) Is the art platform I use and I made a challenge there that's Brandon-related :D 

    Here's the link if you wanna be a dear and join me and @TwinSouls in the challenge!

    Accounts are free and easy to use!


    (also, if you use my link I get a tiny reward xD)

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