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Status Updates posted by Ookla

  1. The deed has been done--I dip-dyed the ends of my hair this morning, and I'm super pleased with the result!

    It's a little hard to see in dimmer lighting, but in the sun it really pops! 😁


    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood


      It looks great!!!

  2. I've reached 20,000 words on my new writing project! I've got to say, 20K words in under a week as original writing (rather than as part of a revision) probably breaks a record for me. :) Plus, working on this project has clarified a lot of things for my official work in process! *Raises imaginary glass* Here's a toast to further writing success in the near future! Hopefully y'all who also write will hit a stride soon, too!

  3. I've hit a writing stride and am now over 10,000 words into a new project!

    Hopefully I don't stall halfway through, because this novella is proving to be super fun!


  4. I am not a natural-born artist, but I have drawn a thing! It was meant to be a dragon, but it has a striking resemblance to a horse, too, particularly with the collar I added. 


  5. LTUE loot! A suuuper sweet, handmade, leatherbound dragon journal, a Viking-style hairpin/cloakpin (intended for the former, but I'm using it for the latter), and an awesome sword-shaped hair-stick! I'm so excited to use them! :)


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