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Part Of The Narrative

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Everything posted by Part Of The Narrative

  1. I like the Odyssey a LOT...but also the Illiad? Idk it's hard for me to choose but I think I like the Odyssey better
  2. Kaladin tilted his head. "How do you know?"
  3. Kaladin shook his head. "I'm fine. I'll sleep tonight."
  4. Kaladin sighed, looking at the ceiling. "I haven't been sleeping."
  5. Ello...Idk if there already is one of these, but if not it needs to be a thing! This thread is for the greek nerds...the mythology, history, the Illiad, Odyssey, modern takes, anything! Discussion and participation is required cuz it's gonna be really awkward if I'm the only one of these around Have fun!
  6. Kaladin closed his eyes for a moment. He let the silence hang.
  7. Kaladin gritted his teeth. "I know. It's...I know." He sat back in his chair. His stew was cold.
  8. "The ardents are trying to treat everything with the same medicine. It doesn't really work, as I'm sure you've seen."
  9. "Yes," Kaladin said, "But you wouldn't take stomach medicine if you had a broken leg, would you?"
  10. “Do you treat different physical sicknesses with the same medicine?”
  11. yesss Kelsiar is one of my favorites and I love Breeze too
  12. Kaladin nodded. "Their way of change isn't the right one. I know darkness is calming for some people, but for me..." He trailed off. "The ardents try to cure mental things as if they're all one sickness. Just prescribe the same thing to everyone, you know? They think it's all the same."
  13. HIiiii! I would love to hear more about your story! Also who's your favorite mistborn character?
  14. Kaladin nodded. "They mean well. They just..."
  15. Kaladin let the silence hand. He'd said all he intended to. The rest was up to Ash.
  16. Kaladin rested his elbow on the table, leaning his head against his hand. What could he say? That’d been him.
  17. Kaladin leaned over, holding her eyes with his. “Not mentally. “It was bad in the beginning. It took such a toll on me…don’t you get it? I was standing on that cliff. I was staring into the darkness, wondering how easy it would be to step off the edge. But now? Now I’m so much better than I was when I came to the plains. Of course it’s still a struggle, but my experiences changed me. The bridge crews changed me.”
  18. “Sometimes,” Kaladin admitted. “But…sometimes it’s good. I changed in the bridge crews.”
  19. Kaladin shrugged. “It worked. More and more people started coming in. The crew became a community. We changed. All of us.”
  20. “It was more than the food. It was the connection. The people. The talking. The stew’s just what began it.” He eyed her slyly. “I thought it would be a good strategy for today, huh?”
  21. Kaladin smiled dryly. “I didn’t either. I needed them, if I wanted to escape. I tried to win them over. Conversation, songs…until I got Rock and Teft on my side. I still think it was Rock’s stew that did it.”
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