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Part Of The Narrative

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Part Of The Narrative last won the day on January 25

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About Part Of The Narrative

  • Birthday May 29

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  • Member Title
    Stick is a thief!!
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  • Location
    The place where they keep shopping carts at Walmart with Panda and Stick ;)
  • Interests
    go read my about me...I don't have time to write all this stuff twice using different words!

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  1. You know what's sad?? I only wrote ONE poem in my entire absence!!! 

    anyways, here you go




    It’s beautiful outside.

    The sun

    Peeks over the clouds

    Turning them golden

    As it starts to set.


    The trees

    Let little flecks of light through.

    The leaves look like dappled paint.

    I can see myself

    In the car mirror


    “A little fall of rain.”


    One and a half hours later

    I walk out the church doors.

    My posture is tired.

    But my eyes

    Are full of light.

    A small secret

    That I hide.

    A small moment

    Tucked away forever.


    As I look around,

    Even the parking lot seems stunning.

    The dull looking cars

    Speak volumes about the people who drive them.

    The cracked pavement

    Is so detailed.

    Many colors overlap the uniform grey blue.


    I was appreciative before.

    But now I am thankful.

    My heart sings

    I smile as I walk to my car

    I grin in the fading light

    I think

    Of my secret.


    The precious thing is

    Though this secret concerns you

    You do not know that I have it.

    You may not even remember it.

    You were there

    But the lovely thing is

    It is my secret.


    The way I tilted my head

    As I examined the organ pipes

    The way your eyes met mine

    More then once

    The way I said something

    Something silly

    Not even worth addressing

    And you,

    Standing on the edge

    Of my bubble of space,



    You laugh still.

    I can hear it

    I can see it

    It is like rain.

    It is like rain on a beautiful day where the sun is shining through the clouds and making them appear golden.


    It is unexpected.

    It is surprising

    But not unwelcome

    Not to me.


    The rain falls on my skin

    I soak it up

    I close my eyes,

    Reveling in this moment

    I capture it

    I save it

    I freeze it in time.


    The rain stops soon.

    I turn away

    I get a drink

    People come in

    We are singing now


    The rain is over

    But I am still wet

    And where you looked at me

    Where you laughed—

    Where the rain fell—

    There is a rainbow.

    A promise.

    A little fall of rain

    On a beautiful day

    Where the sun shines through the clouds

    Turning them





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