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Everything posted by Ookla

  1. What is your favorite variety of cheese?
  2. Granted. They're about the same size as dollar bills with a mix of feathers and bat-wing membranes. I wish for a napkin.
  3. I have no idea what that is. TPBM thinks pink-footed tarantulas are kind of cute, despite a lingering fear of spiders. (If you've never seen one, Google it.)
  4. Granted. Whatever language has a word that rhymes with "orange" is now the only language you can speak. I wish to be able to do what Hoid cannot.
  5. Hurl it at the ground as hard as I could and see how high it bounces. WWYDIYF a set of custom tungsten D&D dice in your pocket?
  6. I feel like personality is easier to tell on an online forum than features are, because we get to see how each person speaks and responds to the other people. I could probably guess some of the broad strokes of most people's personalities if given a few minutes to look at their posts, but features? No idea!
  7. I am so excited for Lift to show up in the back half. I've loved that character since I first met her. Prediction (potentially has been stated before): Lift will bond the Nightwatcher, somehow. I don't have much evidence (aside from the fact that the only other person whom we know interacted with Cultivation directly prior to TWoK is Dalinar, who became a Bondsmith), but everyone keeps noting that Lift is unusual, which means something big is bound to happen with her. If it's not the Nightwatcher, it'll be something else--like possibly taking up Cultivation? That'd be an interesting twist. But who knows? I could be totally wrong in every way with that theory. I've never made one before, so...(Shrug)
  8. Yes. Very much so. She's highly entertaining, has great humor, and has an arc with plenty of hard stuff without making me miserable along with her the way Kaladin does. I love Kaladin, but Shallan is way more fun. TPBM thinks Adolin would make a great spouse.
  9. I like my whipped cream plain and by the bowl. Does that count? TPBM has made their own knitted beanies.
  10. Dang. How did you know my desk is a mess? TPBM thinks bagpipes sound glorious.
  11. Writing advice is totally okay! This is as much a discussion thread as it is a rant thread.
  12. Yay monsoon season, eh? I must admit, I am both slightly jealous and somewhat concerned. Hopefully everybody made it out the other side okay? At the same time, we could really use that much water where I live. I have not met this person yet, so I don't know. TPBM thinks the performance arts are awesome.
  13. Ayyy! That's about what my homeschool experience looked like, too! Well, except that my "group" was me and my cousins, and my aunt has 11 kids who need teaching. So, before I went off to the high school to take college classes in my junior year, I learned calculus with the older cousins from my aunt while my mom taught all the littles.
  14. I don't belong here. I'm not super big into detailed worldbuilding, and generally make up most of what I need as I go. I'd like to belong here, though...
  15. Nope. Not a Kingkiller fan. TPBM lives in a desert and so wishes for more heavy rainstorms, as I myself do.
  16. Granted. Your dog is now a skeleton dog who doesn't eat at all. I wish for a large, organic green cabbage, fresh from the garden.
  17. Hahaha! Reminds me of the day I found out my manager is a Sanderfan. Love it!
  18. Granted. It has a habit of literally sucking you into any video game you play and setting the difficulty to the highest setting. I wish to be able to draw.
  19. To be fair, I think that was part of the point. If I recall correctly, Shannon Hale talks about researching her heritage for use in a story in the interview transcription at the end of the first book (hard copy; never read an ebook version). Bayern was somehow involved in that research, though whether it's a place or a sports team I don't recall. No, but I would if a) I had more money to spend on books, and b) I hadn't packed most of my books away in boxes recently to clear up space on my shelf for Stormlight 5 and Just Stab Me Now (Look it up sometime; the author's name is Jill Bearup, and she has a YouTube channel with great videos on bad armor and TV fight analysis). TPBM prefers wired earbuds over Bluetooth ones.
  20. I have no idea. My opinion, do what works best for your brain. And then, maybe consider sharing what you did, because outlining is something I would very much like to learn, too. Maybe someone else has more experience, but I'm still pretty new here, so I don't have any idea who. Still, I'm sending wishes of luck and happy thoughts your way!
  21. I don't have any bees nearby right now, but my sister once had a bee climb all the way down her ear canal and die at the bottom. We had to float it out with water, and I've gotta say that I've never seen my sister so terrified. TPBM likes Shannon Hale's Books of Bayern series.
  22. Granted. It's a baby tomato, and it replaces your right eye. I wish for salted caramel.
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