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Part Of The Narrative

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Part Of The Narrative last won the day on January 25

Part Of The Narrative had the most liked content!

About Part Of The Narrative

  • Birthday May 29

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    Stick is a thief!!
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  • Location
    The place where they keep shopping carts at Walmart with Panda and Stick ;)
  • Interests
    go read my about me...I don't have time to write all this stuff twice using different words!

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  1. Hey guyssss

    So I'm going on vacation and will have no shard time so uhhhh I'll be back on Friday!

    Also musicians!! I heard THE most relatable thing I've heard in a while from my friend:

    Friend: *is practicing viola*

    Friend: "Good news!!"

    Me: "Hm?"

    Friend: "Grace notes are no longer the devil! They are now only the devil's advocate."

    Wise words indeed

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WhyEverNot_8


      See ya!


      *Forgets what grace notes are*


    3. RoyalBeeMage


      Have fun on vacation!

    4. Anguished_One


      Love you!!! So sorry you have to get up at 3AM to leave-


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