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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. Rex was stunned. "I... you really think that? About me?"
  2. "Everything!? I don't know! I'm just..." She took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, I'm just a mess right now..." She didn't look at him.
  3. "I... I don't know... everything is confusing." She clenched her good hand into a fist.
  4. You know... I just got something very interesting said to me. 

    My little sister said.

    "You know, (my name) I wish I could be like you... you always know how to disappear... You leave a room and no one notices... I try to do that and I get called back right away... but with you, no one ever notices that your gone. It's like you weren't there in the first place. I wish I could do that."

    I... I guess that's me... the person who goes unnoticed... the one who no one would notice if I was just... gone. I'm not exactly sure how to process everything... I don't know if I can...

    I could use some hugs.  💔🫂❤️‍🩹

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard
    3. Just a Silvereye

      Just a Silvereye

      Just wanted to share a little story.

      In early 2023, I spent 3 months in a school in a foreign country with a bunch of students from my school. By then due to all my problems I was going back home as soon as I could and barely socialized with others. I kinda felt like a ghost in the room - do people know I exist? How could they care about me?

      Well, 2-ish months ago, I was in the school restaurant when someone calls me " Hey Silvereye! How is it going?" He was one of the other students from my class back then. He had recognized me 8 months later in a different environment, and cared enough to ask me how I was doing. I wouldnt have recognized him ever, but he did.

      The talk was pretty quick (didn't feel like dumping all my problems on him lol) but it still left me with a weird fuzzy feeling.

      People care. Even if it looks like no one does, people care about you and know you. They would notice if you were just gone.

      *hugs* Love you ❤️‍🩹

    4. Just-A-Stick
  5. "Umm.... but... what do we do here? Are we still in the games?" Echo asks, looking around.
  6. *exasperated sigh*

    Why do I do this to myself???

    know that when I get halfway through the song, I'll start crying!

    And yet... I play it, then wonder why the heck I'm crying!!!

    Then, I get frustrated at myself, because I hate crying cause it's so messy and makes me feel stupid.

    Which makes me cry....

    *huffy breath*

    I hate being pissed/sad/depressed at the world for NO STORMING REASON!!!



    1. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ


      Hmmm, sounds like you need to role play it out.

    2. Just-A-Stick


      I would... if my hoomans were here rn, but they aren't!


  7. Happy Birthdayyyy!!!

    1. Wierdo


      Thank youuuu

  8. She shook her head. "You have nothing to be sorry for." But I do... @Weaver of Lights
  9. “I suppose… you’ll be under strict supervision.” Somebody mumbles. “They could bring in the monsters, we must be careful.” They bring them in through the front gates and they lock behind them. “Where are you from?” @Part Of The Narrative "Thank you. I'm from district 9 and my friend is from 5..." Echo looks around. "Where are we?"
  10. She nodded. "That's good. Are your finances secure? Are you in danger of being evicted anytime soon?" She asks, looking him straight in the face.
  11. YAY!

    My assignment is done! Until I have to turn it in and realize that I fricked it up... :P 

    I'll just put it here bc... uhhhh... I don't have a reason sue me :lol: (but don't cause I have no moneeeyyy) :((

    • The C.S.S Hunley was successful in that it sank the U.S.S Housatonic 

    • 21 crewmen died over the course of Hunley’s short career. 

    • She operated by pure man power and raw muscle.

    •  Her propeller was turned by a central crank shaft and handles where the crew would sit. 

    • She sank three times in all and the first two times, she was merely hauled back to the surface and tried again.

    • The Hunley was 40 feet in length and very tightly cramped

    • It is suspected that the crew (on their mission) died by carbon dioxide poisoning, or a possible leak that sank it immediately as they tried to submerge. 

    • Commander General P.T.G. was in charge of the mission to sink the Housatonic. 

    • She was privately built in 1863 by Park and Lyons in Mobile, Alabama.

    • She was funded by Horace Lawson Hunley, who she was named after.

    • Horace Lawson Hunley then died in the second sinking of the Hunley. 

    • On May 3rd 1995 they located the Hunley in 27 feet of water off the coast of Charleston.


    This was fun to research ngl :D 



  12. She shrugged. "I'm used to it... don't worry."
  13. Echo looks around slowly, then takes Elsa's hand. "We are together... can we both go through? Please?" @Part Of The Narrative
  14. "I'm friends with Radiant to!!" Sticketh points out.
  15. "No, it's fine..." She laid her head on his shoulder. @Weaver of Lights
  16. "As... as long as you can..." Before I mess up, and aren't good enough anymore... then he'll be gone... and I will to..." She winced.
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