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Everything posted by Ookla

  1. I'm thinking blonde, mid-to-tall in height, potentially a few freckles but not too many. And, given your member title, I'm guessing you like to wear "less trendy" styles, though I don't know exactly what that looks like.
  2. A mistwraith. I'm less likely to get squished, and there's potential to become a kandra. WYR be eaten by a chasmfiend or a nightmare?
  3. Granted. All the words are so hard that neither you or anyone you contact can figure them out. I wish for a spren to make a living Shardblade.
  4. Thankfully not. Unless you count puppy-nipping, in which case I have, many times. (One of our dogs, in his puppyhood, once successfully gave me a cut on the inner rim of my nostril while we were playing. To this day I'm not entirely sure how he managed to get his tooth caught on my nose like that. ) TPBM participates in some form of dance.
  5. Okay, now I'm curious. What do I look like, y'all? But, in case you try to be extra-clever, no looking at the pictures on my blog! That's cheating! You can look at that after you've taken your best guess.
  6. I spent my Christmas Break reading the Four Kingdoms multi-series from Melanie Cellier. Lots of fairy-tale retellings, lots of cheesy romance (who knew I'd find myself liking that sort of thing?!), a few Christian themes if you're into that sort of thing. There's like... eighteen books, and I have three left to read, which tells you about how much reading I've been doing over the last couple weeks. Melanie Cellier has a couple of other series that are also rather fun. I've read the Spoken Mage quartet, and I've been eyeing some of her other stuff because it looks interesting.
  7. Hey, you're the one who opened this box of worms.
  8. To be fair, I tend to agree with Shad on that particular issue. At the same time, though, I don't believe I have the right to tell other people what they can and can't do, so I generally prefer to express my opinion and move on with life. I know people in the LGBTQ+ community, and while I may not agree with them, I think they're great people. There's a couple other SwordTubers out there who aren't quite the firebrands Shad is, if you're interested; I really like Skallagrim's videos, and Scholagladiatoria has some cool information about various weapons, too. They're both fairly levelheaded and tend to stay out of anything politics, for the most part. (I mean, Skall does do a lot of videos on how weapon bans aren't always thought out very well, but at this point I hardly consider that political. It's mostly a case of Logic vs. Law)
  9. Radiant order: Truthwatcher/Willshaper (about equally) Base sword type/inspiration (if applicable): Zwiehander Blade description (color, design, general shape): If I had my way, my Blade would be gold with red accents and fiery designs all over it--the edge of the blade would have flame-like serrations because it looks cool and the Blade cuts through anything anyway. Guard description (shape, color, is there even a guard?): Nice, wide guard, not too thick, plenty of decoration and colored red. Also, there would be a red-adorned ricasso above the guard for when I need to half-sword. Grip description (longer or shorter? Color, patterning, so on): More red and gold flame designs. I like my grip relatively long, especially for a weapon intended to be two-handed, and I'd want the shape to be relatively oval and really comfortable in the hand. Pommel description (design, color, shape. Will it be sharpened or pointed?): No sharp things on pommels! Seems like a great way to injure oneself. But I'd keep up the fire motif for sure! Sword length: About the same as a zwiehander. For my height, probably about five feet from tip to pommel. I know Shardblades are super fancy magic swords, but mine has to be wieldable. Other common weapons you would change it into: Spear, longer spear, bec de corbin, poleaxe, Dane axe, dagger, and stick! I have a lot of favorites. Can you tell I watch a lot of Shadiversity videos?
  10. Oh, dear. Yup, I'm leaving my bass experience at its current number of minutes; I don't even have violin calluses to help me anymore. I've spent too long playing other things.
  11. Nope. I'd probably kill myself if I tried. @Lunamor Speaking from personal experience, reindeer have a really delightful, sweet-but-musky smell to them. TPBM listens to music from Celtic Woman.
  12. Granted. The music in all of them is absolutely terrible, and the scriptwriting boring. I wish for a bookstore's worth of Sanderson novels.
  13. Oh, that's a good pun! If I found a cremling in my pocket, I'd probably pull it out, then throw it away whilst jumping up and down and shaking both hands really hard. Especially if it was a big cremling. I know they're not actually spiders, but they are Roshar's equivalent, and as such I would have to treat it with the respect I felt it deserved. (Sorry, cremlings.) WWYDIYF @Faerie Braids shardcuterie board in your pocket?
  14. True. I love most other kinds of cheese, but blue cheese... yeah, no. I'll just put that one in the garbage, thanks muchly. TPBM knows what reindeer smell like.
  15. Wow! That's pretty cool right there!
  16. Granted. Your house is now packed with thousands of pounds of candied corn-cobs slathered in maple syrup and hot sauce. I wish to be able to survive both on earth and in the empty void of space.
  17. YKYASFW you check to see how many pages are left in your book and are sad because there's only 300 more, so the book isn't going to last much longer. Also, YKYASFW you're more excited for Christmas next year than you were for it this year because SA 5 comes out next year and not this year.
  18. Throw it in a puddle to make it splash. WWYDIYF someone else's phone in your pocket?
  19. Unfortunately not. I've read Lord of the Rings, though, and I've been watching the movies with my family a couple times a year since I was five. TPBM owns a model starship.
  20. Granted. You are now frozen next to your cold fusion reactor. I wish to be able to touch fire and hot objects without getting burned.
  21. Oh, that's diabolical. I'm sure you realize that writing was what I meant, which means I phrased that boon really poorly. Granted. However, anything you touch has a 77.859% chance of catching fire. I should like a pile of red beryls, placed gently at my feet.
  22. My first thought was a kandra. Perhaps a Windrunner kandra with the ability to supercharge Lashings with duralumin? Another option could be a bendalloy/duralumin Twinborn (I think bendalloy is the right one) who is also a Windrunner and Edgedancer; the ability to use speed bubbles when stuffing stockings would be super helpful, and I honestly love the idea of supercharged Lashings. May not actually be possible in the Cosmere, but it'd be cool. Otherwise, it's just Hoid doing his usual weird, Hoid-y stuff. Would you be at all surprised to find out Hoid could time travel? I wouldn't.
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