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Part Of The Narrative

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Part Of The Narrative last won the day on January 25

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About Part Of The Narrative

  • Birthday May 29

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  • Member Title
    Stick is a thief!!
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    The place where they keep shopping carts at Walmart with Panda and Stick ;)
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    go read my about me...I don't have time to write all this stuff twice using different words!

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  1. So guys I was just casually playing mc bed wars and I lost my temper and this happened

    Let me set the scene for you: Me and my brother are playing duo bed wars on team together. It's just our team and Red team and White team.

    Red team has all along been kind of rude and irritating in the chat. Me and my brother keep coming for them and killing them.

    Finally the guy says in the chat: "Bro why are you even trying, we have two layers of obsidian around our bed."

    I uh

    Get a bit annoyed and ask my brother if I can answer him

    My brother says "fine but have mercy on the poor guy"

    and I was like "uhhh too late"

    So this is what the chat looked like: 

    Red: You're kind of mid

    Red: Bro why are you even trying, we have two layers of obsidian around the bed

    Me: (TW: ur mom humor)


    Me: Two layers of obsidian around the bed didn't protect ur mom last night


    Maybe should've got reported for that, but they were silent the rest of the game.


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