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Part Of The Narrative

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Everything posted by Part Of The Narrative

  1. Kasa puts her hands on her hips. "Why are you two the ones going?"
  2. GUYS


    DON'T BE




    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. InfiniteInsanity


      No pumpkin anything makes me nauseous.

      But I also really like pumpkin.

    3. RoyalBeeMage


      that is very unhelp full. yeah i can imagine.

    4. Part Of The Narrative

      Part Of The Narrative

      pumpkin juice = toxic people who want to be in a relationship

      make like the juice and puree them and then spill them and sweep them up and trash them :)))

      *for legal reasons the is a joke*

  3. Kasa scowled at her plate. Hope they're not a bunch of idiots.
  4. Kaladin stood, looking at Ash, then sitting again, this time right next to the bed.
  5. Kaladin sighed, getting up and taking Ash's pillow. "Sorry," he muttered.
  6. Elsa shrugged. "If you let me see yours. They definitely had a drought or a poison on them or something." @SmilingPanda19
  7. Elsa growled, gingerly touching her shoulder. "When I get at them..."
  8. "Looks to me like we're in prison," Elsa muttered. "I don't know what we did to get put here though. Not die?"
  9. "We're not dead," Elsa whispered.
  10. Elsa opened her eyes, a dull ache infused in her bones. She sat up suddenly. "Echo?"
  11. Elsa bunches up Echo's shirt, covering Echo's shoulder wound. She was so tired...dizzy...but she had to help...she also falls unconscious, squeezing Echo's hand.
  12. Elsa squeezes her hand. "Shhh, keep still. Lie back down NOW."
  13. Elsa presses her lips together, thinking of her family. Thinking of how they hate her. Thinking of her friends back in District five. Thinking about how easy it would be to stab Echo right now. "I don't...I don't know!" she exclaimed. It came out as a yell.
  14. "Haven't spoken to you either. Yes I am a Poseidon kid that was sarcasm, genius." Kasa almost rolls her eyes but decides to stop being so mean.
  15. Elsa gasps, turning to Echo. "We have to..." @Just-A-Stick
  16. Kasa shrugged. "Two years. And no, I'm not Poseidon. Just sitting. Eating. At the Poseidon table. With the new Poseidon kid."
  17. Jax rolls, but gets hit in the chest and back and dies of blood loss.
  18. Jared nodded and Isa smiled at Iris. "Thank you, Miss Iris."
  19. "Fine then." Kasa set down her fork, glaring viciously at the guy. "Who are you anyways?"
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