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Everything posted by Ookla

  1. Hello and welcome! I don't have a favorite Hoid quote, but I have got a favorite Hoid moment--when Shallan and Kaladin bump into him on the Shattered Plains and Shallan runs up to give him a big hug. If you could have any Cosmere character to be your roommate, who would you choose and why?
  2. Welcome! If you could have any Cosmere character to be your roommate, who would you choose and why?
  3. I'm back! This is from a project titled Savage: Let me know what you think!
  4. Hello, hello! If you could have any Cosmere character to be your room mate, who would you choose and why?
  5. This would have been accurate if it were still June 22nd, since I cut my hair short that day. But I do have natural red highlights in my hair and I do like small fuzzy things.
  6. If you could have any Cosmere character to be your room-mate, who would you choose and why?
  7. Someone imagine me, please! I know I've been done before, but I'm curious to see how accurate someone else's guess is.
  8. Yeah, it's one of the more common orders, along with Elsecallers. I think that's because we're all SanderScholars around here, and the Truthwatchers and Elsecallers tend to be the more scholarly Radiants, so far as we've seen. I'd be really curious to see what a bunch of jocks would get on the Radiant Order Quiz, honestly.
  9. Ookla

    Ask Ookla Anything

    Hmm. I imagine they're a sort of teal-and-white camouflage pattern.
  10. Ookla

    Ask Ookla Anything

    Title explains itself; enjoy!
  11. Silkie?!!!!!! CHICKENS!!!!! ... Sorry, I just really like chickens. The meaner, the better, because it's more hilarious to catch them and hug them when they desperately want to kill me. What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?
  12. YKYASF when the sight of a "Hoid for President" shirt at work makes your day--and then subsequently allows you to make the other person's day when you reveal yourself as a SanderFan.
  13. Welcome to the Shard! If you could have any Cosmere character as your room-mate, who would you choose and why?
  14. (Slow clap) That pun is thoroughly terrible, and I love it. Well done!
  15. No, but it sounds like it might be tasty. I like jerky! TPBM has experience in the martial arts.
  16. Hate to break it to you, but where I'm from llamas aren't that exotic. Exotic, yes, but not so exotic that we don't have them on the farm I work at. If I were a wealthy soul, I would buy a whole bunch of land and build my dream house on it (basically, half castle, half log cabin, with lots of nooks and crannies and hidden passageways to make it fun for kids, as well as an enormous library), and then, while the house is under construction, I'd go visit Ireland for a while and start a tour of all the cathedrals in Europe from there. If the wealth were great enough, I would even build a bunch of small cabins on my whole bunch of land and offer them to struggling souls to live in, rent-free (the only rule being that those folks still have to get a job and work for their living, because I don't believe in being a free rider. The reason for this is that, as far as I know, one of the biggest obstacles to homeless folk in my area is that you have to have an address to get a job, but if you don't have a place to live, you don't have an address, so you can't get a job. Which is really dumb because it means a lot of people are stuck on the streets whether they want to be or not, hence the extra cabins for folks to live in for free.).
  17. You know, I'm tempted to just let my blogs be disappeared for a week or two so we can all laugh about the clever fey folk sneaking around on the Shard.
  18. ^From my "About Me" field. So my blog links are being stolen by pixies?
  19. It seems like the sort of quote you'd find on the Sharder One-Liners thread.
  20. I know I've seen this somewhere, but I don't remember where! Is it some rendition of "Robin Hood," by any chance? I keep thinking it might be "The Princess Bride" because I can envision the face of the guy I remember saying it, but as far as I know, that line isn't in "The Princess Bride."
  21. By singing along, of course! Once someone who can hear and understand them starts singing with them, they can start taking control of the music and changing the melodies and harmonies to create the effect they want. The idea is that different passages in the music mean different things are happening in different areas (this is how you can tell what's going on from miles and miles away), so if you change the music, you change what's going on in the land. But that's a very specialized effect; most people with the magical tattoos just decide to become their animal (if that's the sort of tattoo they have), and then they turn into it, or else the attribute their glyph tattoo is tied to is just permanently increased.
  22. Oh, it just lets you know about stuff happening hundreds of miles away, or cause localized earthquakes, or use the magic of the Landsong to heal people and such. Assuming you know how to interpret the song, anyway.
  23. The coolest magic system I've come up with is fairly simple: There are certain tattoos a person can get that Connect them to the land. This gives them powers. Depending on the specific design of the tattoos, the powers change. For example: The Queen and King of the society that uses these tattoos the most get specific ones that give them the abilities to hear the song the land sings and to sense the intentions and desires of those around them, respectively. Regular people who get tattoos will either get glyphs (which enhance different physical attributes, like strength, stamina, or agility) or animals (which gives them the ability to turn into whatever animal they've been tattooed with and back at will). It's a very binding-based magic system; in the tattoo society everyone is getting bound to the land, but in the neighboring kingdom, they use specific songs and dances to bind people to one another. In either case the bonds are considered unbreakable. The really fun twist in all this, though, is that it all works based on perception--the tattoos only work if you perceive yourself as belonging to the land you're living in at the moment, so someone from the tattoo society living among the neighboring kingdom won't be able to access their power until they can get themselves to believe that they belong to the neighboring kingdom. Hopefully that makes sense.
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