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Part Of The Narrative

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Everything posted by Part Of The Narrative

  1. Rachel backed up again, wrinkling her nose. "You're quite the character." She looked to the side, seeing Ari. "Do you know this person?" She asked, gesturing in Pete's general direction. @J. Magi
  2. "Jack?" She mouthed. They did look slightly familiar...didn't they? She frowned, confused. Maybe she should just...keep playing? That felt wrong though. She shook her head, turning to the girl. "Uh...do we know each other? Are you sure?" @Lunamor
  3. "Uhm..there there." Rachel patted him on the head. "No need to shout."
  4. "Oohhhhkay." Rachel backs up, rolling here eyes and holding her clipboard in front of her defensively. "Calm down."
  5. Hi guys!!!!

    Soooooo I will be gone for the weekend...my choir is going on tour and I have to wake up at 4:30 AM tomorrow *cries* but it's gonna be great!!! And hopefully I'll come back with all sorts of drama and tea for you thirsty Brits 🙄😁

    Don't have too much fun without me!! See you on Monday!!


  6. "No!!" Rachel scolded. "Not fun! Bad fighting!" She rubbed her forehead. "You guys are SO uncivilized!"
  7. Kasa paused again as someone waved at her. She frowned, disoriented, dropping the dart. "Who..?" She was barely able to voice the question.
  8. "Woah! Ok." Rachel hides behind her clipboard.
  9. "Again?? Is there a story??"
  10. "Optimistic realist." Rachel considered. "I like that!"
  11. "I've heard good things about llamas! Or curvy females."
  12. "Umm... in tight clothing with an iced lemonade?" "OOH!! Have you seen How to train your Dragon? You would love it!!" @Ancient Elantrian
  13. "Oh...oh." she cocked her head. "Um...have you thought about yoga?" "Hey!" Rachel frowned. "That is NOT a worthy pastime. You seem like a Disney guy, try that."
  14. Kasa kept throwing, grinning as the money pile got bigger and bigger. Every now and then she would push away a sense of wrongness. Was she supposed to be there? She didn't think so. But did it matter? She stopped for a moment, confused. The guy with the money platter raised an eyebrow, adding a bill to the plate. "What are you waiting for? 35 for this one." Kasa shook her head, pulled her arm back, and kept throwing.
  15. "Dying isn't very pleasant." Rachel ducked as Kyz shape-shifted. "Isn't there some common ground we could find? Like...what do you guys like to do with your time? I'll go first." She winced as she watched the battle. "I like drinking tea and talking calmly with my friends?"
  16. So guys

    I was at a thing last night and my crush and his friend came and sat down beside me

    I wasn’t really talking to anyone so I was half heartedly listening to the conversation 

    I look over

    And this guy is dead serious

    Talking to his friend all professional like






    Did I pick a good one??😭😂😂


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Hey chicken breeding is cool

    3. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      I mean the part where you get baby chickens is pretty cool, yeah 😍

    4. WhyEverNot_8


      Heh. Yeah, most of us are weird like this lol.


      I constantly talk about book and video game lore lol, so I’m less weird than some of my friends, but still…


  17. "Oh! Thank you!" She stared at it. This would buy her a new tuner. She stuffed it in her pocket and returned to smacking minions lustily.
  18. "Oh, well...I suppose." Rachel considered. "But it seems a waste of perfectly good money." She eyed the stuff discreetly.
  19. "Um, thanks," Rachel said, slightly disturbed. She hesitantly poked a fallen minion. "Poor things."
  20. "Thank you!" Rachel looked around helplessly, continuing to bat minions away, but her arms were getting tired. She tripped, dropping her clipboard.
  21. "You think I have a great mind?" Rachel tried to whack a minion, but accidentally hit Elan in the shoulder super hard. "Sorry!!"
  22. Kasa snorted, still irritated at being overrided in opinions. "No flowers here..." she looked around, feeling overwhelmed, yet hesitant to go find anything to do. She didn't want to wander off alone...maybe she would stay with Jenny. She spotted her by some dancing thing. Reluctantly moving in that direction, she winced at all the flashing lights. Where was Jenny again? She'd gotten turned around. Thwack. She spun just in time to see a razor sharp dart tip vibrate against a wooden board in a small roped off area in the corner. A counter beside the game dinged, and money exchanged hands. Kasa approached curiously. "Isn't it a little dangerous to be throwing sharp objects in such a crowded place?" A younger guy cocked his head, smiling wolfishly as he shuffled bills. He looked her up and down, detaching himself from the older girl who was shadowing him. "Dangerous games for a dangerous girl, hm?" He proffered the money. "Bets?" "Punk," Kasa rolled her eyes, shoving him and grabbing some darts. "How much?" "Free," the guy said, thumbing through the bills. "But great reward if you win." "Right." Kasa aimed, every other thought leaving. Now this is a game. And I get MONEY, too? Vaguely, a part of her mind felt confused. Like she shouldn't be here. But no, that was stupid. What was better than free money? Kasa threw.
  23. "Me too!" Rachel hid behind Elan, occasionally whacking minions with her clipboard.
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