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Everything posted by Ookla

  1. Build a to-scale Minecraft Urithiru. (Just kidding. That, I think, would be a project of unusual size even for someone on the Hermitcraft server, and may not even be possible with the current build height limit.) More seriously, I think it'd be super cool if you could build a flight of dragons.
  2. I did, but I've only read it once and can only remember so much at a time. Also, I was a bit busy having my breath taken away by the artwork...
  3. I'm on PC and have the update, but I haven't gone to the Desert Festival yet. Mostly because the Skull Cavern is the last place in the game that can give me an adrenaline rush. (I finished most of Ginger Island before I entered Skull Cavern seriously, even though most people seem to think it's a tougher challenge. It's not. Not really. And the music is better. [I'm using intentionally oblique phrasing to avoid spoiling the endgame to anyone who hasn't made it yet, sorry if it's weird.])
  4. I do want to note that inheritable diseases aren't always inherited. I know someone who does research into the genome and how certain genes can be turned on or off based on environmental stimuli; just because someone has a genetic predisposition for an illness doesn't mean they'll contract it, because if their environment has the correct stimuli (or lacks the "dangerous" ones), those genes won't get turned on. But that's all I know. I don't really understand how it works; just the basic concept of it. Who knows, though? Maybe Spiritwebs work in a similar way--if Shallan did get some of her quirks by inheriting Spiritweb shenanigans from a Heraldic parent, maybe the tells wouldn't have shown up if she'd been raised in a different environment.
  5. What is this fabrial?! Strange projectile Lashing device! WWRTO cows?
  6. Ah, but horses are hard to get on Roshar. They need certain food that doesn't grow abundantly outside of Shinovar, they can be quite skittish and wouldn't respond well to highstorms, and would generally be a pain to transport from Shinovar to Alethkar. I assume that much of the cost would be from the difficulties of transport. I think 10k emerald broams seems less overpriced when you take that into account--you have the cost of the animal itself, then whatever the merchant had to expend to keep it alive, then the merchant's profit that lets him keep operating. Is it still incredibly expensive? Yes. But is it totally unreasonable? I don't believe so. Plus, even in our world, where we don't have so many issues caring for horses, a really quality horse like you'd want for battle (or in our day, racing) can sell for many thousands or even into the millions of dollars. And I assume that the only horses rich men on the Shattered Plains would want would be the quality ones.
  7. I am likewise surprised. I've always imagined Jasnah as looking very like Princess Jasmine from the live-action Aladdin Disney put out a few years ago, only more mature and put-together.
  8. You can look them up on the wiki. That way you can learn about the cutscenes before you reach them. That's what I did, and it makes it a lot easier to know which answer the NPC is looking for.
  9. I've always imagined Shallan's hair to be a bit wavy, but that's mostly because my hair is a bit wavy. There's a fun writing anecdote that talks about this; I think it was Asimov who someone came up to and complained that he didn't write enough character details into his book. He told the person to ask four or five different women what they thought the character in question looked like, and they each described someone that looked a lot like themselves. So, basically, I think my perception of myself influences how I imagine the character. I have never imagined any of the Stormlight characters as looking Asian, except maybe Jasnah, but I think that's mainly because I am not Asian. My natural inclination is to imagine characters as looking closer to the way I do. Just because I know that Kaladin and Adolin and Shallan and such look Asian doesn't mean I see them in my head that way. However, I don't often imagine faces. Most of these characters are just vague figures in my head anyway. I do think it's really up to the reader to decide what the story looks like to them.
  10. Welcome! If you could have any Cosmere character to be your room mate, who would you choose and why?
  11. Depends on the gender of the musicians. If male--Heresy! If female--Curious music style.... WWRTO ice cream?
  12. Huh. This makes Shallan sound more like a 7. You're absolutely right, though.
  13. So is being patient with Shane, but I'm stubborn. I'm not surprised that Haley gets better with time.
  14. Huh. I also go through the desktop icon, but it makes a point of opening Steam every time and it drives me nuts. Is there a way to stop it from doing that?
  15. I got Stardew through Steam, and am therefore confronted with my hourage every time I boot up the game. I don't know if there are other ways to get it or not that don't have the hours Right There; I'm not a well-versed gamer in any sense.
  16. Yeah... I've gotten almost 160 hours in this one game since I got it last Fall. Which may not be a lot, compared to the people who get thousands of hours in a game, but for me who plays very few video games overall, it's quite a lot.
  17. Honestly, I want to wait till SA5 is out and get Tay's thoughts on Warbreaker during the wait. I'm really curious to see her take on Lightsong/Blushweaver.
  18. Shane was the first NPC I romanced. Now I'm after Elliott, since he and I have aligning interests in writing.
  19. Anybody else love Stardew Valley? Come join me! We can chat about our favorite NPCs to romance and why, the quests we love/hate the most, and anyhhing else Stardew that strikes our fancy! I know for a fact that when my brother introduced me to this game, I was not expecting to love it as much as I do. It's entertaining enough to keep me going for hours, but the combat doesn't freak me out like Minecraft, and it's super fun to design my farm! Why do you love Stardew?
  20. I would just varnish it/stain it some nice, natural color. Highlight the wood, rather than hiding it, if you know what I mean. I think it's really pretty as-is, so just touching that up and bringing out the grain would be my preferred choice, if I were the craftsman.
  21. Welcome welcome! If you could have any Cosmere character to be your college room mate, who would you choose and why?
  22. Ahhh. Well, what instruments are you looking for? I'm pretty good with piano, passable with violin, and have a little experience with the organ and tin whistle--though I can't promise that I'll actually have time to contribute...
  23. I see. Considering that I've never seen the original and don't write music all that well, I'm not sure I'm going to be much help.
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