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Part Of The Narrative

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Everything posted by Part Of The Narrative

  1. Lily started wiping Stick's wounds with a wet cloth. "Ok, so what've we got, Mike?"
  2. Mike sighed. People these days. “Does she have parents? There are forms, you know.” He pulled on a pair of gloves. sorry @Just-A-Stick
  3. “I…think it should be someone who makes her feel comfortable when she wakes up,” I begin, but Roy had already left.
  4. I inhale sharply, looking for him. “Yeah. Yeah, you’re right….but what about when she wakes up? And she’s alone?”
  5. "Freaking ambulance. Took you long enough." I narrow my eyes at the person. "Be careful. You should definitely be gentler, and that's my unbiased opinion."
  7. *calls ambulance* "GIRLY DON'T LEAVE ME"
  8. Isa nodded eagerly. "Ok!" Behind her, Jared stood, wrapping his arms around himself. "I'm..I have to go...I'll be right back, Isa."
  9. I give her a quick hug, waiting to see how she reacts. Maybe I should just leave.
  10. "Um..." Isa looked at Jared, who was now clenching and un clenching his fists. "Um, you pick, Miss Iris."
  11. I also sit, saying nothing, but taking her hand and running my thumb across her finger.
  12. I hold up my hands. "Fine. Suit yourself." I hop down and walk towards Stick.
  13. "Joke's on you. I have a therapist. Iris Winters on @Just-A-Stick 's therapy rp." I roll my eyes at him. "Have you considered joining? She could.." I look him up and down disdainfully. "Help you."
  14. I stand. "I need..." I trail off. I don't know what I need anymore. "I need caffeine."
  15. "Can I?" Isa's face lit up. That meant leaving Jared and the empty house and all the glass stitched into the rugs. But...it meant she would have to...leave him. But no. Jared would have to drive her. She glanced at him. He was sitting on the floor, whispering. There was no one he could be talking to though. "Can I...bring my brother?" she asked hopefully.
  16. "I'm not interested in passing her around like a toy. Whatever she wants." I look at Stick. "I won't drown myself." In a whisper, "yet."
  17. "Fine." I stare at the floor, wondering why Stick is staying so silent.
  18. Isa takes a breath, lip trembling. "Well, I, I, I looked at my brother, and he, he looked like a-a I don't know, but it wasn't him, ok?"
  19. "Can I go now?" I don't want to see Stick's tears. "I need to get a shower. And drown myself while I'm at it."
  20. "Six." She looks up at Jared, who tries for an encouraging smile. It doesn't really work, but Isa pretends it does.
  21. "Oh." another look at Stick. "O-ok."
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