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Part Of The Narrative

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Everything posted by Part Of The Narrative

  1. Rezyn gritted her teeth, discreetly forming a knife and wiling it to appear beside Lord Roy, casting him a meaningful look. She lithely swept across the room to Silas and drew her knives, standing calmly behind him. This, she could do. It would be hard in a dress though... A challenge, then. She smiled. Kerst dodged, coming up with his sword. He brought the blade up from behind his back, hoping to surprise the man with quick responses.
  2. Rezyn drank in a calm, steadying breath. The mist wanted to be used. She could feel it. But she couldn't reveal this thing in her yet. Being underestimated was an advantage. She narrowed her eyes. Kerst and the assassin were staring each other down. That man knows more than I do. Probably more than any of us. What am I missing? @TheRavenHasLanded
  3. Seria Ental cracked her knuckles, moving in on the basement of the safe house. She could hear talking through the wooden walls. Something strange was going on tonight. She reached up to run a hand through her long black hair, then remembered it was braided. Obviously. Creeping up to the door, she pressed her ear to the wood. ..."an army," a rough voice inside was saying. ..."time frame....have to....but the music ain't right yet..." Seria strained to hear more. The voice faded in and out, its user pacing. She could hear the footsteps on the stone. "No," a different voice cut in. Softer. Not so rugged. "This is all for the best. What better time? What better way? The music will fall where it will. Let them come. Let them see" A glass clinked. "Let them see who really runs this place." Seria backed away as they drank, mind racing. This was bad. Really bad. If only she knew what half of that meant.... I have to get back to Lady Varna. She'll find this interesting.
  4. Rezyn frowned. What in damnation is going on here? Was someone expecting this? Then why... It dawned on her. Father always made time for his meetings. Except tonight. Tonight, he'd sent a stand in. Lord Kerst drew his sword. The assassin wasn't doing anything. He must not be here to kill right away then. He most likely wanted something more. Something I won't be giving him.
  5. Rezyn's hand crept to the waist of her dress, where her knifes were concealed underneath with some clever needlework. Obviously these people weren't going to obey an order given with no concept of information, so neither should she. She subtly settled her hand, ready to slip out a knife if the need arose.
  6. Kerst reflexively reached for his sword, but stayed his hand. He took a step forward. "Out." He said more insistently, gritting his teeth at the lack of compliance.
  7. Kerst stood. "Leave us." He waved the other nobles toward the door. Rezyn scooted her chair back, confused. What is happening? She glanced around the room to see if the others would obey the command.
  8. Kerst tilted his head, appraising the newcomer. He didn't seem startled. "You are here to kill, then?"
  9. Kerst's eyes narrowed. He didn't answer with his name, but spoke casually. "What is this? Who are you?" Rezyn jumped at the strange person's sudden entrance. She spilled what was left of her tea.
  10. AH LUCKY GIRL Yeah...theatre is no pain no gain sometimes I have to drink some caffeine when I have something for SIX hours. Never done seven yet
  11. Kerst sighed audibly. "You there! Give everyone their damn tea so we can start." He didn't blink an eye at Roy's mist work. Such a thing, if not common, was certainly not rare. @TwinSouls
  12. Sounds good! Also, new people joining, let me know if you'd like to play Lord Kerst. He's one of the more grounded, dominating types. You can rename him if you want.
  13. Exasperated, Rezyn stood. "I can leave, if we won't be discussing anything of importance...." "Wait." Lord Kerst drew himself out of the shadows. "We will get on with this. Put aside your ridiculousness for one hour. Show me your strength, your intelligence." He paused with a pointed glance at Lady Prunella. "Show me how you got your careers. Lord Elan, you may mediate, as you wish."
  14. Rezyn sighed. "Who's in charge? Is there, like, a mediator? Or...someone who calls the shots? We need to start the meeting."
  15. Rezyn raised an eyebrow. Is he not from around here? And when are we starting this cursed meeting?
  16. "Not right now, thanks." She sipped the tea. It was just right. She was about to suggest starting when she remembered she wasn't high in the hierarchy. If she said anything it would be laughed off. So she sipped more tea and looked on.
  17. "Thank you." Rezyn reached out to accept the cup, noting the server's scowl. "I appreciate it."
  18. When are we starting? Will we talk about anything important? Rezyn waited for her tea, tapping her foot. Maybe if she had something to hold, she wouldn't feel so awkward.
  19. Letting out a long breath, Rezyn tried to compose herself. I'm going to ruin this, Father. "Tea, please," she requested cooly.
  20. Rezyn bit her tongue to stifle an eye roll. These were the best of the elite? This was all Londar had to offer?
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