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Part Of The Narrative

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Everything posted by Part Of The Narrative

  1. Kasa stood abruptly, water droplet evaporating as she watched Terrance leave. We can’t split up. At all. “Be back soon,” she said to Jenny, then followed Terrance. she stopped short once she saw him. “…Terrance?”
  2. Kasa raised an eyebrow, smirking at the delight on Jenny's face, then pulled some moisture out of the air around her fingers and coalesced it into a droplet on the table, not letting the table absorb it. She idly added more, wondering how big she could get it.
  3. This is exactly one of my biggest problems with the books
  4. "I believe you." Kasa idly stared at Timothy with a slight smile on her face. She finished the milkshake, then stretched, looking around, feeling restless. They still shouldn't just be sitting here.
  5. Kasa cocked her head. "Not sure yet. I don't really know him. We'll call it a compliment for now." She nodded at the rest of the fries. "Go ahead."
  6. Kasa laughed in delight at the statuette, and stared bemusedly at the dog. "Hephaestus kid, huh?" She shook her head, impressed. "Those ones are a special brand of crazy."
  7. "Yeah, of course." She pushed Jenny the fries and took the milkshake, swirling the straw around before taking a sip. She absentmindedly watch Jenny fidgeting with the spinner. "Handy, that," she noted, gesturing to Gift.
  8. Kasa followed Jenny's glance. "Oops. Yeah, probably shouldn't..." She shook her head. "Anyway, you're right. I hope they hurry. Thanks," She said as the waiter delivered the milkshake, fries, and two straws. She pushed the milkshake to Jenny and idly picked at the fries.
  9. Kasa sat down, crossing her legs and trying to pretend the silence wasn't awkward. "How long do you think Ashton and Lucid will take to get the stupid thing?"
  10. I agree about the plot, and I do wish we had more conflict when Keefe came back
  11. Kasa pointed. "That table," she told the woman. "Come on, Jenny." She made an effort to smile at her. She looked a little nervous, but of course she had a right to. They all did.
  12. So guys I was just casually playing mc bed wars and I lost my temper and this happened

    Let me set the scene for you: Me and my brother are playing duo bed wars on team together. It's just our team and Red team and White team.

    Red team has all along been kind of rude and irritating in the chat. Me and my brother keep coming for them and killing them.

    Finally the guy says in the chat: "Bro why are you even trying, we have two layers of obsidian around our bed."

    I uh

    Get a bit annoyed and ask my brother if I can answer him

    My brother says "fine but have mercy on the poor guy"

    and I was like "uhhh too late"

    So this is what the chat looked like: 

    Red: You're kind of mid

    Red: Bro why are you even trying, we have two layers of obsidian around the bed

    Me: (TW: ur mom humor)


    Me: Two layers of obsidian around the bed didn't protect ur mom last night


    Maybe should've got reported for that, but they were silent the rest of the game.


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. The Bookwyrm
    3. Through The Living Glass

      Through The Living Glass

      Wow, that's amazing 😂

      Mm, don't you just loooove playing with toxic people online? *sigh* 🙄

    4. Part Of The Narrative

      Part Of The Narrative

      It's soooo much fun *sighhhhh*

  13. Kasa approached a worker at the counter. "Jumbo milkshake and fries?" The employee nodded. "8.95" "c'mere," she said to Jenny. waving her over.
  14. Kasa looked at her, bemused. "Go ahead. I wouldn't drink all of it though...gotta be ready for battle and stuff. Wanna share?" She gestured to the menu screen. She had to start being nicer. Everyone kept saying she was intimidating. "They look pretty big."
  15. Kasa led the way up to the counter, leaning her arm on it. "Anything look good to you?" She glanced over at the others. They looked to be deeply engaged in conversation. Not very alert at all. She shook her head. You had to be CAREFUL while on a quest. And here I am, she thought, buying French fries at a diner while Ashton and Lucid risk their lives for some laze of a god. She put it out of her mind instantly. Angering the gods was a stupid idea. She refocused on Jenny instead.
  16. Same, pretty much. The books are really just one thing after another and poor Keefe's right in the middle
  17. I HAVE NO IDEA AHHHH What are everyone's thoughts on the new book coming out about Keefe and his time in the human world?
  18. I think there's a point where if you're like "evil" enough you just go insanely evil instead of insanely sick? Idk it's literally so confusing!! Also there are so many loose ends that need to be tied up like im sorry what happened to all the other plot points like the Lodestar thing and the Archetype -_^
  19. Kasa felt around in her pockets and came up with some bills. "Come get something to eat with me?" She offered Jenny the money.
  20. I don't know if anyone remembers that scene with Keefe and Alden at the end of Flashback, where he basically tells Keefe to back off and let Fitz have Sophie??? I was done with him at that point too
  21. Kasa sniffed the air. "You hungry? You look like you need to eat."
  22. LITERALLY It's too sketch I'm sorry sir
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