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Everything posted by Ookla

  1. Hahaha! I'd forgotten about Arthritic Beer! Of course, I've only read the series once so far, and that over six months ago. I don't even remember everything that happened in RoW, and I've read that at least three times in the last year.
  2. Codex Alera! Bernard and Amara are my favorite couple!!!!
  3. Welcome! If you could room with any Cosmere character, who would you choose and why?
  4. Thanks for linking that for me! I was on break at work and didn't have the time to find the link and copy it over.
  5. May I also recommend the Frustrated Writer Support Group in the Clans & Guilds section?
  6. Yooooooo! Finally, a fellow fan! (*pumps fist* Yes!)
  7. Hello and welcome! If you could choose any Sanderson character to be your room mate, who would you choose and why?
  8. I'm great! Thank you for asking! Welcome to the Shard! If you could choose any Sanderson character to be your room mate, who would you choose and why?
  9. YKYASFW you're at the health food store and, in the athletics section, you see a bottle that says "Protein Powder," but initially read it as "Roshar Chowder" and wonder how it got there.
  10. I love those quotes! I have to admit, the usage of the language in that first one is hilariously ironic! Thanks for sharing this; I might have to look that series up!
  11. As someone who is deeply religious, it's this exact fact that helps me believe in a loving God. The way I see it, He has many more important things to do, but He loves me enough to keep an eye on my personal needs anyway. This is extremely valid! Religious people throughout history have done awful things in the name of "God", and I think Sanderson is recognizing that in his books--not all religions lead to good things. Sometimes corruption creeps in, and what started as something good twists into something evil. We've seen it in history, and we see it represented in Sanderson's books. As a religious person, I try to view it as a warning of what pitfalls to avoid--the God I believe in would never ask me to do something hateful or hurtful to another. Anyhow. I'll step off my soapbox now. You're welcome to take or leave my opinions as you will; all I want to do is offer my perspective, not to try and convert you or something. The 17th Shard is a place for geeking, not proseletyzing, and I hope I haven't accidentally come off the wrong way. If I have, please tell me, and I'll try to fix it and express myself differently. (Also, I don't know what communion wafers taste like, either, and I don't drink wine. Some other religious soul will have to tell you what a wafer-and-wine smoothie would taste like. )
  12. Well, Steelheart is sci-fi. It's just... very, very soft, magic-y sci-fi, where stuff happens without always having scientific concepts tied to it. It felt like urban fantasy to me, honestly. At any rate, if it's in a library near you, you may as well start it and see what you think. It can't hurt to try it, since what I think of it won't necessarily be what you think of it. Who knows? Maybe you'll love it!
  13. To be fair, Steelheart wasn't my favorite, either. Though I would say that it's more on the fantasy side than what little I read of Skyward, and it is an entertaining romp! I just prefer the Cosmere. If you could hang out/room with any Cosmere character, which one would you choose and why?
  14. Hey, those coffee cups are awesome, whether you actually use them for coffee or not! I worked at a Christmas light show all season last year (talking about reindeer to random strangers, yay!), and the best part was when I got to go get my hot water from the nearby concessions stand and make Christmas-y tea in one of those! They're even nicer because the lid makes it harder to spill hot liquid all over yourself.
  15. That's fair! It's taken me a long time to figure out how to keep my boots on the ground.
  16. Granted. You know nothing about anything, including Sanderson. I wish to be able to metabolize food into magical energy like Lift.
  17. Flying. I'm terrified of heights, but my need for sunshine overrides my fear of falling. WYR eat a cricket or a snake?
  18. Nope. TPBM lives somewhere that is currently warm enough for them to leave their window open at night.
  19. You know a lot of people. 10/10, well done on expanding your social life.
  20. Lee Riders, though the jeans I have from them sat in a shed for 20 years before I got ahold of them, so I have no idea how good the company is today. What is your favorite art medium to work with?
  21. From a writer's perspective, I'm guessing Stormlight 5 isn't going to end the way we want. I'm sure it'll have a satisfying resolution, sure, but not necessarily a happy one. After all, Sanderson has 5 more books to write in this series, and while the latter half will have its own arc, I believe it's been confirmed that there's only about a decade gap between the two halves--nowhere near enough time for a totally brand new arc to form. I bet something goes horribly wrong with the contest of champions, making the whole situation worse than it was before. We might even get a massive end-of-arc cliffhanger that'll have us all extremely annoyed until book 6 comes out. But I do think it'll at least have a satisfying ending, even if it does end in a cliffhanger and Roshar devolves into utter chaos. Also, Odium may be bound to the system (for now), but (spoilers for Stormlight 4)
  22. It comes from a YouTuber called Jill Bearup--she wrote a whole book with that title, and it's actually really good!
  23. 56. Large crowds. I'm great at working with people, especially small children, one-on-one or few-on-one, but as soon as there's a crowd I start feeling really, really drained. It's also draining because long lines at my workplace tend to bring out the snappishness in people, which is an extra pain.
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