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Everything posted by Ookla

  1. Probably has been done before in some way, but: YKYASFW you join the 17th Shard for the sole purpose of being an Ookla. For one thing, why on earth would you join the Shard if you weren't a Sanderfan? There's WAY too many geeks 'round here for most normal people! For another, you have to understand what Ookla Season is to really appreciate being an Ookla, which requires that you spend a lot of time on the 17th Shard. Also, YKYASFW one of the top criteria for a future spouse is that they must at least have read the Cosmere and tolerate it, because it would be misery to make a whole lot of Cosmere jokes to someone who can't understand them.
  2. 27. Lightweave the paintings in an art gallery, and change them slightly every couple of weeks. Regulars to the gallery will get so confused as to why the art never seems to be quite the same as when they last came, but they can't put their finger on why.
  3. Well, there being two of them explains why Ookla the Believer seems to say so much, especially now that their profile pictures appear to be the same... Out of curiosity, who are you two the rest of the time?
  4. Hello there! I probably won't say much--I'm really just a lurker around here, because I enjoy reading everybody else's wacky theories more than I enjoy making my own. However, once I learned that Ookla Season was a thing... I felt a need to become an Ookla myself, and, more than that, Ookla the Ookla, the permanent Ookla, to save myself the hassle of changing my username twice a year. This tradition is way too hilarious to miss out on!
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