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Part Of The Narrative

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Part Of The Narrative last won the day on January 25

Part Of The Narrative had the most liked content!

About Part Of The Narrative

  • Birthday May 29

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    Stick is a thief!!
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  • Location
    The place where they keep shopping carts at Walmart with Panda and Stick ;)
  • Interests
    go read my about me...I don't have time to write all this stuff twice using different words!

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  1. Hey guys!!

    I'm back!!!!

    I had such an amazing time while I was gone and I learned so very many interesting things about my crush...like how he was raised in a manner that if he comes and asks to sit next to me during meals and starts talking a lot with me it comes across as very friendly and natural.

    Which is SO refreshing after all the stupidness I have to put up with in other situations.

    We're pretty good friends now! However I won't see him again for three months because of summer break :(

    I have so many fun, stupid, crazy, adorable stories to share. PM if you would like to hear some of them.

    In the meantime...



    It's nice to be back!!

    ~ Veil

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