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Everything posted by Ookla

  1. Girls' armor in many fantasy video games: *Doesn't protect the vital bits at all, and/or has metal-on-skin, and/or actively hinders movement* Me: Just Stab Me Now!
  2. Fascinating. That would be a really, really entertaining twist! Of course, if this were what Sanderson is planning, my only question would be why. I write stories, and so I've got a little bit of experience on the author side of things, and in many cases, twists like this can be very conscious decisions--especially with Sanderson's writing style, which he's outlined in his recorded writing lectures on YouTube. So, what end result of this conscious decision might he be aiming for? What could the purpose behind the twist be? Those aren't questions you have to answer, by the way, or criticisms of this theory of any kind. Just a little thought experiment that could lead to further theorizing. From the author's perspective, what is the benefit of doing things this way versus any other way? What would happen if Shallan was communicating with Chanaranach? Hmm...
  3. Thunderstorms, because lightning and thunder are awesome.
  4. If you count its status as the primary philosophy behind my blog as a quote, then yes. Otherwise, no, I came up with that (mostly) on my own. (And it's "mostly" because there were a couple of other people involved in fleshing out the concept, but the concept itself is mine.) (Skip me)
  5. Welcome to the Shard from another Utahn! If you could spend a day with any Sanderson character, who would you choose and why?
  6. Welcome to the Shard! If you could spend a day with any Sanderson character, who would you choose?
  7. YKYASF when you buy a book, read it, and then go, "Eh. Fairly mediocre compared to [X Sanderson Book]," even if it is by all other metrics a stellar fantasy novel.
  8. That's just the way I like it! The desert is a fickle mistress...
  9. I shall third the motion--it doesn't really bother me because I like spoilers, but I support other people's dislike of spoilers!
  10. Ah, Texas. I've heard of that place. They held Irish Dance Regionals there last Fall. 10/10.
  11. Oh, sorry. I meant "So we don't sound like a bunch of serial killers..." Though, to be fair, from the giant ant's perspective, we are--we may have lit their entire lair on fire.
  12. Friend 1: “He's just my pet fish that I happen to be dating.” Friend 1: “He cut my leg, so I cut his BRAIN!!!!” (Later) Friend 1: “He cut my favorite trousers so I cut his brain out!” Friend 2: “His entire brain just falls toward you.” (Still talking about the previous incident) Friend 1: “Who's ready for dinner?!” Friend 1: “We're in the forest waiting for all the ants to come out like 'aaaaaaaaaaaaah!'” Friend 1: “I'm holding an ant brain in my bag and listening to them scream.” Friend 1: “Mmm, roasted ant.” For context, we were playing D&D.
  13. This reminds me of something I did at the LTUE writing convention in February, called Arium. Maybe look it up; its structure is designed for in-person use, but there might be a way to adapt it to a forum setting and have it work just as well. When I did it at the test run at LTUE, it was both super fun and we came up with something crazy cool and unique. (Though I'm still waiting for the worldbuilding notes I was promised from that event... I guess it's taking them a while to get everything compiled.) Edit: Just Googled it again; it's from Adept Icarus, so if the link you end up with has Adept Icarus in it that's the right one.
  14. Granted. They snap on their first use. I wish for a bookstore.
  15. Yes, but I've always caught myself before posting it. At least, so far... If you could choose to have any job for a day (fantasy or real life), what would you choose?
  16. All I know is that I'm CRAZY excited for Stormlight 5 to be out! I read these leaked chapters a couple days ago and I couldn't quite keep myself from squealing--Shallan is one of my top 3 favorite Stormlight characters (the other two being Lift and Jasnah), and I've been waiting for the Sanderlanche in her character arc for so long now! Also, I love that Testament is at least responsive now, and that Maya is talking, and that Pattern's humor has only gotten more hilarious in the gap between books. (On a side note; I do wonder if Brandon ever uses our theories when he gets stuck for ideas...)
  17. Granted. You get nothing done in your extra time. I wish for a penny.
  18. Ew, no. Nobody on the news ever highlights the good stuff that happens--only the bad stuff. If there were significantly more cheery stories on the news, my answer would be different. TPBM eats cheese with pretzels.
  19. "Hemalurgy potato." Can I keep this phrase? That's awesome!
  20. Chasmfiend. It doesn't come from an island where literally everything reads my mind. Sure, I'll probably end up dead either way--but at least I retained the privacy of my thoughts. WYR live in Hallandren or the Diem? (Coupled question: would you rather be an Awakener or a Sandmaster?)
  21. Yes, actually, in my extended family. I don't know him very well, but I do know that he's nothing like our Wayne. TPBM can draw cool stuff.
  22. Granted. You also receive a bottle of thyme. I wish for puns.
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